Employment, Inequalities and Discrimination in the Global Labour Market

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
IUS/07 SPS/09
Learning objectives
The teaching of "Employment, inequalities and discrimination in the global labour market" aims to provide socio-economic and legal skills in the field of inequalities and job discrimination. Starting from the theories of labour market segmentation at a global level, the objective is to offer a knowledge of the principles of equality and of the legal rules inspired by the realization of equal opportunities, both at the macro-regulatory level and at the company level. The course intends to train experts and practitioners in the field of anti-discrimination and equal opportunity policies, as well as personnel in companies, associations and organizations who have to deal with these aspects of work discrimination and diversity management. Furthermore, the course aims at acquiring the knowledge and skills required to be able to maintain an adequate update over time on the evolution of the institutional framework.
Expected learning outcomes
The expected learning outcomes are knowledge and understanding of labour market inequalities from both the demand and supply side, the principles of equality and equal opportunities in global societies, and the protection of human dignity through anti-discrimination laws that aim to achieve them. We expect to transmit the ability to apply the knowledge learned through the concrete classification of specific cases within the general system of rules, including the identification of the rules applicable to them, using the correct application in the legal field of the problem solving techniques. Students will also learn to express autonomous assessments on the regulatory system and on the effects that the rules have on the concrete dynamics functioning in the workplace. They will learn how to work in a group through activities carried out both in the classroom and autonomously and with an exposition of the results achieved in the classroom, with the aim of developing relational and communication skills.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
First trimester
Course syllabus
Unit 1: From the socio-economic perspective, the first part of the course explains the theoretical validation of the transformation occurred in las decades from inequalities between positions or social classes (corresponding to the ideal of equality of positions) to inequalities between groups or individuals (corresponding to the ideal of equality of opportunities). We analyse, also empirically, the configurations of inequalities within the labour markets (wages, labour conditions, contracts, social protection) and the effect of segregation in occupations and activity sectors. Then, the course presents the main economic theories of discrimination, both mainstream and unconventional, and examines cases of work discrimination, connected in particular to the gender dimension and national-ethnic origin. Finally, the course considers the antidiscrimination institutional framework, at the European level, which involves policies, measures and strategies adopted by individual states and the European Commission, in order to reduce discrimination in the workplace.
Unit 2: the legal antidiscrimination law framework: international conventions, European and italian law. the legal case of discrimination - discrimination on grunds of gender - the new antidiscrimination law: race, etnic origin, religion, age, sexual orientation, disability
Prerequisites for admission
Basic notions of economic and labor sociology and labor law
Teaching methods
Teaching is based on the presentation and discussion of slides presented in class; students presentation and discussion of papers on specific issues of discrimination, discussion of legal cases and sentences; Learning by doing, Problem based learning
Teaching Resources
Unit 1:
For attending students:
-All the slides presented in class
-Bertrand M ., Mullainathan S. (2004) Are Emily and Greg more Employable than Lakisha and Jamal? A field experiment on labour market discrimination, The American Economic Review, September

Exam program for non-attending students
-Slides: Lesson 3
-Grimshaw, D., Fagan, C., Hebson, G. & Tavora, I. (Eds.) (2017). Making work more equal : A new labour segmentation approach. Manchester: Manchester University Press; Chapter1and Chapter16
-Eurofound (2020), Role of social partners in tackling discrimination at work, Publications Office of the European p.1- 40

Unit 2: C. Barnard, Eu Employment Law, Oxford Eu Law Library, 4th ed. -dPart. III ch. 6,7,8 pp.253-40
Assessment methods and Criteria
Written test divided into two parts, one for each part of the course (sociological and legal parts); composed of multiple choice and open questions
IUS/07 - LABOUR LAW - University credits: 3
Lessons: 40 hours
Professors: Bonardi Olivia, Semenza Renata
by appointment via email [email protected]
Room 15