Descriptive Phenomenology

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course aims at an in-depth discussion of issues in the general area of theoretical philosophy, discussing also their relationship with other subjects. The problems discussed have to do with the nature of perception, memory, imagination, and the relationship between them.
Expected learning outcomes
Knowledge and understanding
- In-depth knowledge of problems in philosophy of mind, as well as ability to critically evaluate the results studied.
- Development of a better familiarity with the research methods in the area of theoretical philosophy; special attention is devoted to opportunities to employ ideas and concepts from other disciplines.

Ability to apply knowledge and understanding
- Ability to apply the knowledge and critical skills acquired, also outside the specific area of the course and also outside philosophy.
- Ability to critically assess the methods employed in philosophical research and apply them to new problems.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
The course will address the concept of narration, attempting to shed light on its peculiar structure and the difference between events, accounts and fictional narratives. An attempt will also be made to shed light on the relationship between the narrated text and the presuppositions that are implied by its fruition. In the last 20 hours, the course will take seminar form.

Recordings will be available on the course team (Descriptive Phenomenology (LM - Spinicci) 2024-25) at this address:
All necessary information pertaining to the course will be given on the course team.
Prerequisites for admission
Basic knowledge of Phenomenology and Philosophy of Mind
Teaching methods
Debate and discussion
Teaching Resources
The reference materials for the course will be given in final form later. However, the following texts will be examined:

Part common to the 6 and 9 cfu programme:

Aristotle, The Poetics, edited by P. Donini, Einaudi, Turino 2008
A book of your choice from:
D. Herman, Story logic, Nebraska University Press, 2004
G. Genette, Nuovo discorso sul racconto, Einaudi, Turin 1997
S. Chatman, Story and Discourse, Cornell University Press, 1978
M.Fludernik, An introduction to Narratology, Routledge, 2009

one text of your choice from the following:
- W. Iser, L'atto della lettura. Il Mulino, Bologna, 1987;
- G. Currie, Narrative and narrators. A philosophy of Stories, OUP, 2011;
- K. Stock, Only Imagine. Fiction, Interpretation and Imagination, OUP, 2017;

Additional part for the 9 cfu programme:

1. One text of your choice from the following:

- D. Lewis, 'Truth in Fiction', American Journal of Philosophy 15 (1978): 37-46.
- S. Friends, "The real foundation of fictional words", Australasian Journal of Philosophy 95 (1), 2017, 29-42
Assessment methods and Criteria
The examination is oral, for both attending and non-attending students, and consists of two parts of approximately 15 minutes each: the first part ascertains the acquisition of knowledge and understanding of the proposed readings, the second part ascertains the ability to analyse and discuss one or more passages from the texts in the syllabus. A short written paper is recommended
M-FIL/01 - THEORETICAL PHILOSOPHY - University credits: 9
Lessons: 60 hours
Professor: Spinicci Paolo