Copyright Law

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
Copyright deals with the subject matter contained in Law no. 633 of 22 April 1941 and, in particular, with the discipline of creative works that belong to literature, music, figurative arts, architecture, theatre, cinema, industrial design, software and databases.
At the end of the course the student must have acquired a good knowledge of the Italian and European discipline of copyright law in order to resolve legal issues through the reworking of the notions learned.
Expected learning outcomes
KNOWLEDGE, UNDERSTANDING AND LEARNING SKILLS. The student will have to demonstrate knowledge of the general principles of intellectual property and the discipline of copyright, also in the light of the technological and regulatory innovations that have interested the subject.
APPLICATION SKILLS AND AUTONOMY OF JUDGMENT. The student must demonstrate the ability to interpret and apply, with autonomy of judgment, the notions learned during the course to the solution of concrete cases that will be submitted by the professor.
COMMUNICATION SKILLS. The student must demonstrate the ability to express the notions acquired with appropriate legal language and coherence
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
The teaching will focus on the evolution of the discipline of copyright following the important technological innovations that have affected the subject matter, the principles and general notions, the institution's rationale, protected works and their specific discipline, the requirements of novelty and creative character, subjective profiles and the discipline of works created with the contribution of several subjects, the moral rights of the author, the content of economic rights (right of publication, reproduction, communication to the public, distribution, processing, rental, etc..), the duration of economic rights, limits to copyright with particular attention to exceptions and limitations, rights related to the exercise of copyright, contracts concerning works protected by copyright, judicial protection, Technology Copyright.
Prerequisites for admission
No specific prerequisites are required
Teaching methods
The course is structured in two parts, in the a first part the professor will explains the general principles of the subject and the individual topics that make it up, the second part is dedicated to the discussion of practical cases, distributed to the students through the Ariel Portal, with specific insights on current issues.
Teaching Resources
Ghidini, Profili evolutivi del diritto industriale, Milano Giuffrè 2015 (Capitoli I e III).
Spedicato, Principi di diritto d'autore, Bologna Il Mulino, 2020.
Sena - Giudici, Codice di diritto industriale, Milano, Giuffrè, 2019.
Erasmus students may study on Gustavo Ghidini, Rethinking Intellectual Property, EE Edward Elgar, 2018
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam consists of an oral test. The final vote will be expressed in thirtieth.
The exam is aimed at assessing the knowledge learned, critical thinking, skills and the quality of exposure.
The exam is aimed at assessing the knowledge learned, critical thinking, skills and the quality of exposure.
IUS/04 - BUSINESS LAW - University credits: 6
Lessons: 42 hours
Professor: Giudici Silvia
Professor: Giudici Silvia