Community Medicine 1
A.Y. 2024/2025
Learning objectives
To be acquainted with infectious diseases, including those sexually transmitted, epidemiology, legislation and preventive-educational methods for community health
To acquire the ability to identify the infectious risks and to intervene for the supervision and protection of hygienic conditions in families, schools and assisted communities
To be acquainted with the most important pathologies of dermatological interest and the main preventive measures in the field of oncological dermatology
To be acquainted with the principles and rules concerning the hospital hygiene, prevention and control of hospital- and community-acquired infections
To be acquainted with the methods and techniques of prevention and of healthcare-social-educational ntegrated assistance
To become aware of the effects on health due to the exposure to environmental pollutants
To acquire the methodologies to empower the individual and the community towards the environment
To acquire the ability to use the scientific literature by selecting accredited sources
To acquire the ability to use web 2.0 as a tool to inform and educate the population and health professionals
To acquire the ability to identify the infectious risks and to intervene for the supervision and protection of hygienic conditions in families, schools and assisted communities
To be acquainted with the most important pathologies of dermatological interest and the main preventive measures in the field of oncological dermatology
To be acquainted with the principles and rules concerning the hospital hygiene, prevention and control of hospital- and community-acquired infections
To be acquainted with the methods and techniques of prevention and of healthcare-social-educational ntegrated assistance
To become aware of the effects on health due to the exposure to environmental pollutants
To acquire the methodologies to empower the individual and the community towards the environment
To acquire the ability to use the scientific literature by selecting accredited sources
To acquire the ability to use web 2.0 as a tool to inform and educate the population and health professionals
Expected learning outcomes
Demonstrate the knowledge of the infectious diseases and the healthcare related infections, the ability to identify the infectious risk
Demonstrate the knowledge of the main dermatological diseases
Demonstrate the knowledge of the effects on health due to the exposure to environmental pollutants
Demonstrate the ability to use scientific literature using accredited sources and the web.2 as an information and education tool for the population and health professionals
Demonstrate the knowledge of the main dermatological diseases
Demonstrate the knowledge of the effects on health due to the exposure to environmental pollutants
Demonstrate the ability to use scientific literature using accredited sources and the web.2 as an information and education tool for the population and health professionals
Lesson period: First semester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course can be attended as a single course.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Prerequisites for admission
There are no prerequisites
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam consists of a written and an oral test
The exam is held for all modules of the integrated course on the same day.
The exam is held for all modules of the integrated course on the same day.
Infectious diseases
Course syllabus
Flow of infectious diseases signalling (immediate/delayed)
Mainf - regional information system
Surveillance, prevention, prophylaxis, control of tuberculosis within Lombardy
Mantoux - intradermal reaction (with execution exercise)
Integrated surveillance system for measles and rubella
Prevention and control of invasive bacterial diseases that can be prevented with vaccination
Emerging infectious diseases: vectorial diseases
Analysis of real infectious diseases cases (practical exercise)
General concepts about infectious diseases
General epidemiology (for examples )way of transmission
Infectious diseases' diagnosis
Infectious diseases' notification
Isolations' Measures
Parenteral/sexual, fecal, respiratory transmission of infectious diseases (HIV, HBV,HAV, HCV, cholera, typhus, TBC, pneumonia, flu)
Exanthematic diseases
Bacterical and viral meningitis and encephalitis
Tovxplasmosis, Cytomegalovirus herpesvirus diseases
Diseases transmitted by vectors
Mainf - regional information system
Surveillance, prevention, prophylaxis, control of tuberculosis within Lombardy
Mantoux - intradermal reaction (with execution exercise)
Integrated surveillance system for measles and rubella
Prevention and control of invasive bacterial diseases that can be prevented with vaccination
Emerging infectious diseases: vectorial diseases
Analysis of real infectious diseases cases (practical exercise)
General concepts about infectious diseases
General epidemiology (for examples )way of transmission
Infectious diseases' diagnosis
Infectious diseases' notification
Isolations' Measures
Parenteral/sexual, fecal, respiratory transmission of infectious diseases (HIV, HBV,HAV, HCV, cholera, typhus, TBC, pneumonia, flu)
Exanthematic diseases
Bacterical and viral meningitis and encephalitis
Tovxplasmosis, Cytomegalovirus herpesvirus diseases
Diseases transmitted by vectors
Teaching methods
Frontal Lessons
Teaching Resources
Moroni M, Antinori S, Vullo V. Manuale di Malattie Infettive, II Edizione , EDRA-Elsevier 2015
Hygiene and public health
Course syllabus
Relationship between health and the environment
Biological monitoring
ADI Acceptable daily intake calculation
Definition of an acceptability limit of a substance in an environmental matrix
Environmental Impact Assessment
Indoor pollution and sick building syndrome
Soil pollution and hazardous waste disposal methods
· Healthcare related infections: incidence, transmission (through air, devices/drugs, hands), occupational infections
· Inappropriate behaviors that expose patients and healthcare workers to the risk of infections
· Hand wash
· Antimicrobial resistance
Biological monitoring
ADI Acceptable daily intake calculation
Definition of an acceptability limit of a substance in an environmental matrix
Environmental Impact Assessment
Indoor pollution and sick building syndrome
Soil pollution and hazardous waste disposal methods
· Healthcare related infections: incidence, transmission (through air, devices/drugs, hands), occupational infections
· Inappropriate behaviors that expose patients and healthcare workers to the risk of infections
· Hand wash
· Antimicrobial resistance
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons
Teaching Resources
Slides used during lessons
· CDC Guideline for Isolation Precautions: Preventing Transmission of Infectious Agents in Healthcare Settings (2007)
· WHO Guidelines on Hand Hygiene in Health Care: First Global Patient Safety Challenge Clean Care Is Safer Care.Geneva: World Health Organization; 2009
· Filmato Le infezioni in agguato
· Diapositive delle lezioni
· CDC Guideline for Isolation Precautions: Preventing Transmission of Infectious Agents in Healthcare Settings (2007)
· WHO Guidelines on Hand Hygiene in Health Care: First Global Patient Safety Challenge Clean Care Is Safer Care.Geneva: World Health Organization; 2009
· Filmato Le infezioni in agguato
· Diapositive delle lezioni
Dermatological and venerological diseases
Course syllabus
Anatomy and physiology of the skin. Skin lesions. Impetigo. Pediculosis. Scabies. Melanoma
Teaching methods
Frontal Lessons
Teaching Resources
Core Curriculum Dermatologia. A. Rebora e S. Veraldi
Applied medical techniques
Course syllabus
Flow of infectious diseases signalling (immediate/delayed)
Mainf - regional information system
Surveillance, prevention, prophylaxis, control of tuberculosis within Lombardy
Mantoux - intradermal reaction (with execution exercise)
Integrated surveillance system for measles and rubella
Prevention and control of invasive bacterial diseases that can be prevented with vaccination
Emerging infectious diseases: vectorial diseases
Analysis of real infectious diseases cases (practical exercise)
Prevention and control of Legionella
Community diseases: scabies, dermatophytosis, pediculosis
- Search for accredited biomedical scientific literature:
o WHAT to search
o HOW to search
o WHERE to search
- Selection and use of currently available tools for searching scientific literature:
o Descriptors, Keywords, MESH terms and free words
o Boolean operators
o Terminology (impact factor, peer review, library-economics...)
o Limitations and combinations
- Recognize and choose from the many available scholarly sources those that are accredited:
o Review bibliographic sources
o Biomedical databases
o EBM and Systematic Reviews of scientific literature
o Gray literature
o Web in Medicine
o Social Networks
- Exercises on PubMed
- Introduction to the concept of One Health declined to environmental education
- Overview of health effects, associated with exposure to some of the major pollutants in living environments, selected on the basis of:
o Evidence from scientific literature
o Potential health and environmental significance based on prevalence and prevalence of exposure
o Perception of risk in the community
- concept of sustainable development and the main causes of environmental problems
- transmission of a cultural model oriented toward the recognition of individual and collective rights and responsibility toward the environment and future generations, through works of environmental information and education
Mainf - regional information system
Surveillance, prevention, prophylaxis, control of tuberculosis within Lombardy
Mantoux - intradermal reaction (with execution exercise)
Integrated surveillance system for measles and rubella
Prevention and control of invasive bacterial diseases that can be prevented with vaccination
Emerging infectious diseases: vectorial diseases
Analysis of real infectious diseases cases (practical exercise)
Prevention and control of Legionella
Community diseases: scabies, dermatophytosis, pediculosis
- Search for accredited biomedical scientific literature:
o WHAT to search
o HOW to search
o WHERE to search
- Selection and use of currently available tools for searching scientific literature:
o Descriptors, Keywords, MESH terms and free words
o Boolean operators
o Terminology (impact factor, peer review, library-economics...)
o Limitations and combinations
- Recognize and choose from the many available scholarly sources those that are accredited:
o Review bibliographic sources
o Biomedical databases
o EBM and Systematic Reviews of scientific literature
o Gray literature
o Web in Medicine
o Social Networks
- Exercises on PubMed
- Introduction to the concept of One Health declined to environmental education
- Overview of health effects, associated with exposure to some of the major pollutants in living environments, selected on the basis of:
o Evidence from scientific literature
o Potential health and environmental significance based on prevalence and prevalence of exposure
o Perception of risk in the community
- concept of sustainable development and the main causes of environmental problems
- transmission of a cultural model oriented toward the recognition of individual and collective rights and responsibility toward the environment and future generations, through works of environmental information and education
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons
Challenge by learning
Circle time
Challenge by learning
Circle time
Teaching Resources
Delibera n.VII18853 del 30/09/2004 (sorveglianza, notifica, controllo delle malattie infettive: revisione e riordino degli interventi di prevenzione in Regione Lombardia)
DGR n.VII/19767 del 10 dic.2004: sorveglianza e controllo della Tubercolosi
Aggiornamenti in merito alla prevenzione dell'infezione, alla sorveglianza e al controllo della malattia tubercolare in Regione Lombardia - 2017. Allegato alla DGR 6855 del 12/07/2017
DGR n. X/3190/2015: "Modalità di segnalazione e notifica delle malattie infettive e accertamenti con finalità epidemiologica"
Il sistema di sorveglianza integrata del morbillo e della rosolia : Circolare del Ministero della Salute n. 33189 del 12/11/2018
Piano nazionale integrato di prevenzione, sorveglianza e risposta ai virus West Nile e Usutu - 2019" (Circolare Ministeriale 0012909-06/05/2019)
Piano Nazionale di sorveglianza e risposta alle arbovirosi trasmesse da zanzare invasive (Aedes sp.) con particolare riferimento ai virus Chikungunya, Dengue e Zika - 2018" (Circolare n. 14836 del 18 maggio 2018)
Barbera E. et al. (2013) Social media e promozione della salute: perché utilizzarli, in che modo e come valutarne l'impatto; Dors Regione Piemonte
· Ciotti F. Roncaglia G. Il mondo digitale: introduzione ai nuovi mediaedizioni la terza roma 2000
· Institute for the Future for the University of Phoenix Research Institute (2011), "future Work Skills 2020".
· O.M.S., (1998). Glossario della Promozione della Salute.
· O.M.S., (2006). Aggiornamento del Glossario O.M.S. della Promozione della Salute: nuovi termini.
· Regione Piemonte. Dors - Una Interpretazione Salutogenica Della Carta Di Ottawa. Tratto da:
· Santoro, E. (2013). I social Media, le apps e la trasformazione della comunicazione, della formazione e dell'assistenza in sanità. Prog Med 104(5): 179-180.
· Santoro E. (2007) Il web 2.0: dalla partecipazione alla in-formazione
· Santoro E. (2010) L'evoluzione di Internet per assistenza, formazione e ricerca: potenzialità e limiti del web 2.0; GIMBEnews; Luglio-Agosto 2010; vol.3 n.4; 37-38
· Sillence E. et al. (2007) "How do patients evaluate and make use of online health information?" Social Science & Medicine
· Tosco E. (2013) "I social network sono setting di promozione della salute?"; Sintesi ed adattamento dell'articolo di Julia Loss, Verena Lindacher, Janina Curbach "Online social networking sites—a novel setting for health promotion?; Health & Place
· Trombini A. (2013) Medicina 2.0: come il web trasforma il rapporto tra medico digitalizzato e paziente informato - Università di Bologna- Scuola di Lettere e Beni Culturali - Corso di Laurea in Scienze della Comunicazione Pubblica, Sociale e Politica. Rel. Prof.ssa Lalli, P. a.a.2012-2013 (inedito)
· Auxilia F., Pontello M. Igiene e sanità pubblica: Salute e ambiente. A cura di Bertazzi P.A., Grappasonni I. Piccin Nuova Libraria, Padova 2017.
1 Introduzione. L'influenza dell'ambiente sulla salute. Meccanismi biologici ed evidenze epidemiologiche -TUTTO
2 Tossicologia ambientale: concetti generali sulla valutazione del rischio -TUTTO
3 Valutazione dell'esposizione ambientale e professionale - NO da "I metodi di prelievo" PAG. 47 A 56 SI' Paragr. 3.2.2 E NO DA PAG.58 A 62, SI' Paragr. 3.3
4 Il monitoraggio biologico - NO DA PARAG. 4.3 A 4.3.8
5 Inquinamento dell'aria e salute -TUTTO
6 Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) e comfort negli ambienti confinati non industriali -TUTTO
7 Ambiente e allergie: valutazione dell'esposizione ambientale
e occupazionale - NO DA PAG 191 A 198
8 L'inquinamento del suolo -TUTTO
9 Salute rurale (agricoltura e zootecnia) - NO PARAG. 9.4 e NO da Parag. 9.6.5 a fine capitolo
10 L'acqua - NO PARAGR. 10.5.5
11 Acque ad uso umano -TUTTO
12 Acque fluviali - NO da pag 397 a fine capitolo
13 Acque reflue - No paragr. 13.1.1 e NO da paragr. 13.2.1 a 13.2.4
14 Legislazione in tema di risorse idriche - SOLO 14.2 Acque minerali naturali
· Buffoli, Capolongo, Odone, Signorelli Salute e Ambiente: Igiene edilizia, urbanistica e ambientale EdiSES
2 Sostenibilità ambientale e Urban Health (da pag. 59 a 68)
8 Sicurezza ed emergenze ambientali -TUTTO
· Multi-Touch Book: Cellulare senza rischi, consigli per l'uso
Slide docente
DGR n.VII/19767 del 10 dic.2004: sorveglianza e controllo della Tubercolosi
Aggiornamenti in merito alla prevenzione dell'infezione, alla sorveglianza e al controllo della malattia tubercolare in Regione Lombardia - 2017. Allegato alla DGR 6855 del 12/07/2017
DGR n. X/3190/2015: "Modalità di segnalazione e notifica delle malattie infettive e accertamenti con finalità epidemiologica"
Il sistema di sorveglianza integrata del morbillo e della rosolia : Circolare del Ministero della Salute n. 33189 del 12/11/2018
Piano nazionale integrato di prevenzione, sorveglianza e risposta ai virus West Nile e Usutu - 2019" (Circolare Ministeriale 0012909-06/05/2019)
Piano Nazionale di sorveglianza e risposta alle arbovirosi trasmesse da zanzare invasive (Aedes sp.) con particolare riferimento ai virus Chikungunya, Dengue e Zika - 2018" (Circolare n. 14836 del 18 maggio 2018)
Barbera E. et al. (2013) Social media e promozione della salute: perché utilizzarli, in che modo e come valutarne l'impatto; Dors Regione Piemonte
· Ciotti F. Roncaglia G. Il mondo digitale: introduzione ai nuovi mediaedizioni la terza roma 2000
· Institute for the Future for the University of Phoenix Research Institute (2011), "future Work Skills 2020".
· O.M.S., (1998). Glossario della Promozione della Salute.
· O.M.S., (2006). Aggiornamento del Glossario O.M.S. della Promozione della Salute: nuovi termini.
· Regione Piemonte. Dors - Una Interpretazione Salutogenica Della Carta Di Ottawa. Tratto da:
· Santoro, E. (2013). I social Media, le apps e la trasformazione della comunicazione, della formazione e dell'assistenza in sanità. Prog Med 104(5): 179-180.
· Santoro E. (2007) Il web 2.0: dalla partecipazione alla in-formazione
· Santoro E. (2010) L'evoluzione di Internet per assistenza, formazione e ricerca: potenzialità e limiti del web 2.0; GIMBEnews; Luglio-Agosto 2010; vol.3 n.4; 37-38
· Sillence E. et al. (2007) "How do patients evaluate and make use of online health information?" Social Science & Medicine
· Tosco E. (2013) "I social network sono setting di promozione della salute?"; Sintesi ed adattamento dell'articolo di Julia Loss, Verena Lindacher, Janina Curbach "Online social networking sites—a novel setting for health promotion?; Health & Place
· Trombini A. (2013) Medicina 2.0: come il web trasforma il rapporto tra medico digitalizzato e paziente informato - Università di Bologna- Scuola di Lettere e Beni Culturali - Corso di Laurea in Scienze della Comunicazione Pubblica, Sociale e Politica. Rel. Prof.ssa Lalli, P. a.a.2012-2013 (inedito)
· Auxilia F., Pontello M. Igiene e sanità pubblica: Salute e ambiente. A cura di Bertazzi P.A., Grappasonni I. Piccin Nuova Libraria, Padova 2017.
1 Introduzione. L'influenza dell'ambiente sulla salute. Meccanismi biologici ed evidenze epidemiologiche -TUTTO
2 Tossicologia ambientale: concetti generali sulla valutazione del rischio -TUTTO
3 Valutazione dell'esposizione ambientale e professionale - NO da "I metodi di prelievo" PAG. 47 A 56 SI' Paragr. 3.2.2 E NO DA PAG.58 A 62, SI' Paragr. 3.3
4 Il monitoraggio biologico - NO DA PARAG. 4.3 A 4.3.8
5 Inquinamento dell'aria e salute -TUTTO
6 Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) e comfort negli ambienti confinati non industriali -TUTTO
7 Ambiente e allergie: valutazione dell'esposizione ambientale
e occupazionale - NO DA PAG 191 A 198
8 L'inquinamento del suolo -TUTTO
9 Salute rurale (agricoltura e zootecnia) - NO PARAG. 9.4 e NO da Parag. 9.6.5 a fine capitolo
10 L'acqua - NO PARAGR. 10.5.5
11 Acque ad uso umano -TUTTO
12 Acque fluviali - NO da pag 397 a fine capitolo
13 Acque reflue - No paragr. 13.1.1 e NO da paragr. 13.2.1 a 13.2.4
14 Legislazione in tema di risorse idriche - SOLO 14.2 Acque minerali naturali
· Buffoli, Capolongo, Odone, Signorelli Salute e Ambiente: Igiene edilizia, urbanistica e ambientale EdiSES
2 Sostenibilità ambientale e Urban Health (da pag. 59 a 68)
8 Sicurezza ed emergenze ambientali -TUTTO
· Multi-Touch Book: Cellulare senza rischi, consigli per l'uso
Slide docente
Applied medical techniques
Lessons: 40 hours
Dermatological and venerological diseases
Lessons: 10 hours
Alberti Violetti Silvia, Marzano Angelo Valerio
Hygiene and public health
MED/42 - HYGIENE AND PUBLIC HEALTH - University credits: 2
Lessons: 20 hours
Prigitano Anna Cristina Maria
Prigitano Anna Cristina Maria
Infectious diseases
MED/17 - INFECTIOUS DISEASES - University credits: 2
Lessons: 20 hours
Riva Agostino
Riva AgostinoEducational website(s)