
A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course introduces the fundamental concepts and the most important applications of modern cryptography. Starting from the study of the classical techniques of cryptography, the course will introduce the most important algorithms for symmetric and asymmetric cryptography, the generation and application of hash and Mac functions, for digital signature, for key exchange and for secret sharing
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course the students will be able to apply the most important cryptographic techniques for ciphering, authentication, and data integrity.
They will also be able to evaluate the security of a cryptographic system.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Third four month period
Course syllabus
Classical cryptography
Classical cryptography techniques and cryptoanalysis. Cesar, Playfair and Hill ciphers. Polialphabetic ciphers. Vigenere cipher and its cryptoanalaysis. Ciphering mahines. One-time pad. Steganography.

Symmetric Criptography
Block cipher encryption. Feistel structures. DES and operation modes. Linear and differential cryptoanalysis. AES. Other symmetric ciphers: Blowfish, RC5. Stream cipher: RC4.

Asymmetric Criptography
Public key cryptograhy. RSA. Security and computational aspects. Primality tests. El-Gamal cryptosystem. Elliptic curve cryptography.

Hash functions and MAC
Hash functions: birthday attack, iterated hashfunctions, MD5, SHA-1, SHA-3 hash functions based on block ciphers. Message Authentication Code: CBC-MAC, MAC based on hash functions, HMAC.

Digital signature.
RSA, Digital Signature Standard.

Key management and key exchange: Diffie-Hellmann. Sharing secret techniques: Visual cryptography.
Prerequisites for admission
Stongly suggested to have passed Dicrete Mathematics
Teaching methods
Teaching Resources
William Stallings - Crittografia - Pearson, 2022
C. Paar - J Pelzl -Introduction to Cryptography
Assessment methods and Criteria
Written test with open answers on closed books. At the end of the test, the evaluation is expressed on a scale from 0 to 30, taking into account the following parameters: grade of knowledge on the topics, capacity of applying the knowledge to real problems. An optional oral discussion on a topic or on the description of a project can be requested to increase the final evaluation. Exam results will be published on the relative website.
INF/01 - INFORMATICS - University credits: 6
Lessons: 48 hours
Professor: Cimato Stelvio
Professor: Cimato Stelvio
on appointment
Room 6007 - 6th Floor - Via Celoria 18 , Milano