Digital Transition, Proceedings and Drafting of Public Administration Documents

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The aims of the course are, on the one hand, to deepen the institutional framework of administrative procedures and administrative acts and, on the other hand, to study the modalities of drafting such acts, especially considering the impacts of the ongoing process of digitalisation for the public administration.
The course will therefore use two sets of learning and teaching methods. On the one hand, a complete cycle of lessons examines the essential aspects of the administrative activity, its historical origins, its concrete meaning though a combination of cases and examples and its digitalisation. On the other hand, a cycle of in class workshops will deepen, under a practical point of view, the topics previously examined.
The lectures require the student to develop the ability to listen, understand and critically analyse the subjects of the course. The workshops, on the other hand, require a personal effort in order to concretize the theoretical notions into practical simulation of the public administrations' activity.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course, the students must demonstrate that they have acquired a thorough knowledge of the characteristics of the administrative acts and proceedings, also understanding the legal problems related to them, as well as the goals and reasons of the various legal tools at disposal of the public administrations. Furthermore, it is necessary to demonstrate the ability to apply the notions learned to concrete cases, drafting the different kinds of acts the public administrations can adopt to pursue the public interest (refusals of consent, sanctions, authorizations, etc.), also considering the ongoing process of digitalisation of the public bodies. Furthermore, the student should be able to formulate personal opinions with reference to the topics covered by the course, supporting them through logical and legal arguments. Finally, the student must demonstrate his ability to express the notions acquired with property of language, argumentative coherence and systematic rigor.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
The following topics are covered by the course:
· administrative act and its essential features.
· General principles on legal writing.
· Techniques and style of administrative writing: argumentation, interpretation and administrative language.
· Administrative writing workshops on specific topics such as:
i) acts of local administration;
ii) public procurement;
iii) immigration;
iv) environment;
v) administrative agreements;
vi) second-degree administrative measures.
The course has an extremely practical approach, so that students are strongly advised to attend it, as it will focus on the writing of different models of administrative measures, concerning some of the main areas of intervention of the public apparatus.
Prerequisites for admission
Students must have passed the exams of Constitutional law, Private law and Administrative law.
Teaching methods
For master's degree students, the course is intended as an in-depth study, with an eminently practical approach, of the notions of administrative procedure and act, especially through an understanding of how public administrations draft their decisions.
Students have the opportunity to develop the theoretical foundations learned in the teaching of Administrative Law, knowledge of which is essential for the success of the course.

After a series of introductory lectures on techniques and style of administrative acts drafting, students participate in "writing workshops," dedicated to the in-depth study of specific profiles of Administrative Law (acts of local authorities, public competitions and contracts, immigration, environment, etc.). Each of these workshops consists of a cycle of three lectures, in which the introduction of the subject (first lecture) is followed by a meeting with an expert/public administration officiar (second lecture) and, finally, a practical writing test, in which students are asked to draft a model decision in light of the notions learned in the previous encounters (third lecture).

Given the highly practical nature of the course, the active participation of students plays an essential role.
Teaching Resources
For both attending and nonattending students, the study of the following texts is recommended in order to acquire basic knowledge of the course main topics:
· R. VILLATA, M. RAMAJOLI, Il provvedimento amministrativo, Giappichelli, Torino, II ed., 2017, chapters I, III, IV, V;
· Guida alla redazione degli atti amministrativi. Regole e suggerimenti, a cura Istituto di teoria e tecniche dell'informazione giuridica e Accademia della Crusca, online:;

The texts listed above, for attending students, will be approached in light of additional teaching materials provided during class.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The final exam will be held in oral form and the assessment is expressed in grades with a maximum grade of 30/30, and possible cum laude.
Students are given the opportunity to attend practical exercises in writing administrative acts, the overall assessment of which, if accepted, constitutes 50 percent of the final grade (the remaining 50 percent corresponds to the oral examination).
IUS/10 - ADMINISTRATIVE LAW - University credits: 6
Lessons: 42 hours