Criminal Law

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course aims at teaching the principles and basic concepts of the general part of criminal law. It will provide essential knowledge for professional figures who need to understand the system of criminal offences and penalties, while at the same time fostering the learning of the specific vocabulary and methodology of criminal law.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course, students who have successfully learned the subject will have gained the following notions and competences:
a comprehensive understanding of the fundamental principles and basic concepts of Italian Criminal Law;
the knowledge of the most relevant case-law related to Italian Criminal Law;
the ability to interpret the rules of the general part of the Italian Penal Code, as well as to understand their elementary relations with the rules of the special part;
the ability to properly handle the Penal Code;
the abilities to address, discuss and solve practical cases in accordance with Italian Criminal Law;
the ability to understand and to use the appropriate legal terminology.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Surname A-L

Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
The course addresses the fundamental institutions and rules governing Italian Criminal law, traditionally referred to as the "general part" of the subject. The covered topics include: the legitimacy of criminal law and the theories of punishment; the sources of criminal law and relevant constitutional principles; the elements of crime and the framework of criminal liability; inchoate offences; forms of participation; sanctions (both penalties and security measures); corporate criminal liability. For a better understanding of the subject, the analysis of the general part will be complemented with practical examples taken from the special part (i.e. the catalogue of the specific offences). Moreover, in order to enhance students' analysis skills, discussions about specific interpretative problems, selected on the basis of the most significant case law, will be constantly encouraged.
Prerequisites for admission
According to art. 5 of the "Regolamento didattico del Corso di Laurea in Scienze dei servizi giuridici", in order to take the exam of Criminal Law, students must have already passed the exams of Constitutional Law and Private Law.
Teaching methods
The students will be constantly encouraged to take part to discussions on the interpretation of legal provisions and the qualification of conducts according to the Penal Code. Topics for discussions will be also selected by taking into account the relevant case-law.
Teaching Resources
G. MARINUCCI, E. DOLCINI, G.L. GATTA, Manuale di diritto penale. Parte generale, XIII ed., Giuffrè, 2024. The following parts are EXCLUDED from the exam program: cap. I, par. 2.3., da 4 a 7, 8.3., 8.4; cap. II, par. 2.2., 2.3., 2.6., 9, 10; cap. III, par. 4, 9, 10, 11, da 14 a 28; cap. VI, par. 1.3., 4.3., 4.5.; cap. VII, par. 9.1.; cap. VIII, par. 6, 8.3., 8.6; cap. IX, par. 2, 3, 4, 6.2., 6.3., 6.9., 6.10; cap. X, par. 6, 7, 8; da 17 a 24; cap. XI tutto; cap. XII tutto; cap. XIII, par. 7, 8, da 9.2. a 9.9, da 10.2.3. a 10.4.4., da 12 a 17, 20; cap. XIV, da 2 a 15, 17, 19; cap. XVI, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11. In order to simplify the selection, the textbook table of contents will be published in PDF on the MYAriel website and the excluded parts will be highlighted in red.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The final exam consists of an oral discussion aimed at ascertaining knowledge of the topics covered by the course programme, as well as the capacity to properly explain legal concepts and perform legal reasoning. The student's ability to handle the Italian Penal Code and to interpret its provisions will also be assessed. The final grade is expressed in thirtieths. At the time of registration for the oral examination, it will be possible to express a preference for taking the exam with the professor in charge of the teaching. There is no specific programme for Erasmus students.

A written midterm exam will be optional and open to all (attending and non-attending students). Passing the test allows the oral examination on the sole remaining part of the syllabus. More detailed information on the written exam is available on the course's MyAriel site.
IUS/17 - CRIMINAL LAW - University credits: 9
Lessons: 63 hours
Professor: Zirulia Stefano
Professor: Zirulia Stefano

Surname M-Z

Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
The course addresses the fundamental institutions and rules governing Italian Criminal Law, traditionally referred to as the "general part" of the subject. The covered topics include: the legitimacy of criminal law and the theories of punishment; the sources of criminal law and relevant constitutional principles; the elements of crime and the framework of criminal liability; inchoate offences; forms of participation; sanctions (both penalties and security measures); corporate criminal liability. For a better understanding of the subject, the analysis of the general part will be complemented with practical examples taken from the special part (i.e. the catalogue of the specific offences). Moreover, in order to enhance students' analysis skills, discussions about specific interpretative problems, selected on the basis of the most significant case law, will be constantly encouraged.
Prerequisites for admission
According to art. 5 of the "Regolamento didattico del Corso di Laurea in Scienze dei servizi giuridici", in order to take the exam of Criminal Law, students must have already passed the exams of Constitutional Law and Private Law.
Teaching methods
The course is articulated in lectures and has a total duration of 63 hours. During lectures, students will be constantly encouraged to take part to discussions on the interpretation of legal provisions, the qualification of conducts according to the Penal Code. Topics for discussions will be also selected by taking into account the relevant case law.
Teaching Resources
G. MARINUCCI, E. DOLCINI, G.L. GATTA, Manuale di diritto penale. Parte generale, 13a ed., Giuffrè, 2024.
In order to simplify the selection, the textbook summary will be published on the Ariel site with the excluded parts highlighted in red.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The final exam consists of an oral interview aimed at ascertaining knowledge of the topics covered by the course programme, as well as the capacity to properly explain legal concepts and perform legal reasoning. The student's ability to handle the Italian Penal Code and to interpret its provisions will also be assessed.
It will be possible to express a preference for taking the test with the professor.
There is no specific programme for Erasmus students.
IUS/17 - CRIMINAL LAW - University credits: 9
Lessons: 63 hours
Professor: Galluccio Alessandra
Tuesday at 2.30 p.m. (by appointment only)
Department of Law "Cesare Beccaria", Criminal law section (Via Festa del Perdono 3, 2nd floor)