Environmental Chemistry
A.Y. 2024/2025
Learning objectives
The aim of the course is to provide the student with basic knowledge regarding the main natural and anthropogenic actors of the natural chemical balances and transformations that occur in the air, water and soil in the different environmental spheres: hydrosphere, geosphere, atmosphere, biosphere. and anthroposphere), alongside those concerning the related methods of analysis and monitoring. The course will show in particular the main effects of pollutants on the environment, and will provide an overview of the main techniques that can be adopted to remove and reduce them. Starting also from real case studies, we will also try to stimulate the student's awareness of the importance of being able to have efficient chains of recycling / reuse of materials, production processes with low emissions of pollutants and technological development aimed at guaranteeing an ever greater reduction of their environmental impact.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course the student must be able to know the main chemical species of environmental importance, their properties, their role in the natural and anthropic context, as well as the main technologies that can be used for their removal and recycling. The student will also have to know the main technologies used for the production of green energy and the main strategies that can be adopted to conduct production processes with low environmental impact. The student will also acquire skills related to the management of the main instrumental methods for the identification and monitoring of pollutants in the three physical states.
Lesson period: Second semester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course can be attended as a single course.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
The course is structured in four main parts: i) the environment system (from a chemical point of view), how it is perturbed by external agents (polluting) and what the effects are (pollution); (ii) analytical techniques for monitoring the environment system, identifying and quantifying components of interest; (iii) approaches to removing pollutants from the environment; iv) processes aimed at minimizing negative effects (recycling) and technologies to prevent/reduce their entry into the environment (green processes). Real case studies will also be proposed and discussed together with simulations of environmental issues, which can be addressed using the tools learned during the course (problem solving).
The course will specifically address the following topics:
1- Organic and inorganic environmental pollutants: origins and effects on the environment. Natural and anthropogenic pollutants. Stratosphere chemistry: notions to the chemistry of the ozone layer and ozone holes. Air pollution at ground level, photochemical smog and volatile organic compounds (VOCs), health consequences. Notions of the chemistry of the greenhouse effect. Energy, fossil fuels, carbon dioxide. Biofuel chemistry. Radioactivity, radon, nuclear power. Water chemistry, pollution and purification. Main toxic heavy metals: mercury, lead, cadmium, arsenic, chromium. Toxic organic compounds: pesticides, dioxins, furans, PCBs, aromatic polycyclic hydrocarbons, environmental estrogens (endocrine disruptors). The chemical-physical bases of the main effects caused by pollutants will be discussed. Solid soils and waste (regulatory, for example for water).
2 - Techniques for monitoring pollutants, identifying and quantifying them. Overview of the sample treatment processes; gravimetric and volumetric methods, absorption spectrophotometry, atomic absorption and atomic emission, chromatographic techniques, mass spectrometry. Electroanalytic techniques (potentiometry , conductometry, amperometry, voltammetry).
3 - Notions of the main techniques for the removal of pollutants in the three environmental compartments. Filtering, catalysts, flocculation, sedimentation, precipitation, adsorption and ion-exchange agents, membranes, electrodeposition, electro-purification, disinfection, biological treatments.
4 - Strategies for reducing the impact of polluting materials: recycling/recovery of materials & sustainable processes/technologies. Recycling processes of conventional materials: steel, glass, aluminum, zinc, lead, polymer materials (plastics and tires). The problem of "new" waste: lithium, silicon, rare earths. Renewable energy and related technologies, with a focus on technologies that have chemical bases: photovoltaics (traditional and new frontiers), production and use of hydrogen, biofuels, lithium batteries, post-lithium batteries, supercapacitors. Technologies and processes aimed at minimizing the use of energy and substances impacting the environment: smart windows, green chemistry, catalytic converters, active filters.
5 -Simulations and case studies. Discussion of real case studies. Problem solving: simulation of environmental problems, to be solved in groups.
The course will specifically address the following topics:
1- Organic and inorganic environmental pollutants: origins and effects on the environment. Natural and anthropogenic pollutants. Stratosphere chemistry: notions to the chemistry of the ozone layer and ozone holes. Air pollution at ground level, photochemical smog and volatile organic compounds (VOCs), health consequences. Notions of the chemistry of the greenhouse effect. Energy, fossil fuels, carbon dioxide. Biofuel chemistry. Radioactivity, radon, nuclear power. Water chemistry, pollution and purification. Main toxic heavy metals: mercury, lead, cadmium, arsenic, chromium. Toxic organic compounds: pesticides, dioxins, furans, PCBs, aromatic polycyclic hydrocarbons, environmental estrogens (endocrine disruptors). The chemical-physical bases of the main effects caused by pollutants will be discussed. Solid soils and waste (regulatory, for example for water).
2 - Techniques for monitoring pollutants, identifying and quantifying them. Overview of the sample treatment processes; gravimetric and volumetric methods, absorption spectrophotometry, atomic absorption and atomic emission, chromatographic techniques, mass spectrometry. Electroanalytic techniques (potentiometry , conductometry, amperometry, voltammetry).
3 - Notions of the main techniques for the removal of pollutants in the three environmental compartments. Filtering, catalysts, flocculation, sedimentation, precipitation, adsorption and ion-exchange agents, membranes, electrodeposition, electro-purification, disinfection, biological treatments.
4 - Strategies for reducing the impact of polluting materials: recycling/recovery of materials & sustainable processes/technologies. Recycling processes of conventional materials: steel, glass, aluminum, zinc, lead, polymer materials (plastics and tires). The problem of "new" waste: lithium, silicon, rare earths. Renewable energy and related technologies, with a focus on technologies that have chemical bases: photovoltaics (traditional and new frontiers), production and use of hydrogen, biofuels, lithium batteries, post-lithium batteries, supercapacitors. Technologies and processes aimed at minimizing the use of energy and substances impacting the environment: smart windows, green chemistry, catalytic converters, active filters.
5 -Simulations and case studies. Discussion of real case studies. Problem solving: simulation of environmental problems, to be solved in groups.
Prerequisites for admission
The course attendance requires basic skills in general chemistry, analytical chemistry and organic chemistry provided with the first-year course "General, Inorganic and Organic Chemistry"
Teaching methods
Classroom lessons
Teaching Resources
Classroom lesson slides and video material will be provided online at the UniMI Ariel website.
Colin Baird, Michael Cann
Curatore: E. Lanciotti, M. Stefani
Editore: Zanichelli
Edizione: 3
Anno edizione: 2013
Stanley Manahan
Environmental chemistry
CRC press, tenth edition (for consultation)
Colin Baird, Michael Cann
Curatore: E. Lanciotti, M. Stefani
Editore: Zanichelli
Edizione: 3
Anno edizione: 2013
Stanley Manahan
Environmental chemistry
CRC press, tenth edition (for consultation)
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam consists in the presentation of survey/case study presentation (with aid of a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation) based on one or more subjects discussed during classrooms and freely selected by the student. To this presentation will follow 3 questions based on all the topics covered in the course to verify the acquired information, as well as to assess the student's ability to critically address issues related to the topics discussed in the course (total time= about 40 min).
Lessons: 48 hours
Beretta Giangiacomo