Electronics 1

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The lessons will introduce students to the circuit theory and to operation of electronic devices and circuits.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the teaching semester, the student will know:
1. how to solve electrical circuits in dc;
2. how to analyze linear elecronic circuits in frequency domain, obtaining the frequency response and the Bode diagrams;
3. the structure and the operation principles of semiconductor devices (junction diode, bipolar transistor, MOS transistor);
4. how to analyze the operation of simple amplifying stages, calculating their operating point and small-signal gain;
5. the principles of operation of logic gates in CMOS technology.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
First semester
All lectures can be given remotely from the web.
Course syllabus
- Electrical network theory: two-terminal passive components, independent generators, V-I characteristics, Ohm's law, Kirchhoff's laws, electrical power, four-terminal components.
- Linear networks: impulse response, convolution, frequency response, Laplace transform, poles and zeroes, Bode plots.
- Introduction to the feedback theory: negative and positive feedback, properties of negative feedback circuits, gain-bandwidth product, stability, phase margin, gain margin.
- Operational amplifier: virtual ground; circuits with op-amps in feedback configuration: voltage follower, inverting and non-inverting amplifiers, difference amplifier, summing amplifier.
- Semiconductor devices: junction diode, bipolar junction transistor, and MOS transistor. V-I characteristics. Biasing circuits. Equivalent circuits for small-signal analysis.
- Examples of analog circuits: rectifier, Zener voltage reference, emitter follower, common emitter and common base amplifiers, differential stage. Three-stage op-amp. Frequency compensation of the op-amp.
- CMOS technology and CMOS logic gates. Boolean algebra. Dynamic power consumption of CMOS logic. Introduction to semiconductor memories.
Prerequisites for admission
1. Electrical quantities and International System units
2. How to solve first- and second-order linear differential equations
3. Definition and properties of Fourier transform
Teaching methods
Traditional, in classroom, with lectures and exercises.
Teaching Resources
Lecture notes are provided by the teacher through the Arial website.
Further readings: R.C. Jaeger, T.N. Blalock: "Microelettronic Circuit Design", McGraw-Hill.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam is made of two parts, a written test and an oral test.
In the written test, the student will solve three problems on (1) an electrical circuit in dc, (2) a transistor amplifier, and (3) an active filter or an amplifier circuit employing an op-amp; the time for the written test is three hours.
In the oral test, the student will be asked questions on the structure, the operation, and the electrical models of the main solid-state electronic devices (diode, BJT, MOS transistor), and on the CMOS logic circuits.
FIS/01 - EXPERIMENTAL PHYSICS - University credits: 3
ING-INF/01 - ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING - University credits: 3
Lessons: 48 hours
Professor: Liberali Valentino