
A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course aims to introduce the basic concepts of economic theory, political economy and zooeconomics, with particular emphasis on the evaluation of the economic activity of livestock enterprises and the functioning of the market for animal products in the agri-food system.
Market and enterprise theory and the main types of livestock farming operating in the Italian livestock sector will be examined in detail. Students will be introduced to the evaluation of business processes with a focus on the analysis of the efficiency of economic choices through accounting tools. Finally, the course aims to study in detail the general logic of agricultural policy with reference to the national and European reality.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course the students will have knowledge of the animal production system in the context of overall economic dynamics. They will know the market of products and means as a synthesis of supply and demand and of reciprocal relations. They will be familiar with the policies and regulations of the European Union and the Member States concerning animal production. In particular, the students will be able to: identify the criteria for the technical-economic organisation of intensive, extensive and multi-functional livestock farming; analyse the main economic elements characterising the activities of the agricultural entrepreneur, determine revenues and costs, apply the budget tool to orientate economic decisions, use methods of analysing the efficiency of choices to improve productivity in economic terms.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
I) Introduction to political economy
Frontal lessons
● The principles of political economy
● Theory of Supply and Demand
● Demand and Supply of goods, price making, market equilibrium
● Elasticity of demand to price and income
● Production function, production costs and elasticity of supply
● Forms of Market and business choices
Exercises and practical applications of comparative statics related to microeconomics
II) Agricultural economics
Frontal lessons
● References to business theory
● Farm and agricultural enterprise
● The agricultural entrepreneur
● The factors of production and the capital of the farm
● The structure and organization of the agro-livestock farm
● The European OTE-UDE classification of farm
● Types of business and agricultural contracts and their importance in the livestock sector
● The Italian agricultural sector
● The Italian livestock sector
● The determination of the economic results
● Methods of final analysis: the financial statements
● Calculation of the operating budget of an agro-livestock farm
● Analysis of business efficiency and methodological tools
● Calculation of the production cost of the main products of animal origin
III) Agricultural policy
● The European Union: history and main institutions
● The common agricultural policy (CAP) from its establishment to the first attempts to reform
● The CAP from the 1980s to the Mc Sharry Reformation
● Agenda 2000
● The mid-term review of the CAP
● Health Check 2008: verification of the health status of the CAP.
● The post-2020 CAP
● The different levels of agricultural planning: community, national and regional
● Rural development policy (II pillar of the CAP) from foundation to today
● The old and the new PSR of the Lombardy Region
● The historical evolution of the CMOs
● Agri-environmental programs of Community agricultural policy: historical evolution
● International commercial policy: GATT-WTO, the Agreement on Agriculture
Prerequisites for admission
No prior knowledge is required
Teaching methods
Attendance is strongly recommended.
Teaching modality: frontal didactic and exercises
Teaching Resources
The didactic material:
Gregori M. (2021), Introduzione all'economia ed elementi di economia agraria, UTET Università
Carpentieri L. (2008), Elementi di economia e politica agraria, Edizioni Giuridiche Simone
Bruni F., Franco S. (2013), Economia dell'impresa e dell'azienda agraria, Franco Angeli
Iacoponi L., Romiti R., (1997) Economia e politica agraria, Edagricole
Zucchi G. (2001), Zooeconomia. Economia del sistema delle produzioni animali, Avenue Media
Mankiw N. G., Taylor M. P. (2012). Principi di Economia, Zanichelli, Bologna.
Supplementary teaching material distributed by the teacher during the lessons
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam is writing in a 60-minute session. The exam is made up of open questions, multiple choice questions and exercises. The maximum score for the correct answer is indicated for each question. The final grade will be out of thirtieths.
Practicals: 32 hours
Lessons: 32 hours
Professor: Gaviglio Anna Antonia Maria
Educational website(s)