Cosmology 1

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The Cosmology course aims to provide students with a modern vision and as
complete as possible of the history and evolution of the Universe as a whole.
In Cosmology, the last few years we have witnessed the birth of the so-called "standard cosmological model", i.e. of a series of theoretical and
observational results that, overall, provide a relatively complete description of the main physical processes on large scale affecting the Universe. The course will provide the basics for understand the standard cosmological model,with particular regard to uniform and isotropic models of the Universe (leaving much of the study of inhomogeneities for the course of Cosmology 2).
Although the course is predominantly theoretical, quite some emphasis will be given to the application of the concepts learned for cosmological
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course the student will be able to

1. Know the main observational astrophysical parameters relevant to the

2. Understand the main hypotheses used for the construction of the models
cosmological and their geometric implications in a relativistic context.

3. Know the dynamic history of the Universe (Big Bang and the age of the
Universe, Hubble law and accelerated expansion).

3. Have a complete view of the thermal history of the Universe and the element formation (primordial nucleosynthesis).

4. Know some of the most effective survey techniques of the Universe
(formation of massive structures, gravitational lenses, cosmic background

5. Appreciate how some of the problems left unresolved by the model
cosmological standards can be solved by the inflationary paradigm.

6. Solving simple problems of a cosmological nature, performing the relative problems calculations, and using real data present in public databases.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
FIS/05 - ASTRONOMY AND ASTROPHYSICS - University credits: 6
Lessons: 42 hours
Wednesday, 14-15
Personal office at the Physics Department