Constitutional Law

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The purpose of the course is the study of the Italian constitutional order, retracing the historical origin of the Republican Constitution, the characteristics of the Italian form of government, the structure and functions of Parliament and the Government and the guarantee bodies ( President of the Republic and Constitutional Court), the judiciary, the characteristics of the regional state and the fundamental rights recognized by our Constitution also in light of the most interesting decisions of the Constitutional Court and the Court of Justice European Human Rights.
The teaching is fully consistent with the objectives of the Course of Studies, which requires the acquisition of basic legal knowledge essential for a training path towards communication.
Expected learning outcomes
The course aims to lead participants to the awareness of the characteristic elements of the Italian form of government, developing the ability to apply the learned notions to concrete contexts and to know how to relate them in the present day, also thanks to the identification and interpretation of the relevant constitutional provisions and respective legal structures.
By the end of the course, students will have acquired solid, if not specialized, legal knowledge that will allow them to understand and reading of the orders and its constitutional bodies and promote more informed access to information and communication.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
Extended program:

Unità didattica A (20 ore 3 cfu): the historical origin and the features of the Italian Constitution; the Italian Form of Government; the Parliament; the President of the Republic; the Executive; the Judiciary.
Unità didattica B (20 ore 3 cfu): the Italian Constitutional Court: structure and functioning; Regions and Local Government; Rights and Freedoms in the Italian Constitution.
Prerequisites for admission
Teaching methods
1) Face-to-face lectures 2) Case studies: case notes are available on the Ariel elearning platform (such as decisions of the Constitutional court; decisions of International courts; legislation texts).
Teaching Resources
One textbook to be chosen among the following:

Part A (20 ore 3 cfu):
M. D'Amico, G. Arconzo, S. Leone, Lezioni di diritto costituzionale, FrancoAngeli, Milano, 2022, Chapter from I to VII excluding cap. II (le fonti del diritto-nozioni generali).
V. Onida - M. Pedrazza Gorlero, Compendio di diritto costituzionale, Giuffrè, 6 ed., Milano, 2023, chapters I, III, VI, VII, VIII, IX, XI.
Part B (20 ore 3 cfu):
M. D'Amico, G. Arconzo, S. Leone, Lezioni di diritto costituzionale, FrancoAngeli, Milano, 2022, Chapter from VIII to X.
V. Onida - M. Pedrazza Gorlero, Compendio di diritto costituzionale, Giuffrè, 6 ed., Milano, 2023, chapters XII, XIII (until phar. 7 ), IV, V3
Assessment methods and Criteria
Students (attending as well as not-attending, although the attendance is recommended), can take the oral exam in any of the date scheduled starting from December 2024. The maximum grade will be 30/30; the minimum grade will be 18/30.
Students can face a written optional exam at the end of the course focused on the course contents (20 multiple choice test + one open question) attributing 100% of the final grade.
Students can sit the general oral exam if they fail the optional written exam

International or Erasmus students are required to contact the professor and to study the textbook:
M. Cartabia, N. Lupo, Constitution of Italy, A Contextual Analysis, Hart Publishing, 2022.
The Italian constitutional court, pubblicato sul sito della Corte costituzionale in
The exam will consist of an oral examination.

Students with disabilities or SLDs are requested to contact the teacher and the Disability and SLD Services [email protected] for further support.
IUS/09 - PUBLIC LAW - University credits: 6
Lessons: 40 hours