Environmental Physics

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
Students are introduced to the application of physics to environmental problems (from climate change to air pollution). In addition, the course deals with state-of-the-art experimental and modelling approaches widely used in the environmental research field. The main goal of the course is to draw students to the complexity and multi-disciplinary character of the applications of physics to the study of the environment and processes governing it.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course, students:
1. will be able to discuss about environmental issues related to the atmosphere using the correct scientific approach and dealing with the multiple interactions among different components and formation/transformation/deposition processes;

2. will be able to describe physical-chemical processes underlying the themes of interest (E.g. greenhouse effect, ozone hole, photochemical smog, atmospheric aerosols, ) both in terms of their phenomenology and using proper theory;

3. will know experimental methods and principles of operation to characterise physical-chemical-optical properties of atmospheric components;

4. will know basic principles of modelling approaches to study and forecast atmospheric pollutants.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
Main topics are:
- Atmosphere's structure and composition. The planetary boundary layer: physical properties and methodologies for its characterisation. Radiation-matter interaction (scattering, absorption and extinction processes).
- The Greenhouse effect. Earth-Sun radiative balance. Greenhouse gases properties. The role of atmospheric aerosols: direct and indirect radiative forcing. The feedback processes.
- Stratospheric ozone: production and destruction chemical reactions. Ozone global distribution. The "ozone hole": the role of chemical reactions and atmospheric dynamics. The polar stratospheric clouds and heterogeneous chemistry reactions. Linkage between stratospheric ozone and climate
- Tropospheric ozone and photochemical smog. Chemical reactions of ozone production and destruction. Measurement methods and current legislation. Effects on human health and vegetation. Typical patterns in different environments.
- Gaseous pollutants: Carbon, Nitrogen and Sulphur compounds. Emission sources. Effects on human health and the environment. Measurement methods and current legislation.
- Atmospheric aerosols: formation processes and emission sources. Physical-chemical characteristics: size, morphology, surface area, and composition. Impacts on environment, human health, and cultural heritage. Introduction to: nucleation phenomena, aerosol dynamics in the atmosphere and deposition processes, electrical and optical properties.
Sampling methods (online and offline). Filtration theory.
Analytical techniques for the detection of the elemental (e.g. ED-XRF, IBA, ICP-MS, ), ionic (IC), and carbonaceous (e.g. TOT) components of atmospheric aerosol. Current legislation.
Aerosol optical properties (extinction, absorption, scattering). Experimental techniques for characterising optical properties of atmospheric aerosol.
Prerequisites for admission
Knowledge on classical and modern physics acquired during the Bachelor in Physics is necessary. Therefore, the course is targeted to Master degree students.
Teaching methods
Lectures (42 h). Course attendance is strongly suggested. Master degree students are the students targeted by this course.
Teaching Resources
Teaching resources (e.g. lecture slides, scientific papers, reports,...) are available at the course website on the Unimi-Ariel platform.
Reference text-books:
- J.H. Seinfeld, S.N. Pandis: "Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics", John Wiley & sons
- W.C. Hinds: "Aerosol Technology. Properties, behavior and measurement of airborne particles", Wiley Interscience
- H.B. Singh: "Composition, Chemistry and Climate of the Atmosphere", Van Nostrand Reinhold
- Hewitt & Jackson: «HANDBOOK OF ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCE», Blackwell Science ltd, disponibile online in biblioteca d'Ateneo
- aa.vv.: "Atmospheric Aerosols", Edited by C. Tomasi, S. Fuzzi, A. Kokhanovsky, Wiley
- S.K. Friedlander: "Smoke, Dust, and Haze", Oxford University Press
- Colbeck I., Lazaridis M. "Aerosol Science. Technology and Applications", Wiley Interscience
- Bohren and Huffman (2004): Absorption and scattering of light by small particles
- aa.vv.: "AEROSOL MEASUREMENT: Principles, Techniques and Applications", edited by Kulkarni, Baron, and Willeke
- Vincent: "Aerosol Sampling: Science, Standards, Instrumentation and Applications", ed. Wiley & sons

Many topics of the course can be also find in online books not listed above but available on the University digital library (or books available at the physical library).
Assessment methods and Criteria
The oral exam will last 1 hour (approx). The knowledge related to the variety of scientific topics faced during the course will be verified together with the theoretical approach and the experimental techniques widely used to study specific processes/parameters. In detail, the comprehension of the complex system "atmosphere", the physics underneath the phenomena of interest, and the ability of explaining the inter-relation among different topics approached during the course will be checked.
FIS/07 - APPLIED PHYSICS - University credits: 6
Lessons: 42 hours
Professor: Vecchi Roberta
by appointment
office at the Physics Dept. (via Celoria 16), building E, room n.R007