Comparative Private Law
A.Y. 2024/2025
Learning objectives
By the end of their classes, students should be aware of the differences and similarities among legal systems. Primary objectives of teaching course: a) to make available for student the lexical, conceptual and methodological tools that will allow him to carry out a legal analysis in a comparative perspective, in order to fully identify the differences and similarities between different legal systems; B) to provide student with knowledge necessary for a critical understanding of the legal systems, primly referring to contract and torts in the framework of the law harmonization and unification, in order to increase his familiarity and understanding with transnational problems. Overall, the course promotes student's transnational training and increases his familiarity with legal experiences different from that of the Italian one.
Expected learning outcomes
Students will acquire cultural, methodological and specific competences (by direct teaching) and they will strengthen communication skills (by classroom discussions and flipped classrooms) in order to develop a deep understanding of comparative private law in supranational dimension.
The specific knowledge acquired through theoretical lessons, as well as through the analysis of case-studies, will be oriented to develop students' ability to provide a critical analysis and autonomous evaluation of legal phenomena regarding the current phase of globalization. The topics covered by the course, the skills and the abilities that will be taught are an essential part of the training of international relations expert.
By the end of their classes the students should be familiar with:
A) the main questions concerning legal traditions classification and existing legal systems and how to compare legal institutions;
B) the use of comparative taxonomic models;
C) The use of different sources of law (case law, legislation, customs);
D) to use bibliographic legal data with a good degree of autonomous competence and to prepare a brief presentation on comparative legal problems.
The specific knowledge acquired through theoretical lessons, as well as through the analysis of case-studies, will be oriented to develop students' ability to provide a critical analysis and autonomous evaluation of legal phenomena regarding the current phase of globalization. The topics covered by the course, the skills and the abilities that will be taught are an essential part of the training of international relations expert.
By the end of their classes the students should be familiar with:
A) the main questions concerning legal traditions classification and existing legal systems and how to compare legal institutions;
B) the use of comparative taxonomic models;
C) The use of different sources of law (case law, legislation, customs);
D) to use bibliographic legal data with a good degree of autonomous competence and to prepare a brief presentation on comparative legal problems.
Lesson period: Second trimester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course can be attended as a single course.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Lesson period
Second trimester
IUS/02 - COMPARATIVE PRIVATE LAW - University credits: 9
Lessons: 60 hours
Benarafa Jihane, Lanni Sabrina
Educational website(s)
Friday from 10.00 to 12.00. Students have to write 48 hours in advance an email.
Room N. 1 or Microsoft Teams