Clinical Practice 2

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
- Identifying, at first under the guidance of a tutor, the need that emerges from the child and from the context in which he or she lives
- Identifying deficits and useful resources for planning the intervention
- Finding the main information on clinical conditions from the hospital medical records
- Identifying the main goals of the intervention
- Understanding relational dynamics between therapist, child and parents
- Identifying tools for achieving the functional objectives
- Demonstrating organizational and relational skills in the team of operators
- Managing the consultation of the rehabilitation folder
- Learning about the main measurement tools in rehabilitation
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course the student must:
- demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the observed experiences;
- develop skills to apply knowledge in terms of functional assessment and rehabilitation for child with neurodevelopmental disorders;
- develop technical and clinical skills for diagnostic and evaluation process.
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Sezione: Bosisio Parini

Course syllabus
-Presentation of the internship objectives
-Child observation
-Observation of the clinical sign
-Case report
-Guided simulation and compilation of the grids: observation of the child in a rehabilitation context, methodology and tools for observation and evaluation of neuromotor functions, neuro and psychomotor functions, psychomotor and neurocognitive functions
-Evidence based medicine in the clinical practice
-Discussion of internship experiences
Prerequisites for admission
Knowledge of typical neurodevelopment and related observation methodology.
Teaching methods
-Case report (videoclip)
-Discussion of internship experiences
Teaching Resources
- Ambrosini C, Wille A.M. - Manuale di terapia psicomotoria dell'età evolutiva, Cuzzolin
- Gipci - La valutazione delle funzioni adattive nel bambino con PCI - Franco Angeli, 2000
- Borgogno E. - Dall'osservazione al progetto terapeutico - Omega edizioni, 1992
- Massenz M., Simonetta E. - La valutazione psicomotoria - Franco Angeli, 2002
- Ferrari, G. Cioni, Le forme spastiche della paralisi cerebrali infantile; Springer
- Giannoni P., Zerbino L.; fuori schema; Springer
- Flori V., Protocollo Q 2, Integrare quantità e qualità nella valutazione neuro e psicomotoria, Milano University Press, Milano 2023
Assessment methods and Criteria
Written and oral exam: discussion of a movie (description of the motor, cognitive, affective development of a child with atypical development), questions on the theory supporting the observations (observation and evaluation methodology, development profile, profile of the disorder).
Evaluation of internship relationships.
The student must perform a neuro and psychomotor observation of the functional profile of the child and draft an intervention project of the observed case.
The correctness of the observations, the terminology, the ability to synthesize and to correlate the observations with the theoretical knowledge of reference are assessed, paying particular attention to the evaluation phase.
The evaluation is expressed in thirtieths.
Practicals - Exercises: 500 hours

Sezione: Don Gnocchi

Course syllabus
-Presentation of the internship objectives
-Child observation
-Observation of the clinical sign
-Case report
-Guided simulation and compilation of the grids: observation of the child in a rehabilitation context, methodology and tools for observation and evaluation of neuromotor functions, neuro and psychomotor functions, psychomotor and neurocognitive functions
-Evidence based medicine in the clinical practice
-Discussion of internship experiences
Prerequisites for admission
Knowledge of typical neurodevelopment and related observation methodology
Teaching methods
-Case report (videoclip)
-Discussion of internship experiences
Teaching Resources
· Ambrosini C, Wille A.M. - Manuale di terapia psicomotoria dell'età evolutiva, Cuzzolin
· Gipci - La valutazione delle funzioni adattive nel bambino con PCI - Franco Angeli, 2000
· Borgogno E. - Dall'osservazione al progetto terapeutico - Omega edizioni, 1992
· Massenz M., Simonetta E. - La valutazione psicomotoria - Franco Angeli, 2002
· Ferrari, G. Cioni, Le forme spastiche della paralisi cerebrali infantile; Springer
· Giannoni P., Zerbino L.; fuori schema; Springer
· Flori V., Protocollo Q 2, Integrare quantità e qualità nella valutazione neuro e psicomotoria, Milano University Press, Milano 2023
Assessment methods and Criteria
Written and oral exam: discussion of a movie (description of the motor, cognitive, affective development of a child with atypical development), questions on the theory supporting the observations (observation and evaluation methodology, development profile, profile of the disorder).
Evaluation of internship relationships.
The student must perform a neuro and psychomotor observation of the functional profile of the child and draft an intervention project of the observed case.
The correctness of the observations, the terminology, the ability to synthesize and to correlate the observations with the theoretical knowledge of reference are assessed,, paying particular attention to the evaluation phase.
The evaluation is expressed in thirtieths.
Practicals - Exercises: 500 hours
Professors: Palermo Nico, Pirozzolo Veronica