Community Medicine 3

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
MED/13 MED/28 MED/30 MED/32
Learning objectives
The course aims to provide students with the tools to recognize the most frequent pathologies in dentistry, otolaryngology, of the endocrine system and of the eye and being able to evaluate and assess diagnostic pathways and therapy.
Expected learning outcomes
Identify and understand the epidemiology, the etiology, symptomatology and prognosis of the mayor disease of the district.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Prerequisites for admission
There are no prerequisites
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam is a written question with open and closed questions and is held for all modules of the integrated course on the same day.
Eye diseases
Course syllabus
Common ocular diseases according to different ages:
- Refractive errors, amblyopia, and strabismus
- Diabetic retinopathy
- Cataracts
- Glaucomas
- Age-related macular degeneration
Teaching methods
Frontal Lessons
Teaching Resources
Oftalmologia, Delfino Editore
Oral diseases and dentistry
Course syllabus
- Classification of teeth and dental formula
- Hints of embryology and odontogenesis
- Anatomy and morphology of the teeth and gums in children and adults
- Epidemiology of oral diseases in Italy and in the world
- Etiological factors of caries and periodontal disease
- Dental plaque and cariogenic bacteria
- The role of diet, socio-economic and behavioral factors in oral health
- Caries risk assessment
- At home and professional preventive methods of the main diseases of the oral cavity
- the regional health service for oral health
- Maintaining oral health in the elderly patient
Teaching methods
Frontal Lessons and group projects.
Teaching Resources
Linee guida nazionali per la promozione della salute orale e la prevenzione delle patologie orali in età evolutiva. Scaricabili gratuitamente dal sito del Ministero della Salute

Professor's documents f
Course syllabus
Anatomy and physiology of the outer, middle and inner ear
Fundaments of audiometry
Conductive and sensorineural hearing loss in adults
Presbycusis: general clinical and diagnostic aspects
Hygiene and conservation of instrumentations
Newborn hearing screening: primary and secondary prevention of deafness
Causes of deafness
Hearing aids: hearing aids, cochlear implants and other devices
The provision of the hearing aids to the elderly by the S.S.N.
Teaching methods
Frontal Lessons, practical sessions
Teaching Resources
U. Ambrosetti, F. Di Berardino, L. Del Bo Audiologia Protesica Minerva medica editore

A. Cesarani Audiologia pratica Casi Clinici Omega Editore

L. Pignataro. A. Cesarani, G. Felisati, A. Schindler Trattato di Otorinolaringoiatria ed Audiologia EdiSES
Course syllabus
Introduction to Endocrinology
Pituitary diseases
Thyroid diseases
Teaching methods
Frontal Lessons
Teaching Resources
1) Titolo: Core curriculum Endocrinologia e Metabolismo
Autori: Giovanni Faglia, Paolo Beck-Peccoz, Anna Spada, Andrea Lania, Editore: MacGraw Hill Education
2) Williams Textbook of Endocrinology 13th Edition
Autori: Shlomo Melmed Kenneth Polonsky P. Reed Larsen Henry Kronenberg
Editore: Elsevier
MED/32 - AUDIOLOGY - University credits: 1
Lessons: 10 hours
Professor: Di Berardino Federica
MED/13 - ENDOCRINOLOGY AND METABOLISM - University credits: 1
Lessons: 10 hours
Professor: Colombo Carla
Professor: Colombo Carla
Eye diseases
MED/30 - OPHTHALMOLOGY - University credits: 1
Lessons: 10 hours
Professor: Rossetti Luca Mario
Oral diseases and dentistry
MED/28 - ORAL DISEASES AND DENTISTRY - University credits: 1
Lessons: 10 hours
Professor: Cagetti Maria Grazia
Friday 11.00-12.00
Via Pace 9 - Audiology Unit - "Fondazione IRCCS Ca’ Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico" hospital