Environmental Control and Sustainability Management
A.Y. 2024/2025
Learning objectives
The aim of the course is to provide the student with notions on the parameters and pollutants monitored for the environmental control of air, water and soil, referring to their determination, interaction with the environment and remediation according to current legislation, and on sustainability, in terms of circular economy, recycling and regeneration in different fields with also focus on communication/perception to civil society.
Expected learning outcomes
- Recognize and describe the possible pollutants and parameters to be taken into consideration in a specific process.
- Plan corrective and improvement actions to reduce the environmental impact of technologies and processes, taking into account current legislation.
- Plan corrective and improvement actions to reduce the environmental impact of technologies and processes, taking into account current legislation.
Lesson period: Second semester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course can be attended as a single course.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
The course syllabus will be carried out on the following topics:
· Global pollution and death, poverty and economy.
· Risk assessment.
· Purposes and definition of Environmental control: definition of pollutant, determination of pollutants and control parameters in air water and soil (included analysis and interaction between pollutants and environment).
· Biosphere and atmosphere in relation to pollutants presence and distribution.
· Control and remediation of pollutants in air, water and soil.
· Sustainability: concepts, definitions and history, sustainability in EU and sustainable Development Goals.
· Sustainability in the chemistry field (green chemistry and green metrics) with examples of biosourced molecules vs. oil-derived ones.
· Circular economy: history, framework and current EU approach.
· Environmental impact in terms of Life Cycle Assessment and examples of its use to real case scenarios.
· Waste management and recycling in Italy (outlook also to Europe).
· Focus on plastic materials waste processing and valorization (microplastics and their impact and regulations; bioplastics and their regulations).
Past and current legislation and communication and perception of civil society about environmental control and sustainability will be considered during the whole Course and examples of applications on an industrial scale will be constantly presented to highlight the difficulties in achieving actual sustainability.
· Global pollution and death, poverty and economy.
· Risk assessment.
· Purposes and definition of Environmental control: definition of pollutant, determination of pollutants and control parameters in air water and soil (included analysis and interaction between pollutants and environment).
· Biosphere and atmosphere in relation to pollutants presence and distribution.
· Control and remediation of pollutants in air, water and soil.
· Sustainability: concepts, definitions and history, sustainability in EU and sustainable Development Goals.
· Sustainability in the chemistry field (green chemistry and green metrics) with examples of biosourced molecules vs. oil-derived ones.
· Circular economy: history, framework and current EU approach.
· Environmental impact in terms of Life Cycle Assessment and examples of its use to real case scenarios.
· Waste management and recycling in Italy (outlook also to Europe).
· Focus on plastic materials waste processing and valorization (microplastics and their impact and regulations; bioplastics and their regulations).
Past and current legislation and communication and perception of civil society about environmental control and sustainability will be considered during the whole Course and examples of applications on an industrial scale will be constantly presented to highlight the difficulties in achieving actual sustainability.
Prerequisites for admission
There are not recommended preparatory courses.
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons with the use of slides and Wooclap questions. The slides, along with additional material, will be made available on the course website. Attendance is highly recommended.
Teaching Resources
· Powerpoint slides available on the course website
· Teaching material available on the course website (papers, reports, technical documents)
· Books (In almost all cases only some parts of a book are important. They anyway can result being very useful for future consultations):
o Chris Binnie, Martin Kimber, "Basic Water Treatment", RSC Publishing
o Black & Veatch Corporation, "White's Handbook of Chlorination and Alternative Disinfectants", Wiley
o Molly Scott Cato, "Green Economics: An introduction to theory, policy and practice", Earthscan, London (UK)
o "Towards Sustainable Chemical Processes Applications of Sustainability Assessment and Analysis, Design and Optimization, and Hybridization and Modularization", Editors: Jingzheng Ren, Yufei Wang, Chang He, Elsevier
o G.M. Pierzynski, J.T. Sims, G.F. Vance "Soils and environmental quality", Taylor & Francis
o "Air quality management", Editors: S.T. Nesaratnam, S. Taherzadeh, Wiley
o V.K. Gupta, I. Ali, "Environmental Water: Advances in Treatment, Remediation and Recycling", Elsevier
o I.A. Mirsal, "Soil Pollution: Origin, Monitoring & Remediation", Springer
· Teaching material available on the course website (papers, reports, technical documents)
· Books (In almost all cases only some parts of a book are important. They anyway can result being very useful for future consultations):
o Chris Binnie, Martin Kimber, "Basic Water Treatment", RSC Publishing
o Black & Veatch Corporation, "White's Handbook of Chlorination and Alternative Disinfectants", Wiley
o Molly Scott Cato, "Green Economics: An introduction to theory, policy and practice", Earthscan, London (UK)
o "Towards Sustainable Chemical Processes Applications of Sustainability Assessment and Analysis, Design and Optimization, and Hybridization and Modularization", Editors: Jingzheng Ren, Yufei Wang, Chang He, Elsevier
o G.M. Pierzynski, J.T. Sims, G.F. Vance "Soils and environmental quality", Taylor & Francis
o "Air quality management", Editors: S.T. Nesaratnam, S. Taherzadeh, Wiley
o V.K. Gupta, I. Ali, "Environmental Water: Advances in Treatment, Remediation and Recycling", Elsevier
o I.A. Mirsal, "Soil Pollution: Origin, Monitoring & Remediation", Springer
Assessment methods and Criteria
Oral examination on the whole Course program with open questions, starting with a discussion on the environmental impact and sustainability of a specific process/product chosen by the student from a list provided by the teachers during the last lessons.
The ability to organize the acquired knowledge into a speech and reasoning skills will be assessed. During the lessons, examples of questions with relative answers will be provided, which will also be uploaded on the course website.
The mark is provided on a 30-points scale.
The ability to organize the acquired knowledge into a speech and reasoning skills will be assessed. During the lessons, examples of questions with relative answers will be provided, which will also be uploaded on the course website.
The mark is provided on a 30-points scale.
Lessons: 48 hours
Ortenzi Marco Aldo, Pifferi Valentina
Educational website(s)
Every day - better if by appointment
Building 5, "B" side, 3rd floor, room 3050