Elite Volleyball

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
To prepare young and elite volleyball teams' teachers and coaches.
Expected learning outcomes
Knowhow for properly building, training and managing the team throughout the season. Tactical and psychological knowhow for leading the team during matches and championship.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
The lessons will be held on the Microsoft Teams platform and can be followed in sync on the basis of the timetable.
The exam will take place by presenting and arguing a training plan, previously agreed with the teacher, to be sent by email at least 7 days before the exam and discussed using the Microsoft Teams platform or, where the regulation allows it, in presence, always oral and practical.
In particular, the exam will be aimed at:
- ascertain the achievement of the objectives in terms of knowledge and understanding;
- ascertain the ability to apply knowledge and understanding through the formulation of a training plan
Course syllabus
The coach and the practice
The practice plan
Watching a Club Italia practice session
Training methodology for the Youth Sector
Break Phase practice
Vision of a men's practice
Reception Phase practice
Watching a workout
Characteristics and training of volleyball roles: setter and libero
Characteristics and training of spikersin volleyball
Training vision
Practical practice for groups
Prerequisites for admission
Ability to carry out practical tests according to the fundamental technical models
Ability to lead a group of athletes in creating a training or lesson plan
Teaching methods
Practical lessons
Meeting by high-level athletes and coaches
Viewing workouts
Implementation for training groups
Teaching Resources
Slides prepared by the teacher
Assessment methods and Criteria
Training program and management
Oral examination
M-EDF/02 - SPORT SCIENCES AND METHODOLOGY - University credits: 6
Lessons: 42 hours
Professor: Pedulla' Luciano
Professor: Pedulla' Luciano