
A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course aims to provide students with the theoretical basis of dosimetry and to illustrate the wide range of applications. The state of the art of dosimetric instruments and methods is presented and the main research areas and challenges still open in the field of dosimetry are highlighted.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course the student:
- will have acquired knowledge and familiarity with the dosimetric quantities,
- will have acquired knowledge of the characteristics and physical principles of operation of various types of dosimeters
- will have understood the main areas of application of dosimetric instruments
The student will also be able to:
- investigate specific issues of interest in the field of ionizing radiation dosimetry
- choose the most suitable tools in the range of dosimeters and dosimetric instruments, in view of possible future experimental and work activities in the field of dosimetry
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
The teaching program covers the following points:

· Introduction to dosimetry and its applications
· Radiation field quantities and their distributions
· Radiation-matter interaction coefficients
· Dosimetric, stochastic and non-stochastic quantities
· Relationships between field quantities and dosimetric quantities
· Conditions of radiation equilibrium, equilibrium of charged particles and partial equilibrium
· Cavity theory
· Characterization of the quality of the radiation
· Overview and general properties of dosimeters
· Standard and traceability in dosimetry
· Ionization chambers
· Chemical dosimeters (Fricke dosimeter, gel dosimeters, film dosimeters)
· Luminescence dosimeters (thermoluminescence, optically stimulated luminescence, radioluminescence, and radio-photoluminescence)
· Semiconductor dosimeters
· Internal dosimetry
· Retrospective dosimetry
· Notes on operating quantities and dosimetric quantities in radiation protection
Prerequisites for admission
Basic knowledge of the mechanisms of interaction of the ionizing radiation with matter
Teaching methods
The teaching method consists of lectures in the classroom, during which the topics of the program are explained together with examples
Teaching Resources
Slides and bibliographic documents available or suggested on the website of the course in ARIEL (
Assessment methods and Criteria
The assessment method consists of an oral test aimed at verifying the knowledge acquired by the student and the related processing skills and critical reasoning on the study carried out. In addition, the student is also given the right to deepen a topic chosen from those treated, agreeing in advance with the teacher both the topic and the related bibliographic sources.
FIS/07 - APPLIED PHYSICS - University credits: 6
Lessons: 42 hours
Professor: Veronese Ivan