Epidemiology, Prevention and Public Health

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
MED/42 SECS-S/05
Learning objectives
To be acquainted with fundamental notions and methodology of statistics useful for identifying, understanding and interpreting biomedical phenomena
To acquire the ability to evaluate health epidemiological data and use them for the construction of preventive-educational intervention and health promotion in the individual, in the family and in communities.
To know and to understand the tools and the basic methodology to develop and use specific concepts of the epidemiological discipline in the prevention of infectious diseases and chronic-degenerative diseases to be applied in the area of Public Health at territorial and hospital level.
To understand the importance of planning and conducting epidemiological studies with related risk measures and their interpretation.
To understand the concepts of risk factors and health/disease determinants in a perspective of prevention both in the territorial area and in health facilities.
To acquire knowledge of the principles of vaccination, the types of vaccines and their methods of use.
To understand the concept of food hygiene and health safety, the dangers and risks associated with food contamination and the strategies for the prevention and control of foodborne diseases (MTA).
Expected learning outcomes
Be acquainted with fundamental notions and methodology of statistics useful for identifying, understanding and interpreting biomedical phenomena
Be able to evaluate health epidemiological data and use them for the construction of preventive-educational intervention and health promotion in the individual, in the family and in communities.
Know the tools and the basic methodology to develop and use specific concepts of the epidemiological discipline in the prevention of infectious diseases and chronic-degenerative diseases to be applied in the area of Public Health at territorial and hospital level.
Know the importance of planning and conducting epidemiological studies with related risk measures and their interpretation.
Be acquainted with the concepts of risk factors and health/disease determinants in a perspective of prevention both in the territorial area and in health facilities.
Know the principles of vaccination, the types of vaccines and their methods of use.
Be acquainted with the concept of food hygiene and health safety, the dangers and risks associated with food contamination and the strategies for the prevention and control of foodborne diseases (MTA).
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Prerequisites for admission
There are no prerequisites
Assessment methods and Criteria
Multiple choice test
All the exams take place on the same day.
Social statistics
Course syllabus
Introduction to epidemiology.
Sources of statistical and health data.
Epidemiology measures.
Health indicators.
Epidemiological studies.
Screening test.

Introduction to social statistics.
Statistics elements:
- variables and graphs
-central trend indices
-variability measures
-frequency distributions, relative frequency, cumulative frequency, percentiles
-Gauss distribution
Social applied statistics:
- population and health
- smoking and alcohol
- nutrition and cancer prevention.
Teaching methods
Frontal Lessons
Teaching Resources
1) Epidemiologia facile (Pier Luigi Lopalco e Alberto Tozzi). Il Pensiero Scientifico Editore 2003
2) Statistica medica per le professioni sanitarie (Pasquale Bruno Lantieri et al.) McGraw-Hill 2004
Hygiene and public health
Course syllabus
The concept of health
Natural history of non-communicable diseases
Natural history of communicable diseases (etiology of infectious diseases, transmission pathways, chain of infection)
Epidemiology and study of the causal relationship
Prevention and promotion of health: principles and methods
Principles of prevention of non-communicable diseases
∙ Primary prevention (health, promotion and education)
∙ Secondary prevention (screening)
Principles of prevention of communicable diseases
∙ Prophylaxis
∙ Vaccines and vaccinations
Epidemiology and prevention of infectious diseases transmitted through fecal-oral route
Epidemiology and prevention of airborne infectious diseases
Epidemiology and prevention of infectious diseases transmitted through parenteral/sexual route.
Epidemiology and prevenion of diseases transmetted by vectors
Epidemiology and prevention of foodborne infectious diseases
Teaching methods
Lectures with slide shows in Power Point. The slides are uploaded into Ariel website.
Teaching Resources
Pontello M, Auxilia F. Igiene, medicina preventiva e salute globale. Piccin Editore.
Barbuti S, Fara GM, Giammanco G. Igiene, Medicina Preventiva, Sanità Pubblica. Edises.
Meloni C. Igiene per le lauree delle professioni sanitarie. CEA.
Roggi C., Turconi G. Igiene degli alimenti e nutrizione umana. La sicurezza alimentare. EMSI, Roma.
Hygiene and public health
MED/42 - HYGIENE AND PUBLIC HEALTH - University credits: 4
Lessons: 40 hours
Social statistics
SECS-S/05 - SOCIAL STATISTICS - University credits: 2
Lessons: 20 hours
Professor: Biraghi Emanuela
Professor: Biraghi Emanuela
via C. Pascal, 36 Milan