Computer Architecture

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course aims at introducing basic concepts of hardware and firmware architectures of computing systems, starting from digital circuit fundamentals up to the description of behavior and structure of the main parts of a computing system and its programming in machine language.
Expected learning outcomes
Students are expected to master information encoding techniques, Boolean algebra, and key notions of logic circuits. They will have to demonstrate understanding of role and behavior of basic elements related to structure and functioning of a computer. Students will have also to be able to translate simple algorithms into the machine language of the reference processor adopted in the course.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
· Reference architecture. Von Neumann machine. Functional structure of the main parts of the machine.
· Machine language. The Assembly language. Exercises.
· Functional principles of digital computing systems. Digital coding of information. Switching logic, logic gates, bistables. Combinational and sequential circuits.
· Main parts of the microcomputer architecture. Memory circuits. Memory technologies (ROM, SRAM, DRAM).
· I/O (Input/Output) peripherals architecture. Types and characteristics of I/O devices. The bus: structure and interconnection schemes. Software handling of I/O.
· The CPU: Data Path design. Circuits performing Arithmetic operations. ALU model design.
· The CPU: Control Path design. Control Unit design. Wired and microprogrammed control units.
· Main architectural advances. Cache memories. Virtual memory. Pipelining.
Prerequisites for admission
No prerequisites. Requested a knowledge of the basic concepts related to computer programming, and the ability of reading an English textbook.
Teaching methods
Front lectures.
Teaching Resources
Notes and slides by the teacher, available on the Ariel course website.
Suggested material:
· P.Patel, Y.Patt: Introduction to computing systems: from bits and gates to C and beyond, McGraw Hill.
· V.C.Hamacher, Z.G.Vranesic, S.G.Zaky: Computer Organization, McGraw Hill.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam consists in
* a 60-minutes written test (evaluated in thirtieths) without possibility of consulting books or other didactic supports, with 3 open-answer questions aiming at evaluating the understanding and the personal rethinking of all topics presented in lectures, as well as all logical connections among the various, technological, functional and implementation dependent aspects of the computer architecture;
* a 60-minutes practical test in a PC lab (that - if correct - may lead to a maximum increment of 2 thirtieths of the grade obtained in the written test) requiring implementation and testing of a program written in LC2 Assembly language, to verify the understanding of the machine-level behavior of the computer.
Results will be publiched on the Ariel course website.
INF/01 - INFORMATICS - University credits: 6
Laboratories: 24 hours
Lessons: 36 hours
Professor: Scarabottolo Nello
Professor: Scarabottolo Nello
Professor: Scarabottolo Nello
Turno A
Professor: Scarabottolo Nello
Turno B
Professor: Scarabottolo Nello
Appointment by e-mail
DI - via Celoria 18, 20133 Milano