Companion Animals and Horse Infectious and Parasitic Diseases

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
VET/05 VET/06
Learning objectives
This course provides knowledge on aetiology, epidemiology, diagnosis, prevention, control and therapy of the most important infectious and parasitic of horses and companion animals.
Expected learning outcomes
Knowledge and understanding
The student will acquire the knowledge of the main infectious and parasitic diseases of horses and companion animals related to etiology, epidemiology, diagnosis, prevention and control measures, therapy.

Ability to apply knowledge and understanding
The student with the knowledge acquired during the course will be able to identify the infectious and parasitic diseases of horses and companion animals, identify the most efficient diagnostic procedures to confirm the diagnosis, apply adequate preventive measures and suggests appropriate control and therapy.
Autonomy of judgment

At the end of the course the student will be able to identify infectious and parasitic diseases, suggest the most appropriate interventions to control them. The student will be able to read and critically analyze documents and information on infectious and parasitic diseases.
Communication skills
Based on what has been learned from the course, the student will be able to explain what he has learned in a simple and clear way using correct and appropriate scientific terminology.
Life long learning skills
The student will have to demonstrate the ability to use the knowledge acquired to evaluate unespected cases of which he has not had direct experience.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Prerequisites for admission
In order to take the exam, students must have passed the Veterinary Anatomic Pathology I exam, as established by the study schedule.
Assessment methods and Criteria
Learning assessment will consist of a written exam and a practical test aimed at ascertaining the acquisition of correct understanding and ability to manage the course topics. For the "Equine infectious diseases" part, learning assessment will consist of a written exam with n. 11 multiple choices, aimed at ascertaining the acquisition of correct understanding of the course topics and is based on the bibliography of the course. The time given for taking the written test is 30 minutes. The written exam will be evaluated taking into account the accuracy of the answers. Each correct answer will correspond to 1 point and wrong answers will correspond to 0 points. The exam will be passed with at least 6 points. The points wll be summed to the point obtained in the "Dog and cat infectious diseases" part and the written exam will be evaluated out of thirty.
The didactical tools available on the Ariel platform allows the formulation of questions aimed at verifying knowledge of the topics, the ability to critically analyze the contents critically. The final vote will be calculated as the weighted mean of the points obtained in the Infectious disease and Parasitic disease parts of the exam. The test will be evaluated out of thirty and the final grade will take into account the accuracy and quality of the answers.
Equine infectious diseases
Course syllabus
Frontal teaching
Equine bacterial infectious disease (2 hours)
Equine viral infectious disease (6 hours)
Teaching methods
Frontal teaching
Teaching Resources
Poli G., Dall'Ara P., Martino P.A., Rosati (2017): Microbiologia e immunologia veterinaria. 3a edizione, EDRA
Debra C. Sellon and Maureen T. Long (2014): Equine Infectious Diseases. 2nd ed., Saunders
Markey B., Leonard F., Archambault M. Ann Cullinane, & Maguire D. (2014): Clinical Veterinary Microbiology, 2nd ed., Mosby Elsevier
Slides of the course on Ariel platform
Companion animals, horse and new companion animals parasitology and parasitic diseases
Course syllabus
Parasitic diseases of horses: endo and ectoparasitic diseases (5 hours)
Control and therapy of parasitic diseases of horses (3 hours)
companion animals parasitic diseases: endo and ectoparasitic diseases (6 hours)
Control and therapy of companion animals parasitic diseases: endo and ectoparasitic diseases (4 hours)
Parasitic diseases of non conventional animals (3 hours)
Diseases caused by fungi (3 hours)

Practical activity:
The practics consist in analyzing biological samples (feces, blood, scarified) collected from horses, companion and non conventional animal by basic parasitological techniques (copromicroscopic tests, serological tests). The goal is to introduce the student to the techniques for diagnosing parasitic diseases of animals, to the correct medical reporting and choice of the antiparasitic drug (16 hours).
Teaching methods
Frontal teaching and practical activities
Teaching Resources
Taylor M.A., Coop R.L., Wall R.L. (2010, Edizione Italiana): Parassitologia e Malattie Parassitarie degli Animali. EMSI pp. 989
Garippa G., Manfredi M.T., eds (2011). Guida alla diagnosi e terapia delle Malattie Parassitarie degli Animali. Prima Edizione Italiana di Veterinary Parasitology di Foreyt J.W., EMSI Roma pp 276.
Teacher slides will be available on the Ariel platform:
Dog and cat infectious diseases
Course syllabus
Frontal teaching
Viral and bacterial infectious disease of dogs (4 hours)
Viral and bacterial infectious disease of cats (4 hours)

Practical activity:
The practices (16 hours) consist in first 8 hours (in the classroom to the whole studentship) to resume with greater awareness than in previous years all the main notions of the best approach to vaccination practice in general (classification and types of vaccines, registration of a vaccine, consequent response to different types of vaccination, herd immunity, factors that influence vaccination practice) and to propose the correct vaccination for each individual infectious disease considered.
The other 8 hours are carried out in the laboratory in repeated turnations analysing different types of canine and feline biological material (whole blood, plasma, serum, faeces and other samples) by applying the most common in-clinics tests on the market, with the aim of introducing the student to the first tools available in a veterinary clinic for the formulation of a first diagnostic suspicion of the main infectious diseases of dogs and cats and for the evaluation of the real protection of each individual and the possible need to vaccination (16 hours)
Teaching methods
Frontal teaching and practical activities
Teaching Resources
Poli G., Dall'Ara P., Martino P.A., Rosati (2017): Microbiologia e immunologia veterinaria. 3a edizione, EDRA
Bo S. (2014): Manuale di malattie infettive del cane e del gatto, 2a ed., EV Edizioni Veterinarie, Cremona
Dall'Ara P. (2020): Vaccini e vaccinazioni del cane e del gatto, EDRA
Greene C.E. (2012): Infectious diseases of the dog and cat. 4th ed., Elsevier
Course slides made available by the teacher in Ariel website (
Companion animals, horse and new companion animals parasitology and parasitic diseases
Practicals: 16 hours
Lessons: 24 hours
1- 4 truni da 5 ore per gruppi di studenti
Professor: Manfredi Maria Teresa
2- 4 turni da 3 ore per gruppi di studenti
Professor: Zanzani Sergio Aurelio Giorgio
3 - 4 turni da 4 ore per gruppi di studenti
Professor: Gazzonis Alessia Libera
Professor: Manfredi Maria Teresa
Turno unico per tutti gli studenti
Professor: Manfredi Maria Teresa
Dog and cat infectious diseases
Practicals: 16 hours
Lessons: 8 hours
1- 4 turni da 4 ore per gruppi di studenti
Professor: Dall'Ara Paola Emanuela Maria
2 - 4 turni da 4 ore per gruppi di studenti
Professor: Lauzi Stefania
Turno unico per tutti gli studenti
Professor: Dall'Ara Paola Emanuela Maria
Equine infectious diseases
Lessons: 8 hours
Professor: Lauzi Stefania
Professor: Lauzi Stefania
contact me by mail or phone
every day (with previous appointment by e-mail)
Lodi, Department of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences (DIVAS)