Economia, diritto e responsabilità professionale clinica organizzativa e in ambito sanitario
A.Y. 2024/2025
Learning objectives
Knowledge on principles of management applied to the health organization and heallth sector Knowledge on the managerial dynamics of a health organization Knowlwdge on specificities of the health sector Understanding of management practices and governance of health organizations. Acquire advanced knowledge of professional responsibility useful for decision-making in clinical practice and healthcare organisation
- Critically analyse the development of roles and their impact at the different levels of advanced practice in health care organisations in regulatory and ethical terms
- Critically analyse the development of roles and their impact at the different levels of advanced practice in health care organisations in regulatory and ethical terms
Expected learning outcomes
The student will analyze the ethical and deontological problems of midwifery practice according to methods derived from ethical theories for identification of alternative solutions.
Will analyse the midwifery's role in society and in social and health context with reference to the current regulation in order to identify prospects for change useful for pursuing the health of the population.
Will analyse the midwifery's role in society and in social and health context with reference to the current regulation in order to identify prospects for change useful for pursuing the health of the population.
Lesson period: Second semester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course can be attended as a single course.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Prerequisites for admission
There are no prerequisites except for the admission test
Assessment methods and Criteria
Written test with multiple choice questions and open questions with short answer. Rating in thirtieth.
Diritto del lavoro
Course syllabus
Course Introduction;
- Law Sources in private and public sector employment;
- Constitutional principles;
- Protected interests;
- Organization and employment in the public and private sectors;
- Legal developments in the health sector;
- Article 39 of the Italian Constitution and freedom of union organization;
- Collective Labour Righs;
- Representation and Representativeness in the public and private sectors;
- Collective Bargaining in the private and public sectors;
- Collective Bargaining and Collective Labour Rights;
- Negotiability of managerial prerogatives;
- Strike regulation;
- The regulation of strike in essential public sector services;
- Employment and Self-Employment;
- The principles in matter of personnel hiring in the public and service sectors;
- Personnel mobility;
- Permanent hiring of temporary workers;
- Flexible working arrangements;
- Power of direction, power of monitoring and disciplinary power;
- Job tasks and assignments;
- Health and safety at the workplace;
- Working Time;
- Wage;
- Contract Suspension;
- Dismissal regulation;
- Performance Evaluation.
For further info on the Course program see
- Law Sources in private and public sector employment;
- Constitutional principles;
- Protected interests;
- Organization and employment in the public and private sectors;
- Legal developments in the health sector;
- Article 39 of the Italian Constitution and freedom of union organization;
- Collective Labour Righs;
- Representation and Representativeness in the public and private sectors;
- Collective Bargaining in the private and public sectors;
- Collective Bargaining and Collective Labour Rights;
- Negotiability of managerial prerogatives;
- Strike regulation;
- The regulation of strike in essential public sector services;
- Employment and Self-Employment;
- The principles in matter of personnel hiring in the public and service sectors;
- Personnel mobility;
- Permanent hiring of temporary workers;
- Flexible working arrangements;
- Power of direction, power of monitoring and disciplinary power;
- Job tasks and assignments;
- Health and safety at the workplace;
- Working Time;
- Wage;
- Contract Suspension;
- Dismissal regulation;
- Performance Evaluation.
For further info on the Course program see
Teaching methods
The lectures will be supplemented by the analysis of significant judgments issued by the Constitution Court, by the Cassation Court and by the Italian Merit Courts on the most controversial and debated labour law matters concerning health-care and health sector employment.
Teaching Resources
The Instructors will provide the students with the materials aimed at supporting the comprehension of the Course content on the dedicated Page on ARIEL:
Medicina legale
Course syllabus
With reference to evolution and changes in health care systems, the training topics selected are: A. Legal foundations of the relationship between health care and users. B. Information and consensuality in the health care relationship and the relationship with the patient's fiduciary figures. C. Medical and legal aspects in the team and group relations. D. The elements of professional liability in criminal and civil law: relationship with the health care structure and related insurance issues.
Teaching methods
Teaching Resources
Consensus Help Human Early Life Prevention. Prevenzione precoce delle malattie non trasmissibili e promozione di un corretto sviluppo neurocognitivo. Pediatria Preventiva e Sociale. Supplemento al numero 3-2016. Costantini W, Calistri D. Ostetrica Piccin-Nuova Libraria 2015 - capitoli relativi alla epidemiologia ed agli screening- Pellai A, Educazione sanitaria, strategie educative e preventive per il paziente e la comunita', Piccin editore 2012 Bertazzi PA, a cura di, Medicina del lavoro. Ed Cortina 2013 Cazzaniga A, Cattabeni CM, Luvoni R, Zoja R. Compendio di Medicina Legale e delle Assicurazioni. UTET, Torino, 2018. Ausili et al, A literature review on self care of chronic illness : definition , assessmemnt and related outcome, Professioni Infermieristiche , vol 67 n. 3 Luglio-Settembre 2014 pag 183-189 WHO, Self care in the context of primary health care, Report of the regional consultation, January 2009 WHO, integrated care for older people Guidelines on community-level interventions to manage declines in intrinsic capacity, 2017 Ministero Salute, Relazione sullo stato sanitario del Paese, 2012-2013 e integrazioni successive Eurostat population 2018 AA.VV., E-BOOK incontinence". 6th Edition, 2017 Editors: Paul Abrams - Linda Cardozo - Adrian Wagg Alain Wain Di Benedetto P. Il bignami della riabilitazione uro-ginecologica" January 2016, Universita' Roma Tor Vergata Manifesto salute donna". Medicina di genere e ricerca per le donne. Aprile 2018 - Applicazione e diffusione della medicina di genere nel Servizio Sanitario nazionale (art,3 legge 3/2018) AA.VV., Conoscenza, rilevanza e prospettive della Medicina di Genere in Italia". Survey realizzata da Maya Idee per Hill & Knowlton , 2011 Gambaccini M., La Menopausa implicazioni mediche e sociali". SIM (Societa' Italiana Menopausa). Pasqualini P., Medicina di genere e rischio cardiovascolare". 2018. U.O Cardiologia - AZ USL Toscana sud est Tavoli di lavoro Ministero della salute. 22 aprile 2016 - Roma. Studio Framingham 2012 - ONDA Aspetti di genere nelle malattie cardiovascolari
Scienze infermieristiche ostetrico-ginecologiche
Course syllabus
Regulations relating to the professional practice of Nurses and Midwives
Legislation relating to the professional responsibility of Nurses and Midwives
Regulations related to the Nurses' and Midwives' professional orders Regulations relating to the composition and functioning of the Ethics Committees Informed consent regulation for conducting clinical trials
Regulations relating to the drafting of the clinical-care documentation
Definition, identification and contextualization of professional principles and values
Reasoning methods and ethical and regulatory tools for the analysis of daily clinical activity
Ethical cases
Legislation relating to the professional responsibility of Nurses and Midwives
Regulations related to the Nurses' and Midwives' professional orders Regulations relating to the composition and functioning of the Ethics Committees Informed consent regulation for conducting clinical trials
Regulations relating to the drafting of the clinical-care documentation
Definition, identification and contextualization of professional principles and values
Reasoning methods and ethical and regulatory tools for the analysis of daily clinical activity
Ethical cases
Teaching methods
Traditional lectures and case discussions
Teaching Resources
Normativa utilizzata e' disponibile sul sito del corso (portale della didattica on-line Ariel)
Benci L., Bernardi A., Fiore A., Frittelli T., Gasparrini V., H. Maurizio, Martinengo P., Rodriguez D., Rossi W., Tartaglia R., Tita A., 2017. Sicurezza delle cure e responsabilita' sanitaria - Collana Medicina Commentario alla legge 24/2017.
Conferenza Permanente per i rapporti tra lo Stato, le Regioni e le Provincie Autonome di Trento e di Bolzano - Patto per la salute per gli anni 2019-2021.
Fry S.T., Johnston M.J. Etica per la pratica infermieristica. Una guida per prendere decisioni etiche. Milano, CEA. 2004.
Benci L., Bernardi A., Fiore A., Frittelli T., Gasparrini V., H. Maurizio, Martinengo P., Rodriguez D., Rossi W., Tartaglia R., Tita A., 2017. Sicurezza delle cure e responsabilita' sanitaria - Collana Medicina Commentario alla legge 24/2017.
Conferenza Permanente per i rapporti tra lo Stato, le Regioni e le Provincie Autonome di Trento e di Bolzano - Patto per la salute per gli anni 2019-2021.
Fry S.T., Johnston M.J. Etica per la pratica infermieristica. Una guida per prendere decisioni etiche. Milano, CEA. 2004.
Economia aziendale
Course syllabus
- Strategic planning and strategic management of the healthcare organization - Strategy-structure paradigm and organizational development processes - Complexity and specificity of health organizations, professionalism, and their implications on organizational behaviour - New trends in organizational design of health services - Strategic change management and the leadership cycle in healthcare.
Teaching methods
Class lectures and case discussions
Teaching Resources
Lega F. Economia e Management Sanitario: Settore, Sistema, Aziende, Protagonisti - EGEA, 2018
Organizzazione aziendale
Course syllabus
Organisational theories Organisational planning Organisational structures
Teaching methods
Frontal lesson. Class lectures and case discussions.
Teaching Resources
Lega F., Economia e Management Sanitario: Settore, Sistema, Aziende, Protagonisti, EGEA, 2018. Slides and readings by instructor
Diritto del lavoro
IUS/07 - LABOUR LAW - University credits: 1
Lessons: 8 hours
Corso Stefano Maria
Economia aziendale
Lessons: 24 hours
Lega Federico
Medicina legale
MED/43 - FORENSIC MEDICINE - University credits: 1
Lessons: 8 hours
Zoia Riccardo
Organizzazione aziendale
Lessons: 16 hours
Solari Luca
Scienze infermieristiche ostetrico-ginecologiche
MED/47 - MIDWIFERY - University credits: 1
Lessons: 8 hours
Weekly - plese write to [email protected]
Department of Scienze Biomediche per la Salute - Via Pascal 36
To meet me send an email to [email protected]
Room #16 Department of Social and Political Sciences
By appointment