Data Analysis

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
Aim of the course is to gain a series of basic competences for retrieving, treating, analysing and presenting qualitative and quantitative information. More in detail, students will learn how to perform queries in digital catalogues, as well as in online datahubs with political, economic and juridical data, and how to download the relevant information in different formats. Furthermore, they will further learn how to use the most common electronic spreadsheets to catalogue, analyse and present those data.
Expected learning outcomes
After taking this course students should be familiar with the Unimi electronic databases, and will be able to download research articles and access datasets. They will know how to pose a (research) question and download relevant data published by international organization and institutes such as IMF, WB, OECD, WGI, Eurostat, Eurobarometer, etc. Finally, they will be able to describe and communicate findings of simple descriptive analyses using graphs and tables produced with Microsoft Excel.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
First trimester
INF/01 - INFORMATICS - University credits: 3
Basic computer skills: 20 hours
Professor: Cassani Andrea
Wednesday, 5:30 p.m.
Room 2, Department of Social and Political Sciences (1st floor, Building 1, stairs close to the cafeteria))