Economic Geography and History
A.Y. 2024/2025
Learning objectives
The aim of the two modules of the course is to provide students with a general overview of the basic concepts of Economic Geography and Economic History. The course explains how the interrelationships between the economic structures and forms of political organization have shaped the geographies of human societies and vice versa. It also aspires to provide adequate skills to read the interactions between history, geography, economics, and politics, with the aim to decipher the complexity of the contemporary world.
Expected learning outcomes
By the end of the course, the student should be able to use the concepts of Economic Geography and History to analyze (sustainable) development and underdevelopment, economic growth, and key economic issues depending on geographical and historical factors. The students should be able also to understand, critically analyze and explain the most relevant global phenomena and to identify different policy options for overcoming poverty, wrong political decisions, and political factors involved in underdevelopment.
Lesson period: Second semester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course can be attended as a single course.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
The First Teaching Unit ("Economic Theory and History") is dedicated to the basic concepts of Economics, Economic History, and the evolution of the global economy in a historical perspective. It will address the problems of economic and sustainable development, examining its historical preconditions. It will also address the problems of inequality between continents, development lags, and sustainability issues.
The Second Teaching Unit (Economic Geography) will explore the fundamentals of the scientific discipline dedicated to the economic dimension of world geography. It will deal first of all with contemporary globalization, its significance, and its limits, explaining its manifestations and consequences for the contemporary reality of the planet. It will then deal with the problem of economic development and economic growth, exploring geographical factors that influence economic development, human capital and political factors that hinder development. Finally, it will explore the relationship between international trade and economic development and the role of borders, boundaries and the resurgence of protectionism. The problem of sustainability will be considered through the lens of spatial and geographic dimensions.
The Second Teaching Unit (Economic Geography) will explore the fundamentals of the scientific discipline dedicated to the economic dimension of world geography. It will deal first of all with contemporary globalization, its significance, and its limits, explaining its manifestations and consequences for the contemporary reality of the planet. It will then deal with the problem of economic development and economic growth, exploring geographical factors that influence economic development, human capital and political factors that hinder development. Finally, it will explore the relationship between international trade and economic development and the role of borders, boundaries and the resurgence of protectionism. The problem of sustainability will be considered through the lens of spatial and geographic dimensions.
The Second Teaching Unit (Economic Geography) will explore the fundamentals of the scientific discipline dedicated to the economic dimension of world geography. It will deal first of all with contemporary globalization, its significance, and its limits, explaining its manifestations and consequences for the contemporary reality of the planet. It will then deal with the problem of economic development and economic growth, exploring geographical factors that influence economic development, human capital and political factors that hinder development. Finally, it will explore the relationship between international trade and economic development and the role of borders, boundaries and the resurgence of protectionism. The problem of sustainability will be considered through the lens of spatial and geographic dimensions.
The Second Teaching Unit (Economic Geography) will explore the fundamentals of the scientific discipline dedicated to the economic dimension of world geography. It will deal first of all with contemporary globalization, its significance, and its limits, explaining its manifestations and consequences for the contemporary reality of the planet. It will then deal with the problem of economic development and economic growth, exploring geographical factors that influence economic development, human capital and political factors that hinder development. Finally, it will explore the relationship between international trade and economic development and the role of borders, boundaries and the resurgence of protectionism. The problem of sustainability will be considered through the lens of spatial and geographic dimensions.
Prerequisites for admission
Prerequisites to attending the Course are a good knowledge of World Geography, Economics (general principles), Modern and Contemporary History, Economic History.
Teaching methods
The course includes face-to-face teaching lessons but also constant interaction with the students attending. It will involve lectures, the participation of foreign and Italian experts, class discussions, group work. All students are strongly encouraged to actively participate during class discussions and activities
Teaching Resources
The reference material of the Course is entirely indicated on the Ariel platform, on which are available the articles, book chapters and books indicated to the students as reading (compulsory and recommended) which must be done before each lesson, and the books necessary to take the final exam. Further material will be indicated during the two teaching units that will compose the Course.
Since attendance of the course is compulsory, there is no program for non-attending students.
Since attendance of the course is compulsory, there is no program for non-attending students.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The examination will take place in the scheduled sessions. Students are expected to prepare in advance for each lesson, studying the material indicated in the Syllabus (available on Ariel platform). They will have the opportunity (during the second Teaching Unit, Economic Geography, and only for a limited number) to voluntarily prepare an oral presentation (individually or in a group, after submitting topics for approval) and to present it in classroom (using PowerPoint). Students will be graded on their ability to examine their specific topic, draw logical conclusions and on their ability to engage in reflexive and independent thinking. Instead of a presentation in class, each student is required (also within the First Teaching Unit) to write a research essay of no more than 3000 words (approximately 12 double-spaced pages, plus references) on designated topics related to the course material. Detailed instructions will be provided in class.
Economic geography
Lessons: 21 hours
Vitale Alessandro
Vitale Alessandro
World Economic History From Growth to Sustainable Development
SECS-P/12 - ECONOMIC HISTORY - University credits: 3
Lessons: 21 hours
Lorenzini Marcella
Lorenzini MarcellaEducational website(s)
Giovedi 15.00-17.00
Monday 15.30-18.30
office n. 12, Department of International Studies Conservatorio street, 7