Comparative Public Law

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
Aim of the course is to develop the knowledge of comparative constitutional law in theory and practice. In the first part, the course will offer theoretical overview of the methodology of comparative law and an historical development of the form of state and form of government. In the second part, the course will study some of constitutional systems aiming to investigate fundamental principles of constitutional law in comparative perspective. In the last part, the class will investigate relevant case law in comparative perspective. Class could be teach by some foreign Professors; knowledge of English is required.
At the end of the course the student will have an in-depth knowledge of the course topics. The student will also acquire a reasoning method suitable for dealing with more specific and complex legal issues.
Expected learning outcomes
- Knowledge and understanding: students shall know the fundamental aspects comparative law methodology and historical development of comparative constitutional law
- Applying knowledge and understanding: students shall be able to understand the notions acquired during the course and to apply them to the current issues and ongoing case law in a comparative law perspective.
- Making judgements: students shall be able to make accurate judgments on the main comparative constitutional law issues. Students shall be able to assess the importance, but also the critical points, of the comparative methodology;
- Communication: students shall be able to express notions and opinions correctly, using the appropriate terminology;
- Lifelong learning skills: students shall acquire good individual study skills
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Surname A-D

Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
The teaching program includes the following topics: History of comparative law; comparative methodology; rule of law and forms governments; vertical and horizontal separation of powers; comparative legal systems (particularly us constitutional law); comparative cases law.
Teaching methods
Professors will use: a) lectures; b) thematic insights proposed to students (with particular regard to the analysis of comparative constitutional case-law)
Teaching Resources
UN volume A SCELTA tra:
a) F. Furlan, S. Gianello, M. Iacometti, C. Martinelli, G. Vigevani, M. P. Viviani Scheiln, Costituzioni comparate, Giappichelli, Torino, 2017;
b) T.E. Frosini, Diritto Pubblico Comparato. Le democrazie stabilizzate, Il Mulino, 2019

2. L.P. Vanoni, Pluralismo religioso e Stato (post) secolare. Una sfida per la modernità, Torino, Giappichelli, 2016;
Assessment methods and Criteria
The final exam will be oral. The evaluation of the question will take into account, in addition to the acquisition of the contents of the teaching, the ability to organize the knowledge discursively, the capacity for critical reasoning, the quality of the exposure, the competence in the use of the proper lexicon.
IUS/21 - COMPARATIVE PUBLIC LAW - University credits: 6
Lessons: 42 hours

Surname E-N

Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
Methodologies of comparison; separation of powers; forms of State and systems of government; constitutional systems compared (US, Germany, France); current challenges to comparative law: rule of law crisis in Europe; abusive constitutionalism in Latin America; Illiberal democracies.
Prerequisites for admission
Constitutional Law and Private Law
Teaching methods
The course will be developed through theoretical lessons, case law discussion and guests seminars. Active participation in class is particularly welcome.
Teaching Resources
Program for attending students:

One book between:
a) F. Furlan, S. Gianello, M. Iacometti, C. Martinelli, G. Vigevani, M. P. Viviani Scheiln, Costituzioni comparate, Giappichelli, Torino, 2017;
b) T.E. Frosini, Diritto Pubblico Comparato. Le democrazie stabilizzate, Il Mulino, 2019

2) Lessons' notes and reading materials which will be uploaded on Moodle.

Suggested reading:
G. Bognetti, La divisione dei poteri, Milano, Giuffrè 2001 (available also in English, L.P. Vanoni e A. Baraggia con il titolo G. Bognetti, Dividing Powers. A theory of separation of powers, Milano, Wolters Kluver Cedam, 2017).

Program for non attending students:

One book between:
a) F. Furlan, S. Gianello, M. Iacometti, C. Martinelli, G. Vigevani, M. P. Viviani Scheiln, Costituzioni comparate, Giappichelli, Torino, 2017;
b) T.E. Frosini, Diritto Pubblico Comparato. Le democrazie stabilizzate, Il Mulino, 2019

2. One book between:
a) AA VV, Libertà di espressione, Giappichelli, in corso di pubblicazione.
b) A. Baraggia, La regolamentazione dell'aborto negli Stati Uniti e in Irlanda: due esperienze paradigmatiche, Giappichelli, 2022.

Suggested reading:
G. Bognetti, La divisione dei poteri, Milano, Giuffrè 2001 (available also in English, L.P. Vanoni e A. Baraggia con il titolo G. Bognetti, Dividing Powers. A theory of separation of powers, Milano, Wolters Kluver Cedam, 2017).
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam will be oral and it will assess the students' acquired skills.
IUS/21 - COMPARATIVE PUBLIC LAW - University credits: 6
Lessons: 42 hours

Surname O-Z

Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
Analytical Program: Methodologies of comparison; constitutional history; separation of powers; forms of State and systems of government; constitutional systems of the United Kingdom, the United States, France, Spain; Germany and Russia.
Prerequisites for admission
To have pass Constitutional Law and Private Law exam is required.
Teaching methods
The theoretical frontal lessons will be supported by slides. The active participation of students is appreciated and stimulated.
Teaching Resources
1) F. Furlan, S. Gianello, M. Iacometti, C. Martinelli, G. Vigevani, M. P. Viviani Scheiln, Costituzioni comparate, Giappichelli, Torino, 2022;
2) M. Volpi, Libertà e Autorità, Giappichelli, 2022.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The final exam will be oral. The evaluation of the question will take into account, in addition to the acquisition of the contents of the teaching, the ability to organize the knowledge discursively, the capacity for critical reasoning, the quality of the exposure, and the competence in the use of the proper lexicon.
IUS/21 - COMPARATIVE PUBLIC LAW - University credits: 6
Lessons: 42 hours