Employment and Benefits Disputes and Litigation
A.Y. 2024/2025
Learning objectives
Knowledge and capability of comprehension: the student must prove to have gained the knowledge of the essential principles ruling civil proceedings in labour matters (special proceedings included) and social security matters.
Autonomy of judgement: the student should be able to assume positions based on valid arguments and juridically defensible regarding to the subjects of the course.
Communication abilities: the student must demonstrate to be able to communicate the notions gained with argumentative coherence, systematic thoroughness and a correct use of legal vocabulary.
Capability to learn: the student must prove to have developed specific learning capabilities regarding to the subjects of the course.
Autonomy of judgement: the student should be able to assume positions based on valid arguments and juridically defensible regarding to the subjects of the course.
Communication abilities: the student must demonstrate to be able to communicate the notions gained with argumentative coherence, systematic thoroughness and a correct use of legal vocabulary.
Capability to learn: the student must prove to have developed specific learning capabilities regarding to the subjects of the course.
Expected learning outcomes
The course is held, as mandatory and characterising course, during the third year of studies and it is one of the mandatory courses for the curriculum aimed at Human resources legal operator and labour consultant. At the end of the course, the student who has learnt the matters at a sufficient level should be able to examine, and deal with, the complex substantial issues related to civil proceedings in labour and social security matters, especially in the perspective of the judicial instruments of protection offered by our legal system (paths, modalities, timing, costs).
Lesson period: Second semester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course can be attended as a single course.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
Il corso ha per oggetto lo studio delle norme processuali che regolano il rito speciale previsto per le controversie in materia di lavoro (artt. 409-441 c.p.c), nonchè delle particolarità che assistono il contenzioso previdenziale (artt. 442-447 c.p.c.). Trova altresì spazio la trattazione della disciplina delle controversie in materia di licenziamento (art. 441 bis ss. c.p.c.) e della repressione della condotta antisindacale ex art. 28 Statuto dei Lavoratori.
Prerequisites for admission
The students, as expected by the Programme Description, must have succesfully passed the exams of Private Law and Constitutional Law. The previous attendance of the courses of Civil Procedural Law and Labour Law is highly recommended.
Teaching methods
The course will be held through lectures and seminars.
Teaching Resources
The text books, both for attending and non attending students, are:
G. Trisorio Liuzzi - D. Dalfino, Manuale del processo del lavoro, 2nd ed., Bari, Cacucci, 2023, and D. Mesiti, Prestazioni previdenziali, Milano, Giuffrè, 2019, pp. 151-167.
OR: G. Tarzia - L. Dittrich, Manuale del processo del lavoro, Milano, Giuffré, 6th edition, 2015 and
D. Mesiti, Prestazioni previdenziali, Milano, Giuffré, 2019, pp. 151 - 167;
OR: P. Sandulli - A.M. Socci, Il processo del lavoro, Milano, Giuffré, latest edition, First part, chapter I; Part Two, Chapters I to XIII; Part Four, Chapter I, Part Six, Chapters I and II.
The use of a Civil Procedure Code updated to 2024 is required.
G. Trisorio Liuzzi - D. Dalfino, Manuale del processo del lavoro, 2nd ed., Bari, Cacucci, 2023, and D. Mesiti, Prestazioni previdenziali, Milano, Giuffrè, 2019, pp. 151-167.
OR: G. Tarzia - L. Dittrich, Manuale del processo del lavoro, Milano, Giuffré, 6th edition, 2015 and
D. Mesiti, Prestazioni previdenziali, Milano, Giuffré, 2019, pp. 151 - 167;
OR: P. Sandulli - A.M. Socci, Il processo del lavoro, Milano, Giuffré, latest edition, First part, chapter I; Part Two, Chapters I to XIII; Part Four, Chapter I, Part Six, Chapters I and II.
The use of a Civil Procedure Code updated to 2024 is required.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam is oral and the evaluation is expressed with a mark out of thirty, with possible praise.
IUS/15 - CIVIL PROCEDURAL LAW - University credits: 6
Lessons: 42 hours