Editorial Philology

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course of Editorial Philology fits coherently into the educational objectives of the Master's Degree Course in Publishing, Communication Cultures and Fashion, in particular - as indicated in the study manifesto - with the aim of «developing professional aptitudes that guarantee a complete vision of the production activities of the publishing system and its general problems, from production to consumption, with specific reference to book publishing, offering a range of in-depth studies that can be traced back to the various areas of publishing culture, understood as the study of the transmission of texts and the study of the techniques necessary for the publication of texts in print or digital form».

This course therefore deals with the study of the transmission of written texts in the 20th century publishing system, applying the investigation methods of philology and has the following educational objectives:
- provide the theoretical and methodological skills of editorial philology, which involves the methods and tools of investigation of authorial philology, the textual bibliography and ecdotics;
- to apply these skills to understand written texts, especially literary ones, learning to investigate their textual and editorial history and thus to historicise the verbal and material forms of their transmission, in order to achieve an interpretation of them based on knowledge of the evolution of their concrete physiognomy over time.

The combination of these theoretical skills and the acquisition of methods for analysing textual, philological, editorial ecdotic and bibliographical data, which revolve around the book as an object, explicitly form the basis of the training of the profession of editor, as well as the basis of other professions related to book publishing and beyond.

In order to achieve these objectives, a comparison with the first editions of the texts and the papers of the author's or publisher's archives will be fundamental.
Expected learning outcomes
at the end of the course the student will acquire knowledge of the modes of production and edition of the printed book in the contemporary age; knowledge of the modes of studying archival papers, first and foremost those of the authors (i.e. autographs) but also those produced and preserved by publishers; and finally knowledge of the problems associated with the investigation of editions of texts, with specific focus on 20th century literary ones.

at the end of the course, the student will acquire both the ability to investigate from a philological point of view the editions in their various forms and the competence necessary to deal with the autographs of writers and to define the characteristics that their publication may have.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
The lecture programme will follow the following topics:

FIRST 20 LECTURES (40 HOURS, 6 CFU): From writing to publication

· definition of editorial philology: a twentieth-century specificity?
· presentation of tools and methods of editorial philology: the intersection of different disciplines (author's philology, textual bibliography, history and criticism of contemporary literature, history of publishing and reception)
· the life of literary texts: from author's papers to the reader's book, through work in the editorial office and publishing house
· - how to recognise and analyse publishing products: author's editions, reading editions, scientific editions, critical editions
· - how to reconstruct the publishing history of texts and identify the philological, editorial and historical-critical issues involved

LAST 10 LESSONS (20 HOURS, 3 CFU): Philological and editorial history of a work: Uomini e no by Elio Vittorini

· case study dedicated to Elio Vittorini's Uomini e no: from autograph papers of APICE to Oscar Moderni CULT 2022

Students who only have 6 cfu in their study plan bring the topics of the first 20 lectures to the examination.
International or Erasmus incoming students are invited to contact the course lecturer in good time. Examination arrangements for students with disabilities and/or DSA must be agreed with the lecturer in consultation with the relevant office.
Prerequisites for admission
A prior knowledge of the history of 20th century Italian literature and of its publishing system is necessary.
Teaching methods
This course is based on frontal lessons, during which textual and visual materials are presented, which will be available in MyAriel.

Attendance, although not compulsory, is strongly recommended.
Teaching Resources
Bibliography (nuovo testo da inserire in W4):

Those who need to support the program in English are requested to contact the lecturer.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The examination consists of an oral interview on the topics covered in the lectures and, for those who did not attend the lectures, on the topics of the books and essays indicated in the examination programme.
Attending students must also prepare a form for the Observatory on Critical Editions, which, if it meets the necessary requirements, will be published on the website of the research project of the same name: https://sites.unimi.it/oec/index.php
The examination is intended to test the student's ability to demonstrate the knowledge acquired and to express it correctly, using specialist vocabulary.
The grade will be expressed in thirtieths, the minimum grade will be 18.
International or Erasmus incoming students are invited to contact the course lecturer in good time. Examination arrangements for students with disabilities and/or DSA must be agreed with the lecturer, in consultation with the relevant office.
Lessons: 60 hours
Professor: Brigatti Virna