Ecosystems and Environmental Quality
A.Y. 2024/2025
Learning objectives
- Knowledge of the fate of natural and synthetic elements and their impact on the natural ecosystems and on cultural heritage;
- Development of chemical and technological knowledge for the treatment, recovery and recycling of waste;
- Development of knowledge on the ecosystems and on the quality indicators to be used for the evaluation of pollution;
- Development of knowledge on the environmental fate of contaminants to promote the ability to use integrated models related to prevention;
- Development of the ability to develop specific monitoring plans for assessing the quality of indoor environments.
- Development of chemical and technological knowledge for the treatment, recovery and recycling of waste;
- Development of knowledge on the ecosystems and on the quality indicators to be used for the evaluation of pollution;
- Development of knowledge on the environmental fate of contaminants to promote the ability to use integrated models related to prevention;
- Development of the ability to develop specific monitoring plans for assessing the quality of indoor environments.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course, the student will develop an interdisciplinary competence, to help him in understanding the complexity of environmental problems.
Lesson period: First semester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course can be attended as a single course.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Prerequisites for admission
The student must have general knowledge of biology, chemistry, plant anatomy.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The final examination is a written text with questions aimed at understanding the knowledge of the student and its capability to interpret information given in the course.
The evaluation will be weighted according to the CFU provided in each module.
It is possible to take calculators to the environmental chemistry exam.
The results, in anonymous form, will be announced on the Ariel platform.
The possibility of intermediate tests in exceptional cases will be considered.
The evaluation will be weighted according to the CFU provided in each module.
It is possible to take calculators to the environmental chemistry exam.
The results, in anonymous form, will be announced on the Ariel platform.
The possibility of intermediate tests in exceptional cases will be considered.
Environmental chemistry and cultural heritage
Course syllabus
Structure and composition of the atmosphere, Fundamentals of photochemistry and chemical kinetics, Photochemical reactivity of atmospheric species, Acid deposition, Greenhouse effect, stratosphere chemistry and ozone, impacts on health, climate impacts, legislation, monitoring and air quality plans, energy sources
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons supported by slides.
Teaching Resources
The slides shown during the course and scientific articles and documents will be uploaded on ARIEL platform.
Textbooks recommended:
Chemistry of the upper and lower atmosphere. Barbara J. Finlayson Pitts e James N. Pitts, Jr. Academic Press, 2000
Atmospheric chemistry and Physics From air pollution to climate change. John H. Seinfeld e Spyros N. Pandis Wiley-VCH: New York. 1997
Auxilia F, Pontello M, Igiene e Sanità Pubblica, a cura di Bertazzi PA e Grappasonni Piccin Nuova Libraria 2016
Bioindicatori ambientali. Francesco Sartori; Ed. Fondazione Lombardia per l'ambiente, 1998. ISBN 8881340399, 9788881340392.
Signorelli C, D' Alessandro D, Capolongo S, Igiene edilizia ed ambientale, Società Editrice Universo, 2007
Buffoli M, Capolongo S, Odone A, Signorelli C, Salute e Ambiente. Igiene edilizia, urbanistica e ambientale, Edises Università, 2016, ISBN 9788879598941
Textbooks recommended:
Chemistry of the upper and lower atmosphere. Barbara J. Finlayson Pitts e James N. Pitts, Jr. Academic Press, 2000
Atmospheric chemistry and Physics From air pollution to climate change. John H. Seinfeld e Spyros N. Pandis Wiley-VCH: New York. 1997
Auxilia F, Pontello M, Igiene e Sanità Pubblica, a cura di Bertazzi PA e Grappasonni Piccin Nuova Libraria 2016
Bioindicatori ambientali. Francesco Sartori; Ed. Fondazione Lombardia per l'ambiente, 1998. ISBN 8881340399, 9788881340392.
Signorelli C, D' Alessandro D, Capolongo S, Igiene edilizia ed ambientale, Società Editrice Universo, 2007
Buffoli M, Capolongo S, Odone A, Signorelli C, Salute e Ambiente. Igiene edilizia, urbanistica e ambientale, Edises Università, 2016, ISBN 9788879598941
Environmental and applied botany
Course syllabus
Environmental risk analysis (on environmental investigation and bio-indicators, on environmental monitoring) and design of projects for phytoremediation.
- The general principles of bioindication
- Examples of bioindication projects.
- general principles of phytoremediation
- GMOs, Biotechnology and the environment
- The general principles of bioindication
- Examples of bioindication projects.
- general principles of phytoremediation
- GMOs, Biotechnology and the environment
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons supported by slides.
Teaching Resources
The slides shown during the course and scientific articles and documents will be uploaded on ARIEL platform.
Textbooks recommended:
Chemistry of the upper and lower atmosphere. Barbara J. Finlayson Pitts e James N. Pitts, Jr. Academic Press, 2000
Atmospheric chemistry and Physics From air pollution to climate change. John H. Seinfeld e Spyros N. Pandis Wiley-VCH: New York. 1997
Auxilia F, Pontello M, Igiene e Sanità Pubblica, a cura di Bertazzi PA e Grappasonni Piccin Nuova Libraria 2016
Bioindicatori ambientali. Francesco Sartori; Ed. Fondazione Lombardia per l'ambiente, 1998. ISBN 8881340399, 9788881340392.
Signorelli C, D' Alessandro D, Capolongo S, Igiene edilizia ed ambientale, Società Editrice Universo, 2007
Buffoli M, Capolongo S, Odone A, Signorelli C, Salute e Ambiente. Igiene edilizia, urbanistica e ambientale, Edises Università, 2016, ISBN 9788879598941
Textbooks recommended:
Chemistry of the upper and lower atmosphere. Barbara J. Finlayson Pitts e James N. Pitts, Jr. Academic Press, 2000
Atmospheric chemistry and Physics From air pollution to climate change. John H. Seinfeld e Spyros N. Pandis Wiley-VCH: New York. 1997
Auxilia F, Pontello M, Igiene e Sanità Pubblica, a cura di Bertazzi PA e Grappasonni Piccin Nuova Libraria 2016
Bioindicatori ambientali. Francesco Sartori; Ed. Fondazione Lombardia per l'ambiente, 1998. ISBN 8881340399, 9788881340392.
Signorelli C, D' Alessandro D, Capolongo S, Igiene edilizia ed ambientale, Società Editrice Universo, 2007
Buffoli M, Capolongo S, Odone A, Signorelli C, Salute e Ambiente. Igiene edilizia, urbanistica e ambientale, Edises Università, 2016, ISBN 9788879598941
Hygiene and public health
Course syllabus
Definition of ecosystem, energy flows, food chains and networks, main biogeochemical cycles, lotic and lentic aquatic environments, definition of pollution, eutrophication. Case studies.
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons supported by slides.
Teaching Resources
The slides shown during the course and scientific articles and documents will be uploaded on ARIEL platform.
Textbooks recommended:
Chemistry of the upper and lower atmosphere. Barbara J. Finlayson Pitts e James N. Pitts, Jr. Academic Press, 2000
Atmospheric chemistry and Physics From air pollution to climate change. John H. Seinfeld e Spyros N. Pandis Wiley-VCH: New York. 1997
M. Pontello, F. Auxilia, A. Amendola, E. Tanzi, S. Castaldi, M. Raviglione, G. Cesana. Igiene, medicina preventiva e salute globale. Piccin-Nuova Libraria, 2022
Bioindicatori ambientali. Francesco Sartori; Ed. Fondazione Lombardia per l'ambiente, 1998. ISBN 8881340399, 9788881340392.
Signorelli C, D' Alessandro D, Capolongo S, Igiene edilizia ed ambientale, Società Editrice Universo, 2007
Buffoli M, Capolongo S, Odone A, Signorelli C, Salute e Ambiente. Igiene edilizia, urbanistica e ambientale, Edises Università, 2016, ISBN 9788879598941
Textbooks recommended:
Chemistry of the upper and lower atmosphere. Barbara J. Finlayson Pitts e James N. Pitts, Jr. Academic Press, 2000
Atmospheric chemistry and Physics From air pollution to climate change. John H. Seinfeld e Spyros N. Pandis Wiley-VCH: New York. 1997
M. Pontello, F. Auxilia, A. Amendola, E. Tanzi, S. Castaldi, M. Raviglione, G. Cesana. Igiene, medicina preventiva e salute globale. Piccin-Nuova Libraria, 2022
Bioindicatori ambientali. Francesco Sartori; Ed. Fondazione Lombardia per l'ambiente, 1998. ISBN 8881340399, 9788881340392.
Signorelli C, D' Alessandro D, Capolongo S, Igiene edilizia ed ambientale, Società Editrice Universo, 2007
Buffoli M, Capolongo S, Odone A, Signorelli C, Salute e Ambiente. Igiene edilizia, urbanistica e ambientale, Edises Università, 2016, ISBN 9788879598941
Applied medical techniques
Course syllabus
Hints on wellness and indoor pollution, sick building syndrome, Building related illness.
Ventilation, lighting, conditions and indices of thermohygrometric wellness.
Graphic representation and control elements of hygiene requirements in residential and health care building design.
Ventilation, lighting, conditions and indices of thermohygrometric wellness.
Graphic representation and control elements of hygiene requirements in residential and health care building design.
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons supported by slides.
Teaching Resources
The slides shown during the course and scientific articles and documents will be uploaded on ARIEL platform.
Textbooks recommended:
Chemistry of the upper and lower atmosphere. Barbara J. Finlayson Pitts e James N. Pitts, Jr. Academic Press, 2000
Atmospheric chemistry and Physics From air pollution to climate change. John H. Seinfeld e Spyros N. Pandis Wiley-VCH: New York. 1997
Auxilia F, Pontello M, Igiene e Sanità Pubblica, a cura di Bertazzi PA e Grappasonni Piccin Nuova Libraria 2016
Bioindicatori ambientali. Francesco Sartori; Ed. Fondazione Lombardia per l'ambiente, 1998. ISBN 8881340399, 9788881340392.
Signorelli C, D' Alessandro D, Capolongo S, Igiene edilizia ed ambientale, Società Editrice Universo, 2007
Buffoli M, Capolongo S, Odone A, Signorelli C, Salute e Ambiente. Igiene edilizia, urbanistica e ambientale, Edises Università, 2016, ISBN 9788879598941
Textbooks recommended:
Chemistry of the upper and lower atmosphere. Barbara J. Finlayson Pitts e James N. Pitts, Jr. Academic Press, 2000
Atmospheric chemistry and Physics From air pollution to climate change. John H. Seinfeld e Spyros N. Pandis Wiley-VCH: New York. 1997
Auxilia F, Pontello M, Igiene e Sanità Pubblica, a cura di Bertazzi PA e Grappasonni Piccin Nuova Libraria 2016
Bioindicatori ambientali. Francesco Sartori; Ed. Fondazione Lombardia per l'ambiente, 1998. ISBN 8881340399, 9788881340392.
Signorelli C, D' Alessandro D, Capolongo S, Igiene edilizia ed ambientale, Società Editrice Universo, 2007
Buffoli M, Capolongo S, Odone A, Signorelli C, Salute e Ambiente. Igiene edilizia, urbanistica e ambientale, Edises Università, 2016, ISBN 9788879598941
Applied medical techniques
Lessons: 20 hours
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