Comunication and Teaching of Mathematics

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course aims to address the foundations of mathematics in a thorough and critical manner, the implicit theories of intelligence and those of learning. The course aims to improve communication skills, to develop mathematical thinking, the ability to apply mathematics to other disciplines, to civic education, to the real world and to the development of the whole person according to modern research in pedagogy, neuroscience and cognitive development. The student will be involved in various activities, in particular communication and simulation activities in the educational context.
Expected learning outcomes
Students will be able to manipulate geometric figures and concepts and to explore their properties in a semi-autonomous way.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
Different learning styles will be illustrated, and teaching strategies for personalized instruction will be indicated. The course will focus on these 5 teaching components:

Inclusive Lectures:
Principles of inclusivity in teaching.
Techniques to maintain high attention and student engagement.
Use of multimedia and technological tools.
Mathematics Laboratories:
Organization and management of laboratories. It will be shown how to integrate concrete materials and manipulatives into mathematics teaching.
Examples of laboratory activities for different school levels.
Homework and Assessment Tests:
Creation of homework assignments that promote critical thinking.
Design of formative and summative assessment tests.
Educational Games for the Classroom:
Theory and practice of gamification.
Development of games in line with ministerial guidelines.
Examples of mathematical games and their applications.
Use of games to improve understanding of mathematical concepts.
Outdoor Activities:
Use of parks and open spaces for teaching mathematics.
Design of outdoor mathematical pathways.
Mathematical activities to be carried out in museums and cultural sites.
Prerequisites for admission
No specific requirements
Teaching methods
The course will include lectures, indoor and outdoor laboratory sessions, educational games, discussions, and group projects.
During the course, students will participate in practical simulations and design educational and outreach activities, allowing them to review and apply the contents of the ministerial guidelines for lower secondary school and to experiment with and refine their skills in educational planning and implementation.
Teaching Resources
Julie Barnes, Jessica M. Libertini, Tactile learning activities in mathematics ( a recipe book for the undergraduate classroom), AMS/MAA Classroom resource materials Vol. 54, 2018.

Castelnuovo E., 2017. Didattica della matematica.UTET Università.

Castelnuovo E., 2017. Pentole, ombre, formiche. In viaggio con la matematica. UTET Università.

Frigerio E., Spreafico M.L.S., 2018. Ed ora, origami. 18 laboratori di matematica con l'origami. Kangourou Italia.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The assessment, for a total of 32 points (31 and 32 points with honors), will be based on:

- Active participation in lectures and laboratories (up to 4 points)
- Submission of 5 group projects (max 3 people) or individual projects on scheduled dates during the course (up to 4 points each)
- Creation and oral presentation of a final project that integrates all the aspects covered in the course. The presentation slides must be submitted on Myariel one week before the exam date (up to 8 points).

The final examination will consist of an oral test in which the final project will be presented and the 5 projects handed in and participation in the course will be discussed and evaluated.
Lessons: 36 hours
by appointment