Elements of Hydraulics and Irrigation

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course aims: (1) to provide the scientific basis of hydraulics, with particular attention to the properties of liquids, the statics of fluids and the laws governing the water movement in open channels and in pipelines, (2) to provide concepts and procedures concerning the quantification of plant irrigation requirements, the irrigation techniques and materials, and the irrigation scheduling, (3) to apply theoretical arguments to the verification and the hydraulic design of basic infrastructures and irrigation systems.
Expected learning outcomes
The student acquires the basic knowledge to address and solve hydrostatic, hydrodynamic and water flow problems in open channels and pipelines, as well as problems of irrigation planning and scheduling. Moreover the student acquires the ability to apply the theoretical concepts to the verification and the hydraulic design of basic infrastructures, as well as to the design and the management of irrigation systems.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
The course is divided into two parts: Hydraulics and Irrigation
For the Hydraulics part, the program is concerned with the fundamentals of hydrostatics, hydrodynamics (only for uniform water flow ), and foronomy.
For the Irrigation part, the program illustrates the main processes of the soil hydrology, particularly stressing the issues related to the agricultural hydrology, such as the soil water content dynamics, the soil water balance in the root zone, and the irrigation scheduling. Specifically, the program provides notions about: crop irrigation requirements, irrigation methods, quantification of the irrigation amounts, irrigation scheduling, main components of the irrigation systems (sprinkler and drip irrigation), basic knowledge for the hydraulic design of irrigation systems (sprinkler and drip irrigation).
The program also includes exercises showing the application of the theoretical notions, by solving exercises on the hydraulic design of simple systems, the estimate of crop irrigation requirements, the irrigation planning and scheduling, the hydraulic design of irrigation sectors.
Prerequisites for admission
Mathematics and Physics
Teaching methods
The course includes Lectures (4,5 CFU) and Exercises (1,5 CFU). In particular, the Exercises consist in solving problems on the hydraulic design of simple systems, the estimate of crop irrigation requirements, the irrigation planning and scheduling, the design of irrigation sectors
Attendance is strongly recommended
Teaching Resources
Gallati, Sibilla - Fondamenti di idraulica - ISBN 9788843051717
Piero Santelli - Irrigazione a goccia per le colture agrarie - ISBN 9788857909127
Piero Santelli . Irrigazione del verde ornamentale - ISBN 9788857905792
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam consists of a written test and an oral test.
The written test (lasting 1 hour) requires the resolution of two exercises in hydraulics. Solving the exam exercises requires an understanding of the problem and the ability to apply the acquired knowledge. During the written test, you can use a form that you have filled in independently.
The evaluation of the written test is expressed with a mark out of thirty, and depends mainly on the correctness of the method of resolving the test.
During the written test, you can use a form that you have filled in yourself.
The evaluation of the written test is expressed with a mark out of thirty, and depends mainly on the correctness of the resolution method adopted and the clarity in its application, as well as on the ability to evaluate the results obtained; Secondly, the correctness of the calculation is evaluated. The result of the test is communicated on the bulletin board of the course's Ariel website and/or by email.
The oral exam consists of the discussion of the irrigation system projects carried out in class and subsequently developed by the students independently.
Practicals: 24 hours
Lessons: 36 hours
Professor: Deangelis Maria Laura