Ethics and Decision-Making
A.Y. 2024/2025
Learning objectives
The main aim of the course will be: 1) Promoting knowledge and understanding of the critical ethical issues in the field of biomedicine, in particular biomedical-omics; 2) Promoting knowledge and understanding of the theoretical foundations underlying decision-making in uncertain and risky contests; 3) Promoting the knowledge and understanding of the iterative reasoning that can affect information processing; Promoting the knowledge and understanding of communication processes, between healthcare professionals and patients, in the field of biomedicine, in particular biomedical-omics, to booster shared-decision-making.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course, the students will have learned: i) Reconize and address the critical ethical issues related to the biomedical-omics both in clinical and research settings; ii) Understanding the psycho-cognitive, and contextual mechanisms underlying the decision-making; iii) Recognizing the cognitive distortions that can influence decision-making in the health domain;
iii) Knowing the theoretical foundations of doctor-patient communication and iterative reasoning; iv) Applying evidence-based communication strategies to achieve a shared-decision.
iii) Knowing the theoretical foundations of doctor-patient communication and iterative reasoning; iv) Applying evidence-based communication strategies to achieve a shared-decision.
Lesson period: First semester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course can be attended as a single course.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Course syllabus
The main goal of this course is to provide multidisciplinary knowledge and skills in ethical theory and reasoning, professional ethics, decision-making process from different stakeholders' perspectives.
The students will learn the main ethical theories and their application in the biomedical domain, especially in the three subdomains of: clinical ethics, research ethics, public health ethics.
Furthermore, students will learn the main theories describing the cognitive processes underlying decision making in the omics domain and the associated frequent fallacies.
Finally, students will be trained to apply theoretical concepts using case studies.
The students will learn the main ethical theories and their application in the biomedical domain, especially in the three subdomains of: clinical ethics, research ethics, public health ethics.
Furthermore, students will learn the main theories describing the cognitive processes underlying decision making in the omics domain and the associated frequent fallacies.
Finally, students will be trained to apply theoretical concepts using case studies.
Prerequisites for admission
No prior knowledge is required.
Teaching methods
Lectures will be accompanied by practical, group work and time for reflection and collective discussion.
Teaching Resources
Learning material will be indicated at the beginning of the course.
Assessment methods and Criteria
Written exam, with some working groups which will be evaluated to be carried out during the course.