Databases and Web

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course learning objective is to illustrate the main data management concepts and methodologies, focusing in particular on relational databases, the SQL language, and their role in Web architectures. Also, it has the objective to provide a hands-on experience to acquire the ability to implement a Web portal that dynamically gets data by querying a relational DBMS.
Expected learning outcomes
The students are expected to understand the relevance of appropriate data representation and management. They will learn how to design a relational DB, and how to use SQL to query and manage the data. By the hands-on experience they will also learn how to implement a dynamic Web site that acquires data by querying a relational DBMS.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
- Introduction to data management
- WEB-DB architectures
- The relational model
- Conceptual modeling
- From conceptual to logical models
- Relational algebra
- Relational Calculus
- The SQL language
- Relational schema design (normalization)
- Introduction to new models and systems (temporal and spatial DB, no-SQL, ...)

- Designing, creating, and querying a database
- Embedding SQL in server-side scripting
- Web Programming with access to a DBMS
Prerequisites for admission
The course requires knowledge of the basic notions of computer science, including computer architecture and operating systems, in addition to the ability to write programs in at least one programming language.
Students who have not passed the Programming course exam will not be admitted to the exam of this course. Students are strongly encouraged to attend or have attended the Web and Cloud Applications course.
Teaching methods
The theory part consists in frontal teaching with slides, examples and exercises. The interaction with students is stimulated with questions and online quizzes.
The lab part alternates frontal teaching with individual practical activity in a computer lab.
Teaching Resources
Basi di dati. VI edizione. Paolo Atzeni, Stefano Ceri, Stefano Paraboschi, Riccardo Torlone, Mc Graw-Hill, 2023, ISBN: 9788838656545 .
Assessment methods and Criteria
The evaluation of the students' profit for this course consists of two parts. The first part concerns the fundamental notions (theory) and is organised in a written test including a multiple choice quiz on all the topics covered in the theory module, followed by three kinds of exercises (open questions). This part is evaluated with a score from 0 to 32 with 18 as the minimum score to pass this part and be admitted to the lab part.

The abilities acquired in the lab module are evaluated by assigning an individual software project that can be prepared at home but will have to be modified at school during the final lab exam that is usually held 7-10 days after the theory part. Even in this case the student will obtain a score between 0 and 32 with 18 as the minimum score to pass.

The final score is obtained with a weighted sum (2/3 for theory and 1/3 for lab). The resulting score is the final with ay score above 30 registered as '30 with honor'.

NOTE: non-Italian speaking students that plan to give the exam must contact the instructors at the beginning of the course
INF/01 - INFORMATICS - University credits: 12
Laboratories: 48 hours
Lessons: 72 hours
Professor: Ahmetovic Dragan
Professor: Bettini Claudio
Educational website(s)
send email for an appointment
Room 7021, via Celoria 18