Ecosystem Functioning and Services

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course aims at providing advanced knowledge of ecosystem ecology. The first part of the course aims at explaining the main mechanisms that govern ecosystems and regulate their functioning (such as state factors, interactive controls, fluxes and cycles), ecosystem dynamics and processes, boundaries, components, structures. The second part of the course provides knowledge on ecosystem services (ES), illustrating concepts, history, past and ongoing debates, and implementation (in research, policies, and decision-making); different types of ES are discussed, and the related key aspects are illustrated: coupled systems, ES bundles, synergies and trade-offs, biodiversity-mediates ES, ecosystem disservices, global change & ES, nature-based solutions and ecosystem restoration. Spatially explicit approaches to the study of ES are discussed and practiced in the classroom.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to
- analyse an environment of their choice, highlighting its main ecological characteristics, its functioning, and the ecosystem services it provides
- describe relevant ecosystem services, identifying the associated environments and the main underpinning processes
- explain the differences and similarities between alternative approaches adopted in the field (e.g., ES vs. NCP, environmental economics vs. ecological economics)
- illustrate through a short technical report and/or a presentation the main state factors, interactive controls and ecosystem services that characterize an environment of their choice
- properly use some spatially explicit approaches to the study of ecosystem services
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
The course is subdivided into two main parts; the first integrates some basic ecology elements with more advanced examples, and provides the basis for the second one. The second part is more applied, includes practical examples, integrates different views and provides knowledge and skills for applied tasks.
Prerequisites for admission
Basic knowledge of ecology.
Teaching methods
The course consists of lectures, seminars by external experts, practical lessons and class discussions.
Teaching Resources
Online resources consisting of different books, chapters, review and research papers, which are reported in the course's slides.
There are no differences in teaching materials and exam methods between attending and non-attending students.
Assessment methods and Criteria
Students will be asked to prepare a final report to demonstrate they are able to analyse an environment of their choice, highlighting its main ecological characteristics, the main functioning and processes that affect or regulate the ecosystem, and some of the ecosystem services it provides. Mark out of thirty.
Students with SLD or disability certifications are kindly requested to contact the teacher at least 15 days before the date of the exam session to agree on individual exam requirements. In the email please make sure to add in cc the competent offices: [email protected] (for students with SLD) o [email protected] (for students with disability).
There are no differences in teaching materials and exam methods between attending and non-attending students.
BIO/07 - ECOLOGY - University credits: 6
Lessons: 48 hours
Professor: Brambilla Mattia