Development of Applications for Mobile Devices
A.Y. 2024/2025
Learning objectives
The aim of this course is presenting advanced data management techniques in the context of mobile applications. The main topics will be: indoor positioning, activity recognition, and augmented reality.
Expected learning outcomes
The students will improve their abilities in the analysis of complex problems and in definition of the corresponding solutions with scientific methodology. The students will also acquire knowledge about three relevant topics (indoor positioning, augmented reality and activity recognition). Since these topcis are currently being investigated, the students will also improve their ability to understand scientific documents. The students will also acquire development skills by creating a prototype application with innovative aspects.
Lesson period: Second semester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course can be attended as a single course.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
- Augmented reality
- Indoor positioning
- Activity recognition
- introduction to iOS development (including an introduction to Swift programming and to Swift UI)
- Indoor positioning
- Activity recognition
- introduction to iOS development (including an introduction to Swift programming and to Swift UI)
Prerequisites for admission
The Mobile Computing course is strongly recommended.
Teaching methods
Frontal teaching.
Teaching Resources
Slides are provided (on the Ariel website) for each lesson, forming the base for the studying material. Within the slides, links are available to scientific papers and online resources.
Assessment methods and Criteria
There are two tests, one for each part (complements of mobile computing and iOS development).
Test modalities for complements of mobile computing.
A written exam in April/May and June, with open and multiple-choice questions. An oral test in the other exams.
Test modalities iOS development.
Each student proposes a project to the teacher. The system should include an iOS client. The system (including a possible server part) should be developed by the student. When the project is complete, the student presents it to the teacher during an oral exam.
Test modalities for complements of mobile computing.
A written exam in April/May and June, with open and multiple-choice questions. An oral test in the other exams.
Test modalities iOS development.
Each student proposes a project to the teacher. The system should include an iOS client. The system (including a possible server part) should be developed by the student. When the project is complete, the student presents it to the teacher during an oral exam.
INF/01 - INFORMATICS - University credits: 6
Lessons: 48 hours
Ahmetovic Dragan, Mascetti Sergio