Commercial Law

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
1) Knowledge and understanding. The students must demonstrate that they have acquired a basic knowledge of the fundamental institutions governing the Italian sole traders and companies.
2) Application skills. The students must demonstrate that they have acquired the appropriate analytical skills to select, interpret and apply, in a reasoned and legally sustainable manner, the object of the course institutions to specific cases.
3) Autonomy of judgment. The student must demonstrate that they have understood the scope and function of the object of the course and institutions and that they have acquired the ability to draw conclusions about the issues raised on the basis of a reasoned and legally sustainable analysis.
4) Skill in communication. The students must demonstrate the ability to express their knowledge with argumentative consistency, systematic rigor and ownership of language.
Expected learning outcomes
The students must demonstrate that they have developed a learning ability enablying them to continue their studies with a high degree of autonomy
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Surname A-D

Lesson period
Course syllabus
The sole trader. The business units. The auxiliaries of the sole trader. The competition. The companies: the simple company; the general partnership; the limited partnership; the corporation: in particular, the listed company; the company limited by shares; the limited liability company; the cooperative company. Transformation, merger and demerger. The groups of companies. The bank and insurance contracts. The securities markets.
Prerequisites for admission
As per academic regulation of the degree course; in particular, private law and constitutional law institutions are preparatory.
Teaching methods

During the course, students will be able to participate in a "Competitive Seminar" organized together with the other chairs of Commercial Law. Students, divided into groups, will study cases and discuss them by simulating a trial before a civil court.
Teaching Resources
G. Presti - M. Rescigno, Corso di diritto commerciale, Vol. I, Bologna, Zanichelli latest edition (only chapters I, II, III, IV, V, VIII paragraph 4, IX and X);
G. Presti - M. Rescigno, Corso di diritto commerciale, Vol. II, Bologna, Zanichelli, latest edition;
G. Presti - M. Rescigno, Corso di diritto commerciale, Vol. I, Bologna, Zanichelli, latest edition (chapters I, II, III, IV, V, VIII paragraph 4, IX, X and XVIII onwards);
P. Jaeger - F. Denozza - A. Toffoletto, Appunti di diritto commerciale. Impresa e società, latest edition, Milan, Giuffrè;
G. Campobasso, Diritto Commerciale, 1, Diritto dell'impresa, latest edition, UTET
G. Campobasso, Diritto Commerciale, 2, Diritto della società, latest edition, UTET
The P. Jaeger - F. Denozza - A. Toffoletto and Campobasso texts must be integrated with the materials provided by the teachers on
An updated civil code is needed (eg G. De Nova, Codice civile e leggi collegate, latest edition, Zanichelli)
Assessment methods and Criteria
The examination consists solely of an oral test
IUS/04 - BUSINESS LAW - University credits: 15
Lessons: 105 hours
Professors: Pedersoli Edoardo, Vicari Andrea

Surname E-N

Lesson period
IUS/04 - BUSINESS LAW - University credits: 15
Lessons: 105 hours

Surname O-Z

Lesson period
Course syllabus
The sole trader. The business units. The auxiliaries of the sole trader. The competition. The companies: the simple company; the general partnership; the limited partnership; the corporation: in particular, the listed company; the company limited by shares; the limited liability company; the cooperative company. Transformation, merger and demerger. The groups of companies. The bank and insurance contracts. The securities markets.
Prerequisites for admission
1) Knowledge and understanding. The students must demonstrate that they have acquired a basic knowledge of the fundamental institutions governing the Italian sole traders and companies.
2) Application skills. The students must demonstrate that they have acquired the appropriate analytical skills to select, interpret and apply, in a reasoned and legally sustainable manner, the object of the course institutions to specific cases.
3) Autonomy of judgment. The student must demonstrate that they have understood the scope and function of the object of the course and institutions and that they have acquired the ability to draw conclusions about the issues raised on the basis of a reasoned and legally sustainable analysis.
4) Skill in communication. The students must demonstrate the ability to express their knowledge with argumentative consistency, systematic rigor and ownership of language.
Teaching methods

During the course, students will be able to participate in a "Competitive Seminar" organized together with the other chairs of Commercial Law. Students, divided into groups, will study cases and discuss them by simulating a trial before a civil court.
Teaching Resources
Testi consigliati
G. Presti - M. Rescigno, Corso di diritto commerciale, Vol. I, Bologna, Zanichelli ultima edizione (unicamente le lezioni I, II III, IV, V, VIII paragrafo 4, IX e X);
G. Presti - M. Rescigno, Corso di diritto commerciale, Vol. II, Bologna, Zanichelli, ultima edizione;
G. Presti - M. Rescigno, Corso di diritto commerciale, Vol. Unico, Bologna, Zanichelli, ultima edizione (lezioni I, II III, IV, V, VIII paragrafo 4, IX, X e da XVIII in poi);
P. Jaeger - F. Denozza - A. Toffoletto, Appunti di diritto commerciale. Impresa e società, ultima edizione, Milano, Giuffrè;
G. Campobasso, Diritto Commerciale, 1, Diritto dell'impresa, ultima edizione, UTET
G. Campobasso, Diritto Commerciale, 2, Diritto delle società, ultima edizione, UTET
I testi P. Jaeger - F. Denozza - A. Toffoletto e Campobasso andranno integrati con i materiali messi a disposizione dai docenti sul portale
È richiesto l'utilizzo di un codice civile aggiornato (ad esempio G. De Nova, Codice civile e leggi collegate, ultima edizione, Zanichelli).
Assessment methods and Criteria
The examination consists solely of an oral test.
IUS/04 - BUSINESS LAW - University credits: 15
Lessons: 105 hours
Thursday 13.15
Dipartimento di Scienza Giuridiche Beccaria, Istituto di Economia e Diritto Tributario or on Microsoft Teams. team name: Prof. Baccetti - Ricevimento; team code: zizeu0s
Friday 12.15
Dipartimento di Diritto Privato e Storia del Diritto - 1° floor
dipartimento di diritto privato e storia del diritto - 1 piano
On appointment
Dipartimento di Diritto Privato e Storia del Diritto - 1° floor
Dipartimento di Diritto Privato e Storia del Diritto - 1° floor