Clinical Nursing Sciences 3
A.Y. 2024/2025
Learning objectives
Acquire the methods and techniques of therapeutic education to the person, designed to respond to nursing care needs.
Know the methods and strategies to respond to nursing care needs of patient and family in home care and nursing home
Acquire the knowledge and methods in order to manage nursing care for patient in terminal phase, in relation to the promotion of individual residual abilities to respond to nursing care needs, support during the process of dying, involvement and support during the family mourning phase
Design interventions of information and therapeutic education to the person and the family in every area, with particular reference to the home context and residential structures (Professional Laboratory 3)
Apply tools for therapeutic education (eg. role playing)
Develop the ability to establish and maintain supportive relationships with the patient and his caregivers to deal responsibly with the ethical and deontological problems that arise during care and assistance in the terminal phase of life (Professional Laboratory 3)
Know the methods and strategies to respond to nursing care needs of patient and family in home care and nursing home
Acquire the knowledge and methods in order to manage nursing care for patient in terminal phase, in relation to the promotion of individual residual abilities to respond to nursing care needs, support during the process of dying, involvement and support during the family mourning phase
Design interventions of information and therapeutic education to the person and the family in every area, with particular reference to the home context and residential structures (Professional Laboratory 3)
Apply tools for therapeutic education (eg. role playing)
Develop the ability to establish and maintain supportive relationships with the patient and his caregivers to deal responsibly with the ethical and deontological problems that arise during care and assistance in the terminal phase of life (Professional Laboratory 3)
Expected learning outcomes
The student will describe the methods and tools for therapeutic education, based on the population's characteristics and care settings, the main ethical issues of end of life
The student will identify nursing care needs and describe significant interventions for the end-of-life person
The student will describe the main ethical issues of the end of life of the person and the family.
The student will recognize the differences in palliation and terminality management in people with cancer diseases and people with chronic-degenerative disabilities
The student will design a therapeutic education intervention for the population affected by chronic degenerative diseases in the different setting of life and care.
The student will identify nursing care needs and describe significant interventions for the end-of-life person
The student will describe the main ethical issues of the end of life of the person and the family.
The student will recognize the differences in palliation and terminality management in people with cancer diseases and people with chronic-degenerative disabilities
The student will design a therapeutic education intervention for the population affected by chronic degenerative diseases in the different setting of life and care.
Lesson period: First semester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course can be attended as a single course.
Course syllabus and organization
Fondazione Sacra Famiglia
Prerequisites for admission
The student must have passed the exams of: Basic Sciences, Clinical nursing sciences 2, Medicine and pharmacology and internship 2.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The written test includes closed and / or open-ended questions.
The evaluation of the written barrier test DOES NOT give rise to a mark, but only to admission to the oral test.
The oral exam includes questions whose assessment relates to the following parameters: content, logic, language properties.
The evaluation of the oral test is out of thirty.
The evaluation of the written barrier test DOES NOT give rise to a mark, but only to admission to the oral test.
The oral exam includes questions whose assessment relates to the following parameters: content, logic, language properties.
The evaluation of the oral test is out of thirty.
Nursing sciences: general, clinical and paediatric
Course syllabus
· Contest analysis and Community nursing care models
a) The network of social-health services: continuity between care settings, protected discharge project, health care services, primary care, intermediate care, home care, hospice, integrated care models, chronic care model, CreG (CronicRelated Group) , regional networks, the relationship between nurses and patient's relatives in hospital and at home, the meaning of continuity of care, the concept of hospital discharge process and feasibility / acceptability at home.
b) Reference legislation:
- Law 833/1978 "Establishment of the National Health System"
- Legislative Decree 502/1992 and Law n. 724 of 23rd December 1994
- The Regional Health System: regional legislation (Operating rules)
- European Directives on continuity care between hospital, community and home care
- Law 328/2000 Realization of the integrated system of interventions and social services.
- National Health Plan and Essential Levels of Care (LEA)
- Law n. 38 of 15th March 2010, Provisions to ensure access to palliative care and pain therapy.
c) Actors and recipients of nursing care:
- Family nurse, case manager
- Family, person, group, community
- The multi-professional team
- The role of the caregiver in different care settings
· Preventive nursing care
Methods and tools for nursing care:
Therapeutic education for individuals, families and particular groups, with interventions on the environment, nutrition, relationships, adherence to therapy, to guarantee a good quality of life for people with chronic degenerative diseases: AIDS, tuberculosis , oncological and/or hematological diseases, aged people, with cognitive problems
Use of IADL (Instrumental Activities of Daily Living) assessment scales in the aged people at intra and extra-hospital care services
Diagnostic and therapeutic paths at home
Integrated home documentation
· Nursing care for people:
In the end of life and accompaniment to death; support to family members in the choices at the end of life and during the mourning phases
In oncological and non-oncological palliative care and pain treatment
In a condition of chronic and chronic degenerative conditions (eg. aged people, disabled, severe psycho-physical frailties
In people with oncological and / or hematological pathology (eg. immunodepressed people, oral anticoagulants therapy)
a) The network of social-health services: continuity between care settings, protected discharge project, health care services, primary care, intermediate care, home care, hospice, integrated care models, chronic care model, CreG (CronicRelated Group) , regional networks, the relationship between nurses and patient's relatives in hospital and at home, the meaning of continuity of care, the concept of hospital discharge process and feasibility / acceptability at home.
b) Reference legislation:
- Law 833/1978 "Establishment of the National Health System"
- Legislative Decree 502/1992 and Law n. 724 of 23rd December 1994
- The Regional Health System: regional legislation (Operating rules)
- European Directives on continuity care between hospital, community and home care
- Law 328/2000 Realization of the integrated system of interventions and social services.
- National Health Plan and Essential Levels of Care (LEA)
- Law n. 38 of 15th March 2010, Provisions to ensure access to palliative care and pain therapy.
c) Actors and recipients of nursing care:
- Family nurse, case manager
- Family, person, group, community
- The multi-professional team
- The role of the caregiver in different care settings
· Preventive nursing care
Methods and tools for nursing care:
Therapeutic education for individuals, families and particular groups, with interventions on the environment, nutrition, relationships, adherence to therapy, to guarantee a good quality of life for people with chronic degenerative diseases: AIDS, tuberculosis , oncological and/or hematological diseases, aged people, with cognitive problems
Use of IADL (Instrumental Activities of Daily Living) assessment scales in the aged people at intra and extra-hospital care services
Diagnostic and therapeutic paths at home
Integrated home documentation
· Nursing care for people:
In the end of life and accompaniment to death; support to family members in the choices at the end of life and during the mourning phases
In oncological and non-oncological palliative care and pain treatment
In a condition of chronic and chronic degenerative conditions (eg. aged people, disabled, severe psycho-physical frailties
In people with oncological and / or hematological pathology (eg. immunodepressed people, oral anticoagulants therapy)
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons, exercises.
Teaching Resources
· Scalorbi S. Infermieristica preventiva e di comunità. Milano: McGraw-Hill; 2022
· Beghelli A, Ferraresi A, Manfredini M. Educazione Terapeutica - Metodologia e Applicazioni, Roma: Carrocci Faber; 2015
· Prandi C, Obbia P, Marcadelli S. Assistenza domiciliare e cure primarie. Il nuovo orizzonte della professione infermieristica. Editore Edra 2018
· Shajani Z, Snell D. Infermieristica di famiglia. Una guida per prendersi
cura del sistema famiglia. Roma: Il pensiero
scientifico editore, 2021.
· Prandi C, Badon P. Assistenza infermieristica di famiglia e comunità. Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, 2024.
· Zannini L. L'educazione del paziente. Milano: Raffaello Cortina, 2023
· Beghelli A, Ferraresi A, Manfredini M. Educazione Terapeutica - Metodologia e Applicazioni, Roma: Carrocci Faber; 2015
· Prandi C, Obbia P, Marcadelli S. Assistenza domiciliare e cure primarie. Il nuovo orizzonte della professione infermieristica. Editore Edra 2018
· Shajani Z, Snell D. Infermieristica di famiglia. Una guida per prendersi
cura del sistema famiglia. Roma: Il pensiero
scientifico editore, 2021.
· Prandi C, Badon P. Assistenza infermieristica di famiglia e comunità. Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, 2024.
· Zannini L. L'educazione del paziente. Milano: Raffaello Cortina, 2023
Lab 3
Course syllabus
Therapeutic education project for people in chronic-degenerative conditions, family, caregivers, community in extra-hospital contexts, with particular attention to ethical implications.
Exercise (through role play or video projection) for the development of communication skills to expand palliative and end of life care
Exercise (through role play or video projection) for the development of communication skills to expand palliative and end of life care
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons, exercises.
Teaching Resources
· Scalorbi S. Infermieristica preventiva e di comunità. Milano: McGraw-Hill; 2022
· Beghelli A, Ferraresi A, Manfredini M. Educazione Terapeutica - Metodologia e Applicazioni, Roma: Carrocci Faber; 2015
· Prandi C, Obbia P, Marcadelli S. Assistenza domiciliare e cure primarie. Il nuovo orizzonte della professione infermieristica. Editore Edra 2018
· Shajani Z, Snell D. Infermieristica di famiglia. Una guida per prendersi
cura del sistema famiglia. Roma: Il pensiero
scientifico editore, 2021.
· Prandi C, Badon P. Assistenza infermieristica di famiglia e comunità. Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, 2024.
· Zannini L. L'educazione del paziente. Milano: Raffaello Cortina, 2023
· Beghelli A, Ferraresi A, Manfredini M. Educazione Terapeutica - Metodologia e Applicazioni, Roma: Carrocci Faber; 2015
· Prandi C, Obbia P, Marcadelli S. Assistenza domiciliare e cure primarie. Il nuovo orizzonte della professione infermieristica. Editore Edra 2018
· Shajani Z, Snell D. Infermieristica di famiglia. Una guida per prendersi
cura del sistema famiglia. Roma: Il pensiero
scientifico editore, 2021.
· Prandi C, Badon P. Assistenza infermieristica di famiglia e comunità. Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, 2024.
· Zannini L. L'educazione del paziente. Milano: Raffaello Cortina, 2023
Lab 3
MED/45 - NURSING - University credits: 1
Practicals: 18 hours
Cortellazzi Chiara
Nursing sciences: general, clinical and paediatric
MED/45 - NURSING - University credits: 3
Lessons: 45 hours
Sezione - Istituto Oncologico Europeo
Prerequisites for admission
The student must have passed the exams of: Basic Sciences, Clinical nursing sciences 2, Medicine and pharmacology and internship 2.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The written test includes closed and / or open-ended questions.
The evaluation of the written barrier test DOES NOT give rise to a mark, but only to admission to the oral test.
The oral exam includes questions whose assessment relates to the following parameters: content, logic, language properties.
The evaluation of the oral test is out of thirty.
The evaluation of the written barrier test DOES NOT give rise to a mark, but only to admission to the oral test.
The oral exam includes questions whose assessment relates to the following parameters: content, logic, language properties.
The evaluation of the oral test is out of thirty.
Nursing sciences: general, clinical and paediatric
Course syllabus
· Contest analysis and Community nursing care models
a) The network of social-health services: continuity between care settings, protected discharge project, health care services, primary care, intermediate care, home care, hospice, integrated care models, chronic care model, CreG (CronicRelated Group) , regional networks, the relationship between nurses and patient's relatives in hospital and at home, the meaning of continuity of care, the concept of hospital discharge process and feasibility / acceptability at home.
b) Reference legislation:
- Law 833/1978 "Establishment of the National Health System"
- Legislative Decree 502/1992 and Law n. 724 of 23rd December 1994
- The Regional Health System: regional legislation (Operating rules)
- European Directives on continuity care between hospital, community and home care
- Law 328/2000 Realization of the integrated system of interventions and social services.
- National Health Plan and Essential Levels of Care (LEA)
- Law n. 38 of 15th March 2010, Provisions to ensure access to palliative care and pain therapy.
c) Actors and recipients of nursing care:
- Family nurse, case manager
- Family, person, group, community
- The multi-professional team
- The role of the caregiver in different care settings
· Preventive nursing care
Methods and tools for nursing care:
Therapeutic education for individuals, families and particular groups, with interventions on the environment, nutrition, relationships, adherence to therapy, to guarantee a good quality of life for people with chronic degenerative diseases: AIDS, tuberculosis , oncological and/or hematological diseases, aged people, with cognitive problems
Use of IADL (Instrumental Activities of Daily Living) assessment scales in the aged people at intra and extra-hospital care services
Diagnostic and therapeutic paths at home
Integrated home documentation
· Nursing care for people:
In the end of life and accompaniment to death; support to family members in the choices at the end of life and during the mourning phases
In oncological and non-oncological palliative care and pain treatment
In a condition of chronic and chronic degenerative conditions (eg. aged people, disabled, severe psycho-physical frailties
In people with oncological and / or hematological pathology (eg. immunodepressed people, oral anticoagulants therapy)
a) The network of social-health services: continuity between care settings, protected discharge project, health care services, primary care, intermediate care, home care, hospice, integrated care models, chronic care model, CreG (CronicRelated Group) , regional networks, the relationship between nurses and patient's relatives in hospital and at home, the meaning of continuity of care, the concept of hospital discharge process and feasibility / acceptability at home.
b) Reference legislation:
- Law 833/1978 "Establishment of the National Health System"
- Legislative Decree 502/1992 and Law n. 724 of 23rd December 1994
- The Regional Health System: regional legislation (Operating rules)
- European Directives on continuity care between hospital, community and home care
- Law 328/2000 Realization of the integrated system of interventions and social services.
- National Health Plan and Essential Levels of Care (LEA)
- Law n. 38 of 15th March 2010, Provisions to ensure access to palliative care and pain therapy.
c) Actors and recipients of nursing care:
- Family nurse, case manager
- Family, person, group, community
- The multi-professional team
- The role of the caregiver in different care settings
· Preventive nursing care
Methods and tools for nursing care:
Therapeutic education for individuals, families and particular groups, with interventions on the environment, nutrition, relationships, adherence to therapy, to guarantee a good quality of life for people with chronic degenerative diseases: AIDS, tuberculosis , oncological and/or hematological diseases, aged people, with cognitive problems
Use of IADL (Instrumental Activities of Daily Living) assessment scales in the aged people at intra and extra-hospital care services
Diagnostic and therapeutic paths at home
Integrated home documentation
· Nursing care for people:
In the end of life and accompaniment to death; support to family members in the choices at the end of life and during the mourning phases
In oncological and non-oncological palliative care and pain treatment
In a condition of chronic and chronic degenerative conditions (eg. aged people, disabled, severe psycho-physical frailties
In people with oncological and / or hematological pathology (eg. immunodepressed people, oral anticoagulants therapy)
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons, exercises.
Teaching Resources
· Scalorbi S. Infermieristica preventiva e di comunità. Milano: McGraw-Hill; 2022
· Beghelli A, Ferraresi A, Manfredini M. Educazione Terapeutica - Metodologia e Applicazioni, Roma: Carrocci Faber; 2015
· Prandi C, Obbia P, Marcadelli S. Assistenza domiciliare e cure primarie. Il nuovo orizzonte della professione infermieristica. Editore Edra 2018
· Shajani Z, Snell D. Infermieristica di famiglia. Una guida per prendersi
cura del sistema famiglia. Roma: Il pensiero
scientifico editore, 2021.
· Prandi C, Badon P. Assistenza infermieristica di famiglia e comunità. Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, 2024.
· Zannini L. L'educazione del paziente. Milano: Raffaello Cortina, 2023
· Beghelli A, Ferraresi A, Manfredini M. Educazione Terapeutica - Metodologia e Applicazioni, Roma: Carrocci Faber; 2015
· Prandi C, Obbia P, Marcadelli S. Assistenza domiciliare e cure primarie. Il nuovo orizzonte della professione infermieristica. Editore Edra 2018
· Shajani Z, Snell D. Infermieristica di famiglia. Una guida per prendersi
cura del sistema famiglia. Roma: Il pensiero
scientifico editore, 2021.
· Prandi C, Badon P. Assistenza infermieristica di famiglia e comunità. Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, 2024.
· Zannini L. L'educazione del paziente. Milano: Raffaello Cortina, 2023
Lab 3
Course syllabus
Therapeutic education project for people in chronic-degenerative conditions, family, caregivers, community in extra-hospital contexts, with particular attention to ethical implications.
Exercise (through role play or video projection) for the development of communication skills to expand palliative and end of life care
Exercise (through role play or video projection) for the development of communication skills to expand palliative and end of life care
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons, exercises.
Teaching Resources
· Scalorbi S. Infermieristica preventiva e di comunità. Milano: McGraw-Hill; 2022
· Beghelli A, Ferraresi A, Manfredini M. Educazione Terapeutica - Metodologia e Applicazioni, Roma: Carrocci Faber; 2015
· Prandi C, Obbia P, Marcadelli S. Assistenza domiciliare e cure primarie. Il nuovo orizzonte della professione infermieristica. Editore Edra 2018
· Shajani Z, Snell D. Infermieristica di famiglia. Una guida per prendersi
cura del sistema famiglia. Roma: Il pensiero
scientifico editore, 2021.
· Prandi C, Badon P. Assistenza infermieristica di famiglia e comunità. Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, 2024.
· Zannini L. L'educazione del paziente. Milano: Raffaello Cortina, 2023
· Beghelli A, Ferraresi A, Manfredini M. Educazione Terapeutica - Metodologia e Applicazioni, Roma: Carrocci Faber; 2015
· Prandi C, Obbia P, Marcadelli S. Assistenza domiciliare e cure primarie. Il nuovo orizzonte della professione infermieristica. Editore Edra 2018
· Shajani Z, Snell D. Infermieristica di famiglia. Una guida per prendersi
cura del sistema famiglia. Roma: Il pensiero
scientifico editore, 2021.
· Prandi C, Badon P. Assistenza infermieristica di famiglia e comunità. Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, 2024.
· Zannini L. L'educazione del paziente. Milano: Raffaello Cortina, 2023
Lab 3
MED/45 - NURSING - University credits: 1
Practicals: 18 hours
Passoni Claudia
Passoni Claudia
Nursing sciences: general, clinical and paediatric
MED/45 - NURSING - University credits: 3
Lessons: 45 hours
Sezione Ospedale di Magenta
Prerequisites for admission
The student must have passed the exams of: Basic Sciences, Clinical nursing sciences 2, Medicine and pharmacology and internship 2.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The written test includes closed and / or open-ended questions.
The evaluation of the written barrier test DOES NOT give rise to a mark, but only to admission to the oral test.
The oral exam includes questions whose assessment relates to the following parameters: content, logic, language properties.
The evaluation of the oral test is out of thirty.
The evaluation of the written barrier test DOES NOT give rise to a mark, but only to admission to the oral test.
The oral exam includes questions whose assessment relates to the following parameters: content, logic, language properties.
The evaluation of the oral test is out of thirty.
Nursing sciences: general, clinical and paediatric
Course syllabus
· Contest analysis and Community nursing care models
a) The network of social-health services: continuity between care settings, protected discharge project, health care services, primary care, intermediate care, home care, hospice, integrated care models, chronic care model, CreG (CronicRelated Group) , regional networks, the relationship between nurses and patient's relatives in hospital and at home, the meaning of continuity of care, the concept of hospital discharge process and feasibility / acceptability at home.
b) Reference legislation:
- Law 833/1978 "Establishment of the National Health System"
- Legislative Decree 502/1992 and Law n. 724 of 23rd December 1994
- The Regional Health System: regional legislation (Operating rules)
- European Directives on continuity care between hospital, community and home care
- Law 328/2000 Realization of the integrated system of interventions and social services.
- National Health Plan and Essential Levels of Care (LEA)
- Law n. 38 of 15th March 2010, Provisions to ensure access to palliative care and pain therapy.
c) Actors and recipients of nursing care:
- Family nurse, case manager
- Family, person, group, community
- The multi-professional team
- The role of the caregiver in different care settings
· Preventive nursing care
Methods and tools for nursing care:
Therapeutic education for individuals, families and particular groups, with interventions on the environment, nutrition, relationships, adherence to therapy, to guarantee a good quality of life for people with chronic degenerative diseases: AIDS, tuberculosis , oncological and/or hematological diseases, aged people, with cognitive problems
Use of IADL (Instrumental Activities of Daily Living) assessment scales in the aged people at intra and extra-hospital care services
Diagnostic and therapeutic paths at home
Integrated home documentation
· Nursing care for people:
In the end of life and accompaniment to death; support to family members in the choices at the end of life and during the mourning phases
In oncological and non-oncological palliative care and pain treatment
In a condition of chronic and chronic degenerative conditions (eg. aged people, disabled, severe psycho-physical frailties
In people with oncological and / or hematological pathology (eg. immunodepressed people, oral anticoagulants therapy)
a) The network of social-health services: continuity between care settings, protected discharge project, health care services, primary care, intermediate care, home care, hospice, integrated care models, chronic care model, CreG (CronicRelated Group) , regional networks, the relationship between nurses and patient's relatives in hospital and at home, the meaning of continuity of care, the concept of hospital discharge process and feasibility / acceptability at home.
b) Reference legislation:
- Law 833/1978 "Establishment of the National Health System"
- Legislative Decree 502/1992 and Law n. 724 of 23rd December 1994
- The Regional Health System: regional legislation (Operating rules)
- European Directives on continuity care between hospital, community and home care
- Law 328/2000 Realization of the integrated system of interventions and social services.
- National Health Plan and Essential Levels of Care (LEA)
- Law n. 38 of 15th March 2010, Provisions to ensure access to palliative care and pain therapy.
c) Actors and recipients of nursing care:
- Family nurse, case manager
- Family, person, group, community
- The multi-professional team
- The role of the caregiver in different care settings
· Preventive nursing care
Methods and tools for nursing care:
Therapeutic education for individuals, families and particular groups, with interventions on the environment, nutrition, relationships, adherence to therapy, to guarantee a good quality of life for people with chronic degenerative diseases: AIDS, tuberculosis , oncological and/or hematological diseases, aged people, with cognitive problems
Use of IADL (Instrumental Activities of Daily Living) assessment scales in the aged people at intra and extra-hospital care services
Diagnostic and therapeutic paths at home
Integrated home documentation
· Nursing care for people:
In the end of life and accompaniment to death; support to family members in the choices at the end of life and during the mourning phases
In oncological and non-oncological palliative care and pain treatment
In a condition of chronic and chronic degenerative conditions (eg. aged people, disabled, severe psycho-physical frailties
In people with oncological and / or hematological pathology (eg. immunodepressed people, oral anticoagulants therapy)
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons, exercises.
Teaching Resources
· Scalorbi S. Infermieristica preventiva e di comunità. Milano: McGraw-Hill; 2022
· Beghelli A, Ferraresi A, Manfredini M. Educazione Terapeutica - Metodologia e Applicazioni, Roma: Carrocci Faber; 2015
· Prandi C, Obbia P, Marcadelli S. Assistenza domiciliare e cure primarie. Il nuovo orizzonte della professione infermieristica. Editore Edra 2018
· Shajani Z, Snell D. Infermieristica di famiglia. Una guida per prendersi
cura del sistema famiglia. Roma: Il pensiero
scientifico editore, 2021.
· Prandi C, Badon P. Assistenza infermieristica di famiglia e comunità. Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, 2024.
· Zannini L. L'educazione del paziente. Milano: Raffaello Cortina, 2023
· Beghelli A, Ferraresi A, Manfredini M. Educazione Terapeutica - Metodologia e Applicazioni, Roma: Carrocci Faber; 2015
· Prandi C, Obbia P, Marcadelli S. Assistenza domiciliare e cure primarie. Il nuovo orizzonte della professione infermieristica. Editore Edra 2018
· Shajani Z, Snell D. Infermieristica di famiglia. Una guida per prendersi
cura del sistema famiglia. Roma: Il pensiero
scientifico editore, 2021.
· Prandi C, Badon P. Assistenza infermieristica di famiglia e comunità. Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, 2024.
· Zannini L. L'educazione del paziente. Milano: Raffaello Cortina, 2023
Lab 3
Course syllabus
Therapeutic education project for people in chronic-degenerative conditions, family, caregivers, community in extra-hospital contexts, with particular attention to ethical implications.
Exercise (through role play or video projection) for the development of communication skills to expand palliative and end of life care
Exercise (through role play or video projection) for the development of communication skills to expand palliative and end of life care
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons, exercises.
Teaching Resources
· Scalorbi S. Infermieristica preventiva e di comunità. Milano: McGraw-Hill; 2022
· Beghelli A, Ferraresi A, Manfredini M. Educazione Terapeutica - Metodologia e Applicazioni, Roma: Carrocci Faber; 2015
· Prandi C, Obbia P, Marcadelli S. Assistenza domiciliare e cure primarie. Il nuovo orizzonte della professione infermieristica. Editore Edra 2018
· Shajani Z, Snell D. Infermieristica di famiglia. Una guida per prendersi
cura del sistema famiglia. Roma: Il pensiero
scientifico editore, 2021.
· Prandi C, Badon P. Assistenza infermieristica di famiglia e comunità. Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, 2024.
· Zannini L. L'educazione del paziente. Milano: Raffaello Cortina, 2023
· Beghelli A, Ferraresi A, Manfredini M. Educazione Terapeutica - Metodologia e Applicazioni, Roma: Carrocci Faber; 2015
· Prandi C, Obbia P, Marcadelli S. Assistenza domiciliare e cure primarie. Il nuovo orizzonte della professione infermieristica. Editore Edra 2018
· Shajani Z, Snell D. Infermieristica di famiglia. Una guida per prendersi
cura del sistema famiglia. Roma: Il pensiero
scientifico editore, 2021.
· Prandi C, Badon P. Assistenza infermieristica di famiglia e comunità. Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, 2024.
· Zannini L. L'educazione del paziente. Milano: Raffaello Cortina, 2023
Lab 3
MED/45 - NURSING - University credits: 1
Practicals: 18 hours
Cucchetti Elena
Nursing sciences: general, clinical and paediatric
MED/45 - NURSING - University credits: 3
Lessons: 45 hours
Sezione San Giuseppe
Prerequisites for admission
The student must have passed the exams of: Basic Sciences, Clinical nursing sciences 2, Medicine and pharmacology and internship 2.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The written test includes closed and / or open-ended questions.
The evaluation of the written barrier test DOES NOT give rise to a mark, but only to admission to the oral test.
The oral exam includes questions whose assessment relates to the following parameters: content, logic, language properties.
The evaluation of the oral test is out of thirty.
The evaluation of the written barrier test DOES NOT give rise to a mark, but only to admission to the oral test.
The oral exam includes questions whose assessment relates to the following parameters: content, logic, language properties.
The evaluation of the oral test is out of thirty.
Nursing sciences: general, clinical and paediatric
Course syllabus
· Contest analysis and Community nursing care models
a) The network of social-health services: continuity between care settings, protected discharge project, health care services, primary care, intermediate care, home care, hospice, integrated care models, chronic care model, CreG (CronicRelated Group) , regional networks, the relationship between nurses and patient's relatives in hospital and at home, the meaning of continuity of care, the concept of hospital discharge process and feasibility / acceptability at home.
b) Reference legislation:
- Law 833/1978 "Establishment of the National Health System"
- Legislative Decree 502/1992 and Law n. 724 of 23rd December 1994
- The Regional Health System: regional legislation (Operating rules)
- European Directives on continuity care between hospital, community and home care
- Law 328/2000 Realization of the integrated system of interventions and social services.
- National Health Plan and Essential Levels of Care (LEA)
- Law n. 38 of 15th March 2010, Provisions to ensure access to palliative care and pain therapy.
c) Actors and recipients of nursing care:
- Family nurse, case manager
- Family, person, group, community
- The multi-professional team
- The role of the caregiver in different care settings
· Preventive nursing care
Methods and tools for nursing care:
Therapeutic education for individuals, families and particular groups, with interventions on the environment, nutrition, relationships, adherence to therapy, to guarantee a good quality of life for people with chronic degenerative diseases: AIDS, tuberculosis , oncological and/or hematological diseases, aged people, with cognitive problems
Use of IADL (Instrumental Activities of Daily Living) assessment scales in the aged people at intra and extra-hospital care services
Diagnostic and therapeutic paths at home
Integrated home documentation
· Nursing care for people:
In the end of life and accompaniment to death; support to family members in the choices at the end of life and during the mourning phases
In oncological and non-oncological palliative care and pain treatment
In a condition of chronic and chronic degenerative conditions (eg. aged people, disabled, severe psycho-physical frailties
In people with oncological and / or hematological pathology (eg. immunodepressed people, oral anticoagulants therapy)
a) The network of social-health services: continuity between care settings, protected discharge project, health care services, primary care, intermediate care, home care, hospice, integrated care models, chronic care model, CreG (CronicRelated Group) , regional networks, the relationship between nurses and patient's relatives in hospital and at home, the meaning of continuity of care, the concept of hospital discharge process and feasibility / acceptability at home.
b) Reference legislation:
- Law 833/1978 "Establishment of the National Health System"
- Legislative Decree 502/1992 and Law n. 724 of 23rd December 1994
- The Regional Health System: regional legislation (Operating rules)
- European Directives on continuity care between hospital, community and home care
- Law 328/2000 Realization of the integrated system of interventions and social services.
- National Health Plan and Essential Levels of Care (LEA)
- Law n. 38 of 15th March 2010, Provisions to ensure access to palliative care and pain therapy.
c) Actors and recipients of nursing care:
- Family nurse, case manager
- Family, person, group, community
- The multi-professional team
- The role of the caregiver in different care settings
· Preventive nursing care
Methods and tools for nursing care:
Therapeutic education for individuals, families and particular groups, with interventions on the environment, nutrition, relationships, adherence to therapy, to guarantee a good quality of life for people with chronic degenerative diseases: AIDS, tuberculosis , oncological and/or hematological diseases, aged people, with cognitive problems
Use of IADL (Instrumental Activities of Daily Living) assessment scales in the aged people at intra and extra-hospital care services
Diagnostic and therapeutic paths at home
Integrated home documentation
· Nursing care for people:
In the end of life and accompaniment to death; support to family members in the choices at the end of life and during the mourning phases
In oncological and non-oncological palliative care and pain treatment
In a condition of chronic and chronic degenerative conditions (eg. aged people, disabled, severe psycho-physical frailties
In people with oncological and / or hematological pathology (eg. immunodepressed people, oral anticoagulants therapy)
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons, exercises.
Teaching Resources
· Scalorbi S. Infermieristica preventiva e di comunità. Milano: McGraw-Hill; 2022
· Beghelli A, Ferraresi A, Manfredini M. Educazione Terapeutica - Metodologia e Applicazioni, Roma: Carrocci Faber; 2015
· Prandi C, Obbia P, Marcadelli S. Assistenza domiciliare e cure primarie. Il nuovo orizzonte della professione infermieristica. Editore Edra 2018
· Shajani Z, Snell D. Infermieristica di famiglia. Una guida per prendersi
cura del sistema famiglia. Roma: Il pensiero
scientifico editore, 2021.
· Prandi C, Badon P. Assistenza infermieristica di famiglia e comunità. Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, 2024.ù
· Zannini L. L'educazione del paziente. Milano: Raffaello Cortina, 2023
· Beghelli A, Ferraresi A, Manfredini M. Educazione Terapeutica - Metodologia e Applicazioni, Roma: Carrocci Faber; 2015
· Prandi C, Obbia P, Marcadelli S. Assistenza domiciliare e cure primarie. Il nuovo orizzonte della professione infermieristica. Editore Edra 2018
· Shajani Z, Snell D. Infermieristica di famiglia. Una guida per prendersi
cura del sistema famiglia. Roma: Il pensiero
scientifico editore, 2021.
· Prandi C, Badon P. Assistenza infermieristica di famiglia e comunità. Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, 2024.ù
· Zannini L. L'educazione del paziente. Milano: Raffaello Cortina, 2023
Lab 3
Course syllabus
Therapeutic education project for people in chronic-degenerative conditions, family, caregivers, community in extra-hospital contexts, with particular attention to ethical implications.
Exercise (through role play or video projection) for the development of communication skills to expand palliative and end of life care
Exercise (through role play or video projection) for the development of communication skills to expand palliative and end of life care
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons, exercises.
Teaching Resources
· Scalorbi S. Infermieristica preventiva e di comunità. Milano: McGraw-Hill; 2022
· Beghelli A, Ferraresi A, Manfredini M. Educazione Terapeutica - Metodologia e Applicazioni, Roma: Carrocci Faber; 2015
· Prandi C, Obbia P, Marcadelli S. Assistenza domiciliare e cure primarie. Il nuovo orizzonte della professione infermieristica. Editore Edra 2018
· Shajani Z, Snell D. Infermieristica di famiglia. Una guida per prendersi
cura del sistema famiglia. Roma: Il pensiero
scientifico editore, 2021.
· Prandi C, Badon P. Assistenza infermieristica di famiglia e comunità. Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, 2024.
· Zannini L. L'educazione del paziente. Milano: Raffaello Cortina, 2023
· Beghelli A, Ferraresi A, Manfredini M. Educazione Terapeutica - Metodologia e Applicazioni, Roma: Carrocci Faber; 2015
· Prandi C, Obbia P, Marcadelli S. Assistenza domiciliare e cure primarie. Il nuovo orizzonte della professione infermieristica. Editore Edra 2018
· Shajani Z, Snell D. Infermieristica di famiglia. Una guida per prendersi
cura del sistema famiglia. Roma: Il pensiero
scientifico editore, 2021.
· Prandi C, Badon P. Assistenza infermieristica di famiglia e comunità. Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, 2024.
· Zannini L. L'educazione del paziente. Milano: Raffaello Cortina, 2023
Lab 3
MED/45 - NURSING - University credits: 1
Practicals: 18 hours
Capatti Stefano Romano
Nursing sciences: general, clinical and paediatric
MED/45 - NURSING - University credits: 3
Lessons: 45 hours
Milani Ilaria
Sezione: IRCCS Policlinico San Donato
Prerequisites for admission
The student must have passed the exams of: Basic Sciences, Clinical nursing sciences 2, Medicine and pharmacology and internship 2.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The written test includes closed and / or open-ended questions.
The evaluation of the written barrier test DOES NOT give rise to a mark, but only to admission to the oral test.
The oral exam includes questions whose assessment relates to the following parameters: content, logic, language properties.
The evaluation of the oral test is out of thirty.
The evaluation of the written barrier test DOES NOT give rise to a mark, but only to admission to the oral test.
The oral exam includes questions whose assessment relates to the following parameters: content, logic, language properties.
The evaluation of the oral test is out of thirty.
Nursing sciences: general, clinical and paediatric
Course syllabus
· Contest analysis and Community nursing care models
a) The network of social-health services: continuity between care settings, protected discharge project, health care services, primary care, intermediate care, home care, hospice, integrated care models, chronic care model, CreG (CronicRelated Group) , regional networks, the relationship between nurses and patient's relatives in hospital and at home, the meaning of continuity of care, the concept of hospital discharge process and feasibility / acceptability at home.
b) Reference legislation:
- Law 833/1978 "Establishment of the National Health System"
- Legislative Decree 502/1992 and Law n. 724 of 23rd December 1994
- The Regional Health System: regional legislation (Operating rules)
- European Directives on continuity care between hospital, community and home care
- Law 328/2000 Realization of the integrated system of interventions and social services.
- National Health Plan and Essential Levels of Care (LEA)
- Law n. 38 of 15th March 2010, Provisions to ensure access to palliative care and pain therapy.
c) Actors and recipients of nursing care:
- Family nurse, case manager
- Family, person, group, community
- The multi-professional team
- The role of the caregiver in different care settings
· Preventive nursing care
Methods and tools for nursing care:
Therapeutic education for individuals, families and particular groups, with interventions on the environment, nutrition, relationships, adherence to therapy, to guarantee a good quality of life for people with chronic degenerative diseases: AIDS, tuberculosis , oncological and/or hematological diseases, aged people, with cognitive problems
Use of IADL (Instrumental Activities of Daily Living) assessment scales in the aged people at intra and extra-hospital care services
Diagnostic and therapeutic paths at home
Integrated home documentation
· Nursing care for people:
In the end of life and accompaniment to death; support to family members in the choices at the end of life and during the mourning phases
In oncological and non-oncological palliative care and pain treatment
In a condition of chronic and chronic degenerative conditions (eg. aged people, disabled, severe psycho-physical frailties
In people with oncological and / or hematological pathology (eg. immunodepressed people, oral anticoagulants therapy)
a) The network of social-health services: continuity between care settings, protected discharge project, health care services, primary care, intermediate care, home care, hospice, integrated care models, chronic care model, CreG (CronicRelated Group) , regional networks, the relationship between nurses and patient's relatives in hospital and at home, the meaning of continuity of care, the concept of hospital discharge process and feasibility / acceptability at home.
b) Reference legislation:
- Law 833/1978 "Establishment of the National Health System"
- Legislative Decree 502/1992 and Law n. 724 of 23rd December 1994
- The Regional Health System: regional legislation (Operating rules)
- European Directives on continuity care between hospital, community and home care
- Law 328/2000 Realization of the integrated system of interventions and social services.
- National Health Plan and Essential Levels of Care (LEA)
- Law n. 38 of 15th March 2010, Provisions to ensure access to palliative care and pain therapy.
c) Actors and recipients of nursing care:
- Family nurse, case manager
- Family, person, group, community
- The multi-professional team
- The role of the caregiver in different care settings
· Preventive nursing care
Methods and tools for nursing care:
Therapeutic education for individuals, families and particular groups, with interventions on the environment, nutrition, relationships, adherence to therapy, to guarantee a good quality of life for people with chronic degenerative diseases: AIDS, tuberculosis , oncological and/or hematological diseases, aged people, with cognitive problems
Use of IADL (Instrumental Activities of Daily Living) assessment scales in the aged people at intra and extra-hospital care services
Diagnostic and therapeutic paths at home
Integrated home documentation
· Nursing care for people:
In the end of life and accompaniment to death; support to family members in the choices at the end of life and during the mourning phases
In oncological and non-oncological palliative care and pain treatment
In a condition of chronic and chronic degenerative conditions (eg. aged people, disabled, severe psycho-physical frailties
In people with oncological and / or hematological pathology (eg. immunodepressed people, oral anticoagulants therapy)
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons, exercises.
Teaching Resources
· Scalorbi S. Infermieristica preventiva e di comunità. Milano: McGraw-Hill; 2022
· Beghelli A, Ferraresi A, Manfredini M. Educazione Terapeutica - Metodologia e Applicazioni, Roma: Carrocci Faber; 2015
· Prandi C, Obbia P, Marcadelli S. Assistenza domiciliare e cure primarie. Il nuovo orizzonte della professione infermieristica. Editore Edra 2018
· Shajani Z, Snell D. Infermieristica di famiglia. Una guida per prendersi
cura del sistema famiglia. Roma: Il pensiero
scientifico editore, 2021.
· Prandi C, Badon P. Assistenza infermieristica di famiglia e comunità. Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, 2024.
· Zannini L. L'educazione del paziente. Milano: Raffaello Cortina, 2023
· Beghelli A, Ferraresi A, Manfredini M. Educazione Terapeutica - Metodologia e Applicazioni, Roma: Carrocci Faber; 2015
· Prandi C, Obbia P, Marcadelli S. Assistenza domiciliare e cure primarie. Il nuovo orizzonte della professione infermieristica. Editore Edra 2018
· Shajani Z, Snell D. Infermieristica di famiglia. Una guida per prendersi
cura del sistema famiglia. Roma: Il pensiero
scientifico editore, 2021.
· Prandi C, Badon P. Assistenza infermieristica di famiglia e comunità. Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, 2024.
· Zannini L. L'educazione del paziente. Milano: Raffaello Cortina, 2023
Lab 3
Course syllabus
Therapeutic education project for people in chronic-degenerative conditions, family, caregivers, community in extra-hospital contexts, with particular attention to ethical implications.
Exercise (through role play or video projection) for the development of communication skills to expand palliative and end of life care
Exercise (through role play or video projection) for the development of communication skills to expand palliative and end of life care
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons, exercises.
Teaching Resources
· Scalorbi S. Infermieristica preventiva e di comunità. Milano: McGraw-Hill; 2022
· Beghelli A, Ferraresi A, Manfredini M. Educazione Terapeutica - Metodologia e Applicazioni, Roma: Carrocci Faber; 2015
· Prandi C, Obbia P, Marcadelli S. Assistenza domiciliare e cure primarie. Il nuovo orizzonte della professione infermieristica. Editore Edra 2018
· Shajani Z, Snell D. Infermieristica di famiglia. Una guida per prendersi
cura del sistema famiglia. Roma: Il pensiero
scientifico editore, 2021.
· Prandi C, Badon P. Assistenza infermieristica di famiglia e comunità. Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, 2024.
· Zannini L. L'educazione del paziente. Milano: Raffaello Cortina, 2023
· Beghelli A, Ferraresi A, Manfredini M. Educazione Terapeutica - Metodologia e Applicazioni, Roma: Carrocci Faber; 2015
· Prandi C, Obbia P, Marcadelli S. Assistenza domiciliare e cure primarie. Il nuovo orizzonte della professione infermieristica. Editore Edra 2018
· Shajani Z, Snell D. Infermieristica di famiglia. Una guida per prendersi
cura del sistema famiglia. Roma: Il pensiero
scientifico editore, 2021.
· Prandi C, Badon P. Assistenza infermieristica di famiglia e comunità. Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, 2024.
· Zannini L. L'educazione del paziente. Milano: Raffaello Cortina, 2023
Lab 3
MED/45 - NURSING - University credits: 1
Practicals: 18 hours
Caruso Maria Paola
Nursing sciences: general, clinical and paediatric
MED/45 - NURSING - University credits: 3
Lessons: 45 hours
Sezione: Ospedale di Crema
Prerequisites for admission
The student must have passed the exams of: Basic Sciences, Clinical nursing sciences 2, Medicine and pharmacology and internship 2.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The written test includes closed and / or open-ended questions.
The evaluation of the written barrier test DOES NOT give rise to a mark, but only to admission to the oral test.
The oral exam includes questions whose assessment relates to the following parameters: content, logic, language properties.
The evaluation of the oral test is out of thirty.
The evaluation of the written barrier test DOES NOT give rise to a mark, but only to admission to the oral test.
The oral exam includes questions whose assessment relates to the following parameters: content, logic, language properties.
The evaluation of the oral test is out of thirty.
Nursing sciences: general, clinical and paediatric
Course syllabus
· Contest analysis and Community nursing care models
a) The network of social-health services: continuity between care settings, protected discharge project, health care services, primary care, intermediate care, home care, hospice, integrated care models, chronic care model, CreG (CronicRelated Group) , regional networks, the relationship between nurses and patient's relatives in hospital and at home, the meaning of continuity of care, the concept of hospital discharge process and feasibility / acceptability at home.
b) Reference legislation:
- Law 833/1978 "Establishment of the National Health System"
- Legislative Decree 502/1992 and Law n. 724 of 23rd December 1994
- The Regional Health System: regional legislation (Operating rules)
- European Directives on continuity care between hospital, community and home care
- Law 328/2000 Realization of the integrated system of interventions and social services.
- National Health Plan and Essential Levels of Care (LEA)
- Law n. 38 of 15th March 2010, Provisions to ensure access to palliative care and pain therapy.
c) Actors and recipients of nursing care:
- Family nurse, case manager
- Family, person, group, community
- The multi-professional team
- The role of the caregiver in different care settings
· Preventive nursing care
Methods and tools for nursing care:
Therapeutic education for individuals, families and particular groups, with interventions on the environment, nutrition, relationships, adherence to therapy, to guarantee a good quality of life for people with chronic degenerative diseases: AIDS, tuberculosis , oncological and/or hematological diseases, aged people, with cognitive problems
Use of IADL (Instrumental Activities of Daily Living) assessment scales in the aged people at intra and extra-hospital care services
Diagnostic and therapeutic paths at home
Integrated home documentation
· Nursing care for people:
In the end of life and accompaniment to death; support to family members in the choices at the end of life and during the mourning phases
In oncological and non-oncological palliative care and pain treatment
In a condition of chronic and chronic degenerative conditions (eg. aged people, disabled, severe psycho-physical frailties
In people with oncological and / or hematological pathology (eg. immunodepressed people, oral anticoagulants therapy)
a) The network of social-health services: continuity between care settings, protected discharge project, health care services, primary care, intermediate care, home care, hospice, integrated care models, chronic care model, CreG (CronicRelated Group) , regional networks, the relationship between nurses and patient's relatives in hospital and at home, the meaning of continuity of care, the concept of hospital discharge process and feasibility / acceptability at home.
b) Reference legislation:
- Law 833/1978 "Establishment of the National Health System"
- Legislative Decree 502/1992 and Law n. 724 of 23rd December 1994
- The Regional Health System: regional legislation (Operating rules)
- European Directives on continuity care between hospital, community and home care
- Law 328/2000 Realization of the integrated system of interventions and social services.
- National Health Plan and Essential Levels of Care (LEA)
- Law n. 38 of 15th March 2010, Provisions to ensure access to palliative care and pain therapy.
c) Actors and recipients of nursing care:
- Family nurse, case manager
- Family, person, group, community
- The multi-professional team
- The role of the caregiver in different care settings
· Preventive nursing care
Methods and tools for nursing care:
Therapeutic education for individuals, families and particular groups, with interventions on the environment, nutrition, relationships, adherence to therapy, to guarantee a good quality of life for people with chronic degenerative diseases: AIDS, tuberculosis , oncological and/or hematological diseases, aged people, with cognitive problems
Use of IADL (Instrumental Activities of Daily Living) assessment scales in the aged people at intra and extra-hospital care services
Diagnostic and therapeutic paths at home
Integrated home documentation
· Nursing care for people:
In the end of life and accompaniment to death; support to family members in the choices at the end of life and during the mourning phases
In oncological and non-oncological palliative care and pain treatment
In a condition of chronic and chronic degenerative conditions (eg. aged people, disabled, severe psycho-physical frailties
In people with oncological and / or hematological pathology (eg. immunodepressed people, oral anticoagulants therapy)
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons, exercises.
Teaching Resources
· Scalorbi S. Infermieristica preventiva e di comunità. Milano: McGraw-Hill; 2022
· Beghelli A, Ferraresi A, Manfredini M. Educazione Terapeutica - Metodologia e Applicazioni, Roma: Carrocci Faber; 2015
· Prandi C, Obbia P, Marcadelli S. Assistenza domiciliare e cure primarie. Il nuovo orizzonte della professione infermieristica. Editore Edra 2018
· Shajani Z, Snell D. Infermieristica di famiglia. Una guida per prendersi
cura del sistema famiglia. Roma: Il pensiero
scientifico editore, 2021.
· Prandi C, Badon P. Assistenza infermieristica di famiglia e comunità. Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, 2024.
· Zannini L. L'educazione del paziente. Milano: Raffaello Cortina, 2023
· Beghelli A, Ferraresi A, Manfredini M. Educazione Terapeutica - Metodologia e Applicazioni, Roma: Carrocci Faber; 2015
· Prandi C, Obbia P, Marcadelli S. Assistenza domiciliare e cure primarie. Il nuovo orizzonte della professione infermieristica. Editore Edra 2018
· Shajani Z, Snell D. Infermieristica di famiglia. Una guida per prendersi
cura del sistema famiglia. Roma: Il pensiero
scientifico editore, 2021.
· Prandi C, Badon P. Assistenza infermieristica di famiglia e comunità. Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, 2024.
· Zannini L. L'educazione del paziente. Milano: Raffaello Cortina, 2023
Lab 3
Course syllabus
Therapeutic education project for people in chronic-degenerative conditions, family, caregivers, community in extra-hospital contexts, with particular attention to ethical implications.
Exercise (through role play or video projection) for the development of communication skills to expand palliative and end of life care
Exercise (through role play or video projection) for the development of communication skills to expand palliative and end of life care
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons, exercises.
Teaching Resources
· Scalorbi S. Infermieristica preventiva e di comunità. Milano: McGraw-Hill; 2022
· Beghelli A, Ferraresi A, Manfredini M. Educazione Terapeutica - Metodologia e Applicazioni, Roma: Carrocci Faber; 2015
· Prandi C, Obbia P, Marcadelli S. Assistenza domiciliare e cure primarie. Il nuovo orizzonte della professione infermieristica. Editore Edra 2018
· Shajani Z, Snell D. Infermieristica di famiglia. Una guida per prendersi
cura del sistema famiglia. Roma: Il pensiero
scientifico editore, 2021.
· Prandi C, Badon P. Assistenza infermieristica di famiglia e comunità. Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, 2024.
· Zannini L. L'educazione del paziente. Milano: Raffaello Cortina, 2023
· Beghelli A, Ferraresi A, Manfredini M. Educazione Terapeutica - Metodologia e Applicazioni, Roma: Carrocci Faber; 2015
· Prandi C, Obbia P, Marcadelli S. Assistenza domiciliare e cure primarie. Il nuovo orizzonte della professione infermieristica. Editore Edra 2018
· Shajani Z, Snell D. Infermieristica di famiglia. Una guida per prendersi
cura del sistema famiglia. Roma: Il pensiero
scientifico editore, 2021.
· Prandi C, Badon P. Assistenza infermieristica di famiglia e comunità. Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, 2024.
· Zannini L. L'educazione del paziente. Milano: Raffaello Cortina, 2023
Lab 3
MED/45 - NURSING - University credits: 1
Practicals: 18 hours
Cagioni Roberta
Nursing sciences: general, clinical and paediatric
MED/45 - NURSING - University credits: 3
Lessons: 45 hours
Sezione: Ospedale Maggiore di Lodi.
Prerequisites for admission
The student must have passed the exams of: Basic Sciences, Clinical nursing sciences 2, Medicine and pharmacology and internship 2.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The written test includes closed and / or open-ended questions.
The evaluation of the written barrier test DOES NOT give rise to a mark, but only to admission to the oral test.
The oral exam includes questions whose assessment relates to the following parameters: content, logic, language properties.
The evaluation of the oral test is out of thirty.
The evaluation of the written barrier test DOES NOT give rise to a mark, but only to admission to the oral test.
The oral exam includes questions whose assessment relates to the following parameters: content, logic, language properties.
The evaluation of the oral test is out of thirty.
Nursing sciences: general, clinical and paediatric
Course syllabus
· Contest analysis and Community nursing care models
a) The network of social-health services: continuity between care settings, protected discharge project, health care services, primary care, intermediate care, home care, hospice, integrated care models, chronic care model, CreG (CronicRelated Group) , regional networks, the relationship between nurses and patient's relatives in hospital and at home, the meaning of continuity of care, the concept of hospital discharge process and feasibility / acceptability at home.
b) Reference legislation:
- Law 833/1978 "Establishment of the National Health System"
- Legislative Decree 502/1992 and Law n. 724 of 23rd December 1994
- The Regional Health System: regional legislation (Operating rules)
- European Directives on continuity care between hospital, community and home care
- Law 328/2000 Realization of the integrated system of interventions and social services.
- National Health Plan and Essential Levels of Care (LEA)
- Law n. 38 of 15th March 2010, Provisions to ensure access to palliative care and pain therapy.
c) Actors and recipients of nursing care:
- Family nurse, case manager
- Family, person, group, community
- The multi-professional team
- The role of the caregiver in different care settings
· Preventive nursing care
Methods and tools for nursing care:
Therapeutic education for individuals, families and particular groups, with interventions on the environment, nutrition, relationships, adherence to therapy, to guarantee a good quality of life for people with chronic degenerative diseases: AIDS, tuberculosis , oncological and/or hematological diseases, aged people, with cognitive problems
Use of IADL (Instrumental Activities of Daily Living) assessment scales in the aged people at intra and extra-hospital care services
Diagnostic and therapeutic paths at home
Integrated home documentation
· Nursing care for people:
In the end of life and accompaniment to death; support to family members in the choices at the end of life and during the mourning phases
In oncological and non-oncological palliative care and pain treatment
In a condition of chronic and chronic degenerative conditions (eg. aged people, disabled, severe psycho-physical frailties
In people with oncological and / or hematological pathology (eg. immunodepressed people, oral anticoagulants therapy)
a) The network of social-health services: continuity between care settings, protected discharge project, health care services, primary care, intermediate care, home care, hospice, integrated care models, chronic care model, CreG (CronicRelated Group) , regional networks, the relationship between nurses and patient's relatives in hospital and at home, the meaning of continuity of care, the concept of hospital discharge process and feasibility / acceptability at home.
b) Reference legislation:
- Law 833/1978 "Establishment of the National Health System"
- Legislative Decree 502/1992 and Law n. 724 of 23rd December 1994
- The Regional Health System: regional legislation (Operating rules)
- European Directives on continuity care between hospital, community and home care
- Law 328/2000 Realization of the integrated system of interventions and social services.
- National Health Plan and Essential Levels of Care (LEA)
- Law n. 38 of 15th March 2010, Provisions to ensure access to palliative care and pain therapy.
c) Actors and recipients of nursing care:
- Family nurse, case manager
- Family, person, group, community
- The multi-professional team
- The role of the caregiver in different care settings
· Preventive nursing care
Methods and tools for nursing care:
Therapeutic education for individuals, families and particular groups, with interventions on the environment, nutrition, relationships, adherence to therapy, to guarantee a good quality of life for people with chronic degenerative diseases: AIDS, tuberculosis , oncological and/or hematological diseases, aged people, with cognitive problems
Use of IADL (Instrumental Activities of Daily Living) assessment scales in the aged people at intra and extra-hospital care services
Diagnostic and therapeutic paths at home
Integrated home documentation
· Nursing care for people:
In the end of life and accompaniment to death; support to family members in the choices at the end of life and during the mourning phases
In oncological and non-oncological palliative care and pain treatment
In a condition of chronic and chronic degenerative conditions (eg. aged people, disabled, severe psycho-physical frailties
In people with oncological and / or hematological pathology (eg. immunodepressed people, oral anticoagulants therapy)
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons, exercises.
Teaching Resources
· Scalorbi S. Infermieristica preventiva e di comunità. Milano: McGraw-Hill; 2022
· Beghelli A, Ferraresi A, Manfredini M. Educazione Terapeutica - Metodologia e Applicazioni, Roma: Carrocci Faber; 2015
· Prandi C, Obbia P, Marcadelli S. Assistenza domiciliare e cure primarie. Il nuovo orizzonte della professione infermieristica. Editore Edra 2018
· Shajani Z, Snell D. Infermieristica di famiglia. Una guida per prendersi
cura del sistema famiglia. Roma: Il pensiero
scientifico editore, 2021.
· Prandi C, Badon P. Assistenza infermieristica di famiglia e comunità. Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, 2024.
· Zannini L. L'educazione del paziente. Milano: Raffaello Cortina, 2023
· Beghelli A, Ferraresi A, Manfredini M. Educazione Terapeutica - Metodologia e Applicazioni, Roma: Carrocci Faber; 2015
· Prandi C, Obbia P, Marcadelli S. Assistenza domiciliare e cure primarie. Il nuovo orizzonte della professione infermieristica. Editore Edra 2018
· Shajani Z, Snell D. Infermieristica di famiglia. Una guida per prendersi
cura del sistema famiglia. Roma: Il pensiero
scientifico editore, 2021.
· Prandi C, Badon P. Assistenza infermieristica di famiglia e comunità. Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, 2024.
· Zannini L. L'educazione del paziente. Milano: Raffaello Cortina, 2023
Lab 3
Course syllabus
Therapeutic education project for people in chronic-degenerative conditions, family, caregivers, community in extra-hospital contexts, with particular attention to ethical implications.
Exercise (through role play or video projection) for the development of communication skills to expand palliative and end of life care
Exercise (through role play or video projection) for the development of communication skills to expand palliative and end of life care
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons, exercises.
Teaching Resources
· Scalorbi S. Infermieristica preventiva e di comunità. Milano: McGraw-Hill; 2022
· Beghelli A, Ferraresi A, Manfredini M. Educazione Terapeutica - Metodologia e Applicazioni, Roma: Carrocci Faber; 2015
· Prandi C, Obbia P, Marcadelli S. Assistenza domiciliare e cure primarie. Il nuovo orizzonte della professione infermieristica. Editore Edra 2018
· Shajani Z, Snell D. Infermieristica di famiglia. Una guida per prendersi
cura del sistema famiglia. Roma: Il pensiero
scientifico editore, 2021.
· Prandi C, Badon P. Assistenza infermieristica di famiglia e comunità. Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, 2024.
· Zannini L. L'educazione del paziente. Milano: Raffaello Cortina, 2023
· Beghelli A, Ferraresi A, Manfredini M. Educazione Terapeutica - Metodologia e Applicazioni, Roma: Carrocci Faber; 2015
· Prandi C, Obbia P, Marcadelli S. Assistenza domiciliare e cure primarie. Il nuovo orizzonte della professione infermieristica. Editore Edra 2018
· Shajani Z, Snell D. Infermieristica di famiglia. Una guida per prendersi
cura del sistema famiglia. Roma: Il pensiero
scientifico editore, 2021.
· Prandi C, Badon P. Assistenza infermieristica di famiglia e comunità. Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, 2024.
· Zannini L. L'educazione del paziente. Milano: Raffaello Cortina, 2023
Lab 3
MED/45 - NURSING - University credits: 1
Practicals: 18 hours
Lomuscio Sonia
Nursing sciences: general, clinical and paediatric
MED/45 - NURSING - University credits: 3
Lessons: 45 hours
Sezione:Fondazione Don Gnocchi
Prerequisites for admission
The student must have passed the exams of: Basic Sciences, Clinical nursing sciences 2, Medicine and pharmacology and internship 2.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The written test includes closed and / or open-ended questions.
The evaluation of the written barrier test DOES NOT give rise to a mark, but only to admission to the oral test.
The oral exam includes questions whose assessment relates to the following parameters: content, logic, language properties.
The evaluation of the oral test is out of thirty.
The evaluation of the written barrier test DOES NOT give rise to a mark, but only to admission to the oral test.
The oral exam includes questions whose assessment relates to the following parameters: content, logic, language properties.
The evaluation of the oral test is out of thirty.
Nursing sciences: general, clinical and paediatric
Course syllabus
· Contest analysis and Community nursing care models
a) The network of social-health services: continuity between care settings, protected discharge project, health care services, primary care, intermediate care, home care, hospice, integrated care models, chronic care model, CreG (CronicRelated Group) , regional networks, the relationship between nurses and patient's relatives in hospital and at home, the meaning of continuity of care, the concept of hospital discharge process and feasibility / acceptability at home.
b) Reference legislation:
- Law 833/1978 "Establishment of the National Health System"
- Legislative Decree 502/1992 and Law n. 724 of 23rd December 1994
- The Regional Health System: regional legislation (Operating rules)
- European Directives on continuity care between hospital, community and home care
- Law 328/2000 Realization of the integrated system of interventions and social services.
- National Health Plan and Essential Levels of Care (LEA)
- Law n. 38 of 15th March 2010, Provisions to ensure access to palliative care and pain therapy.
c) Actors and recipients of nursing care:
- Family nurse, case manager
- Family, person, group, community
- The multi-professional team
- The role of the caregiver in different care settings
· Preventive nursing care
Methods and tools for nursing care:
Therapeutic education for individuals, families and particular groups, with interventions on the environment, nutrition, relationships, adherence to therapy, to guarantee a good quality of life for people with chronic degenerative diseases: AIDS, tuberculosis , oncological and/or hematological diseases, aged people, with cognitive problems
Use of IADL (Instrumental Activities of Daily Living) assessment scales in the aged people at intra and extra-hospital care services
Diagnostic and therapeutic paths at home
Integrated home documentation
· Nursing care for people:
In the end of life and accompaniment to death; support to family members in the choices at the end of life and during the mourning phases
In oncological and non-oncological palliative care and pain treatment
In a condition of chronic and chronic degenerative conditions (eg. aged people, disabled, severe psycho-physical frailties
In people with oncological and / or hematological pathology (eg. immunodepressed people, oral anticoagulants therapy)
a) The network of social-health services: continuity between care settings, protected discharge project, health care services, primary care, intermediate care, home care, hospice, integrated care models, chronic care model, CreG (CronicRelated Group) , regional networks, the relationship between nurses and patient's relatives in hospital and at home, the meaning of continuity of care, the concept of hospital discharge process and feasibility / acceptability at home.
b) Reference legislation:
- Law 833/1978 "Establishment of the National Health System"
- Legislative Decree 502/1992 and Law n. 724 of 23rd December 1994
- The Regional Health System: regional legislation (Operating rules)
- European Directives on continuity care between hospital, community and home care
- Law 328/2000 Realization of the integrated system of interventions and social services.
- National Health Plan and Essential Levels of Care (LEA)
- Law n. 38 of 15th March 2010, Provisions to ensure access to palliative care and pain therapy.
c) Actors and recipients of nursing care:
- Family nurse, case manager
- Family, person, group, community
- The multi-professional team
- The role of the caregiver in different care settings
· Preventive nursing care
Methods and tools for nursing care:
Therapeutic education for individuals, families and particular groups, with interventions on the environment, nutrition, relationships, adherence to therapy, to guarantee a good quality of life for people with chronic degenerative diseases: AIDS, tuberculosis , oncological and/or hematological diseases, aged people, with cognitive problems
Use of IADL (Instrumental Activities of Daily Living) assessment scales in the aged people at intra and extra-hospital care services
Diagnostic and therapeutic paths at home
Integrated home documentation
· Nursing care for people:
In the end of life and accompaniment to death; support to family members in the choices at the end of life and during the mourning phases
In oncological and non-oncological palliative care and pain treatment
In a condition of chronic and chronic degenerative conditions (eg. aged people, disabled, severe psycho-physical frailties
In people with oncological and / or hematological pathology (eg. immunodepressed people, oral anticoagulants therapy)
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons, exercises.
Teaching Resources
· Scalorbi S. Infermieristica preventiva e di comunità. Milano: McGraw-Hill; 2022
· Beghelli A, Ferraresi A, Manfredini M. Educazione Terapeutica - Metodologia e Applicazioni, Roma: Carrocci Faber; 2015
· Prandi C, Obbia P, Marcadelli S. Assistenza domiciliare e cure primarie. Il nuovo orizzonte della professione infermieristica. Editore Edra 2018
· Shajani Z, Snell D. Infermieristica di famiglia. Una guida per prendersi
cura del sistema famiglia. Roma: Il pensiero
scientifico editore, 2021.
· Prandi C, Badon P. Assistenza infermieristica di famiglia e comunità. Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, 2024.
· Zannini L. L'educazione del paziente. Milano: Raffaello Cortina, 2023
· Beghelli A, Ferraresi A, Manfredini M. Educazione Terapeutica - Metodologia e Applicazioni, Roma: Carrocci Faber; 2015
· Prandi C, Obbia P, Marcadelli S. Assistenza domiciliare e cure primarie. Il nuovo orizzonte della professione infermieristica. Editore Edra 2018
· Shajani Z, Snell D. Infermieristica di famiglia. Una guida per prendersi
cura del sistema famiglia. Roma: Il pensiero
scientifico editore, 2021.
· Prandi C, Badon P. Assistenza infermieristica di famiglia e comunità. Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, 2024.
· Zannini L. L'educazione del paziente. Milano: Raffaello Cortina, 2023
Lab 3
Course syllabus
Therapeutic education project for people in chronic-degenerative conditions, family, caregivers, community in extra-hospital contexts, with particular attention to ethical implications.
Exercise (through role play or video projection) for the development of communication skills to expand palliative and end of life care
Exercise (through role play or video projection) for the development of communication skills to expand palliative and end of life care
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons, exercises.
Teaching Resources
· Scalorbi S. Infermieristica preventiva e di comunità. Milano: McGraw-Hill; 2022
· Beghelli A, Ferraresi A, Manfredini M. Educazione Terapeutica - Metodologia e Applicazioni, Roma: Carrocci Faber; 2015
· Prandi C, Obbia P, Marcadelli S. Assistenza domiciliare e cure primarie. Il nuovo orizzonte della professione infermieristica. Editore Edra 2018
· Shajani Z, Snell D. Infermieristica di famiglia. Una guida per prendersi
cura del sistema famiglia. Roma: Il pensiero
scientifico editore, 2021.
· Prandi C, Badon P. Assistenza infermieristica di famiglia e comunità. Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, 2024.
· Zannini L. L'educazione del paziente. Milano: Raffaello Cortina, 2023
· Beghelli A, Ferraresi A, Manfredini M. Educazione Terapeutica - Metodologia e Applicazioni, Roma: Carrocci Faber; 2015
· Prandi C, Obbia P, Marcadelli S. Assistenza domiciliare e cure primarie. Il nuovo orizzonte della professione infermieristica. Editore Edra 2018
· Shajani Z, Snell D. Infermieristica di famiglia. Una guida per prendersi
cura del sistema famiglia. Roma: Il pensiero
scientifico editore, 2021.
· Prandi C, Badon P. Assistenza infermieristica di famiglia e comunità. Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, 2024.
· Zannini L. L'educazione del paziente. Milano: Raffaello Cortina, 2023
Lab 3
MED/45 - NURSING - University credits: 1
Practicals: 18 hours
Crocco Patrick
Gruppo I
Crocco Patrick
Nursing sciences: general, clinical and paediatric
MED/45 - NURSING - University credits: 3
Lessons: 45 hours
Eberli Francesco, Tacchini Matteo
Sezione:Fondazione Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico,Mangiagalli e Regina Elena
Prerequisites for admission
The student must have passed the exams of: Basic Sciences, Clinical nursing sciences 2, Medicine and pharmacology and internship 2.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The written test includes closed and / or open-ended questions.
The evaluation of the written barrier test DOES NOT give rise to a mark, but only to admission to the oral test.
The oral exam includes questions whose assessment relates to the following parameters: content, logic, language properties.
The evaluation of the oral test is out of thirty.
The evaluation of the written barrier test DOES NOT give rise to a mark, but only to admission to the oral test.
The oral exam includes questions whose assessment relates to the following parameters: content, logic, language properties.
The evaluation of the oral test is out of thirty.
Nursing sciences: general, clinical and paediatric
Course syllabus
· Contest analysis and Community nursing care models
a) The network of social-health services: continuity between care settings, protected discharge project, health care services, primary care, intermediate care, home care, hospice, integrated care models, chronic care model, CreG (CronicRelated Group) , regional networks, the relationship between nurses and patient's relatives in hospital and at home, the meaning of continuity of care, the concept of hospital discharge process and feasibility / acceptability at home.
b) Reference legislation:
- Law 833/1978 "Establishment of the National Health System"
- Legislative Decree 502/1992 and Law n. 724 of 23rd December 1994
- The Regional Health System: regional legislation (Operating rules)
- European Directives on continuity care between hospital, community and home care
- Law 328/2000 Realization of the integrated system of interventions and social services.
- National Health Plan and Essential Levels of Care (LEA)
- Law n. 38 of 15th March 2010, Provisions to ensure access to palliative care and pain therapy.
c) Actors and recipients of nursing care:
- Family nurse, case manager
- Family, person, group, community
- The multi-professional team
- The role of the caregiver in different care settings
· Preventive nursing care
Methods and tools for nursing care:
Therapeutic education for individuals, families and particular groups, with interventions on the environment, nutrition, relationships, adherence to therapy, to guarantee a good quality of life for people with chronic degenerative diseases: AIDS, tuberculosis , oncological and/or hematological diseases, aged people, with cognitive problems
Use of IADL (Instrumental Activities of Daily Living) assessment scales in the aged people at intra and extra-hospital care services
Diagnostic and therapeutic paths at home
Integrated home documentation
· Nursing care for people:
In the end of life and accompaniment to death; support to family members in the choices at the end of life and during the mourning phases
In oncological and non-oncological palliative care and pain treatment
In a condition of chronic and chronic degenerative conditions (eg. aged people, disabled, severe psycho-physical frailties
In people with oncological and / or hematological pathology (eg. immunodepressed people, oral anticoagulants therapy)
a) The network of social-health services: continuity between care settings, protected discharge project, health care services, primary care, intermediate care, home care, hospice, integrated care models, chronic care model, CreG (CronicRelated Group) , regional networks, the relationship between nurses and patient's relatives in hospital and at home, the meaning of continuity of care, the concept of hospital discharge process and feasibility / acceptability at home.
b) Reference legislation:
- Law 833/1978 "Establishment of the National Health System"
- Legislative Decree 502/1992 and Law n. 724 of 23rd December 1994
- The Regional Health System: regional legislation (Operating rules)
- European Directives on continuity care between hospital, community and home care
- Law 328/2000 Realization of the integrated system of interventions and social services.
- National Health Plan and Essential Levels of Care (LEA)
- Law n. 38 of 15th March 2010, Provisions to ensure access to palliative care and pain therapy.
c) Actors and recipients of nursing care:
- Family nurse, case manager
- Family, person, group, community
- The multi-professional team
- The role of the caregiver in different care settings
· Preventive nursing care
Methods and tools for nursing care:
Therapeutic education for individuals, families and particular groups, with interventions on the environment, nutrition, relationships, adherence to therapy, to guarantee a good quality of life for people with chronic degenerative diseases: AIDS, tuberculosis , oncological and/or hematological diseases, aged people, with cognitive problems
Use of IADL (Instrumental Activities of Daily Living) assessment scales in the aged people at intra and extra-hospital care services
Diagnostic and therapeutic paths at home
Integrated home documentation
· Nursing care for people:
In the end of life and accompaniment to death; support to family members in the choices at the end of life and during the mourning phases
In oncological and non-oncological palliative care and pain treatment
In a condition of chronic and chronic degenerative conditions (eg. aged people, disabled, severe psycho-physical frailties
In people with oncological and / or hematological pathology (eg. immunodepressed people, oral anticoagulants therapy)
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons, exercises.
Teaching Resources
· Scalorbi S. Infermieristica preventiva e di comunità. Milano: McGraw-Hill; 2022
· Beghelli A, Ferraresi A, Manfredini M. Educazione Terapeutica - Metodologia e Applicazioni, Roma: Carrocci Faber; 2015
· Prandi C, Obbia P, Marcadelli S. Assistenza domiciliare e cure primarie. Il nuovo orizzonte della professione infermieristica. Editore Edra 2018
· Shajani Z, Snell D. Infermieristica di famiglia. Una guida per prendersi
cura del sistema famiglia. Roma: Il pensiero
scientifico editore, 2021.
· Prandi C, Badon P. Assistenza infermieristica di famiglia e comunità. Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, 2024.
· Zannini L. L'educazione del paziente. Milano: Raffaello Cortina, 2023
· Beghelli A, Ferraresi A, Manfredini M. Educazione Terapeutica - Metodologia e Applicazioni, Roma: Carrocci Faber; 2015
· Prandi C, Obbia P, Marcadelli S. Assistenza domiciliare e cure primarie. Il nuovo orizzonte della professione infermieristica. Editore Edra 2018
· Shajani Z, Snell D. Infermieristica di famiglia. Una guida per prendersi
cura del sistema famiglia. Roma: Il pensiero
scientifico editore, 2021.
· Prandi C, Badon P. Assistenza infermieristica di famiglia e comunità. Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, 2024.
· Zannini L. L'educazione del paziente. Milano: Raffaello Cortina, 2023
Lab 3
Course syllabus
Therapeutic education project for people in chronic-degenerative conditions, family, caregivers, community in extra-hospital contexts, with particular attention to ethical implications.
Exercise (through role play or video projection) for the development of communication skills to expand palliative and end of life care
Exercise (through role play or video projection) for the development of communication skills to expand palliative and end of life care
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons, exercises.
Teaching Resources
· Scalorbi S. Infermieristica preventiva e di comunità. Milano: McGraw-Hill; 2022
· Beghelli A, Ferraresi A, Manfredini M. Educazione Terapeutica - Metodologia e Applicazioni, Roma: Carrocci Faber; 2015
· Prandi C, Obbia P, Marcadelli S. Assistenza domiciliare e cure primarie. Il nuovo orizzonte della professione infermieristica. Editore Edra 2018
· Shajani Z, Snell D. Infermieristica di famiglia. Una guida per prendersi
cura del sistema famiglia. Roma: Il pensiero
scientifico editore, 2021.
· Prandi C, Badon P. Assistenza infermieristica di famiglia e comunità. Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, 2024.
· Zannini L. L'educazione del paziente. Milano: Raffaello Cortina, 2023
· Beghelli A, Ferraresi A, Manfredini M. Educazione Terapeutica - Metodologia e Applicazioni, Roma: Carrocci Faber; 2015
· Prandi C, Obbia P, Marcadelli S. Assistenza domiciliare e cure primarie. Il nuovo orizzonte della professione infermieristica. Editore Edra 2018
· Shajani Z, Snell D. Infermieristica di famiglia. Una guida per prendersi
cura del sistema famiglia. Roma: Il pensiero
scientifico editore, 2021.
· Prandi C, Badon P. Assistenza infermieristica di famiglia e comunità. Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, 2024.
· Zannini L. L'educazione del paziente. Milano: Raffaello Cortina, 2023
Lab 3
MED/45 - NURSING - University credits: 1
Practicals: 18 hours
Fumagalli Anna
Nursing sciences: general, clinical and paediatric
MED/45 - NURSING - University credits: 3
Lessons: 45 hours
Rancati Stefania
Sezione:Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori
Prerequisites for admission
The student must have passed the exams of: Basic Sciences, Clinical nursing sciences 2, Medicine and pharmacology and internship 2.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The written test includes closed and / or open-ended questions.
The evaluation of the written barrier test DOES NOT give rise to a mark, but only to admission to the oral test.
The oral exam includes questions whose assessment relates to the following parameters: content, logic, language properties.
The evaluation of the oral test is out of thirty.
The evaluation of the written barrier test DOES NOT give rise to a mark, but only to admission to the oral test.
The oral exam includes questions whose assessment relates to the following parameters: content, logic, language properties.
The evaluation of the oral test is out of thirty.
Nursing sciences: general, clinical and paediatric
Course syllabus
· Contest analysis and Community nursing care models
a) The network of social-health services: continuity between care settings, protected discharge project, health care services, primary care, intermediate care, home care, hospice, integrated care models, chronic care model, CreG (CronicRelated Group) , regional networks, the relationship between nurses and patient's relatives in hospital and at home, the meaning of continuity of care, the concept of hospital discharge process and feasibility / acceptability at home.
b) Reference legislation:
- Law 833/1978 "Establishment of the National Health System"
- Legislative Decree 502/1992 and Law n. 724 of 23rd December 1994
- The Regional Health System: regional legislation (Operating rules)
- European Directives on continuity care between hospital, community and home care
- Law 328/2000 Realization of the integrated system of interventions and social services.
- National Health Plan and Essential Levels of Care (LEA)
- Law n. 38 of 15th March 2010, Provisions to ensure access to palliative care and pain therapy.
c) Actors and recipients of nursing care:
- Family nurse, case manager
- Family, person, group, community
- The multi-professional team
- The role of the caregiver in different care settings
· Preventive nursing care
Methods and tools for nursing care:
Therapeutic education for individuals, families and particular groups, with interventions on the environment, nutrition, relationships, adherence to therapy, to guarantee a good quality of life for people with chronic degenerative diseases: AIDS, tuberculosis , oncological and/or hematological diseases, aged people, with cognitive problems
Use of IADL (Instrumental Activities of Daily Living) assessment scales in the aged people at intra and extra-hospital care services
Diagnostic and therapeutic paths at home
Integrated home documentation
· Nursing care for people:
In the end of life and accompaniment to death; support to family members in the choices at the end of life and during the mourning phases
In oncological and non-oncological palliative care and pain treatment
In a condition of chronic and chronic degenerative conditions (eg. aged people, disabled, severe psycho-physical frailties
In people with oncological and / or hematological pathology (eg. immunodepressed people, oral anticoagulants therapy)
a) The network of social-health services: continuity between care settings, protected discharge project, health care services, primary care, intermediate care, home care, hospice, integrated care models, chronic care model, CreG (CronicRelated Group) , regional networks, the relationship between nurses and patient's relatives in hospital and at home, the meaning of continuity of care, the concept of hospital discharge process and feasibility / acceptability at home.
b) Reference legislation:
- Law 833/1978 "Establishment of the National Health System"
- Legislative Decree 502/1992 and Law n. 724 of 23rd December 1994
- The Regional Health System: regional legislation (Operating rules)
- European Directives on continuity care between hospital, community and home care
- Law 328/2000 Realization of the integrated system of interventions and social services.
- National Health Plan and Essential Levels of Care (LEA)
- Law n. 38 of 15th March 2010, Provisions to ensure access to palliative care and pain therapy.
c) Actors and recipients of nursing care:
- Family nurse, case manager
- Family, person, group, community
- The multi-professional team
- The role of the caregiver in different care settings
· Preventive nursing care
Methods and tools for nursing care:
Therapeutic education for individuals, families and particular groups, with interventions on the environment, nutrition, relationships, adherence to therapy, to guarantee a good quality of life for people with chronic degenerative diseases: AIDS, tuberculosis , oncological and/or hematological diseases, aged people, with cognitive problems
Use of IADL (Instrumental Activities of Daily Living) assessment scales in the aged people at intra and extra-hospital care services
Diagnostic and therapeutic paths at home
Integrated home documentation
· Nursing care for people:
In the end of life and accompaniment to death; support to family members in the choices at the end of life and during the mourning phases
In oncological and non-oncological palliative care and pain treatment
In a condition of chronic and chronic degenerative conditions (eg. aged people, disabled, severe psycho-physical frailties
In people with oncological and / or hematological pathology (eg. immunodepressed people, oral anticoagulants therapy)
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons, exercises.
Teaching Resources
· Scalorbi S. Infermieristica preventiva e di comunità. Milano: McGraw-Hill; 2022
· Beghelli A, Ferraresi A, Manfredini M. Educazione Terapeutica - Metodologia e Applicazioni, Roma: Carrocci Faber; 2015
· Prandi C, Obbia P, Marcadelli S. Assistenza domiciliare e cure primarie. Il nuovo orizzonte della professione infermieristica. Editore Edra 2018
· Shajani Z, Snell D. Infermieristica di famiglia. Una guida per prendersi
cura del sistema famiglia. Roma: Il pensiero
scientifico editore, 2021.
· Prandi C, Badon P. Assistenza infermieristica di famiglia e comunità. Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, 2024.
· Zannini L. L'educazione del paziente. Milano: Raffaello Cortina, 2023
· Beghelli A, Ferraresi A, Manfredini M. Educazione Terapeutica - Metodologia e Applicazioni, Roma: Carrocci Faber; 2015
· Prandi C, Obbia P, Marcadelli S. Assistenza domiciliare e cure primarie. Il nuovo orizzonte della professione infermieristica. Editore Edra 2018
· Shajani Z, Snell D. Infermieristica di famiglia. Una guida per prendersi
cura del sistema famiglia. Roma: Il pensiero
scientifico editore, 2021.
· Prandi C, Badon P. Assistenza infermieristica di famiglia e comunità. Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, 2024.
· Zannini L. L'educazione del paziente. Milano: Raffaello Cortina, 2023
Lab 3
Course syllabus
Therapeutic education project for people in chronic-degenerative conditions, family, caregivers, community in extra-hospital contexts, with particular attention to ethical implications.
Exercise (through role play or video projection) for the development of communication skills to expand palliative and end of life care
Exercise (through role play or video projection) for the development of communication skills to expand palliative and end of life care
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons, exercises.
Teaching Resources
· Scalorbi S. Infermieristica preventiva e di comunità. Milano: McGraw-Hill; 2022
· Beghelli A, Ferraresi A, Manfredini M. Educazione Terapeutica - Metodologia e Applicazioni, Roma: Carrocci Faber; 2015
· Prandi C, Obbia P, Marcadelli S. Assistenza domiciliare e cure primarie. Il nuovo orizzonte della professione infermieristica. Editore Edra 2018
· Shajani Z, Snell D. Infermieristica di famiglia. Una guida per prendersi
cura del sistema famiglia. Roma: Il pensiero
scientifico editore, 2021.
· Prandi C, Badon P. Assistenza infermieristica di famiglia e comunità. Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, 2024.
· Zannini L. L'educazione del paziente. Milano: Raffaello Cortina, 2023
· Beghelli A, Ferraresi A, Manfredini M. Educazione Terapeutica - Metodologia e Applicazioni, Roma: Carrocci Faber; 2015
· Prandi C, Obbia P, Marcadelli S. Assistenza domiciliare e cure primarie. Il nuovo orizzonte della professione infermieristica. Editore Edra 2018
· Shajani Z, Snell D. Infermieristica di famiglia. Una guida per prendersi
cura del sistema famiglia. Roma: Il pensiero
scientifico editore, 2021.
· Prandi C, Badon P. Assistenza infermieristica di famiglia e comunità. Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, 2024.
· Zannini L. L'educazione del paziente. Milano: Raffaello Cortina, 2023
Lab 3
MED/45 - NURSING - University credits: 1
Practicals: 18 hours
Basile Ilaria, Porta Nives
Gruppo 1
Basile IlariaGruppo 2
Porta Nives
Nursing sciences: general, clinical and paediatric
MED/45 - NURSING - University credits: 3
Lessons: 45 hours
Sezione:Ospedale di circolo di RHO
Prerequisites for admission
The student must have passed the exams of: Basic Sciences, Clinical nursing sciences 2, Medicine and pharmacology and internship 2.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The written test includes closed and / or open-ended questions.
The evaluation of the written barrier test DOES NOT give rise to a mark, but only to admission to the oral test.
The oral exam includes questions whose assessment relates to the following parameters: content, logic, language properties.
The evaluation of the oral test is out of thirty.
The evaluation of the written barrier test DOES NOT give rise to a mark, but only to admission to the oral test.
The oral exam includes questions whose assessment relates to the following parameters: content, logic, language properties.
The evaluation of the oral test is out of thirty.
Nursing sciences: general, clinical and paediatric
Course syllabus
· Contest analysis and Community nursing care models
a) The network of social-health services: continuity between care settings, protected discharge project, health care services, primary care, intermediate care, home care, hospice, integrated care models, chronic care model, CreG (CronicRelated Group) , regional networks, the relationship between nurses and patient's relatives in hospital and at home, the meaning of continuity of care, the concept of hospital discharge process and feasibility / acceptability at home.
b) Reference legislation:
- Law 833/1978 "Establishment of the National Health System"
- Legislative Decree 502/1992 and Law n. 724 of 23rd December 1994
- The Regional Health System: regional legislation (Operating rules)
- European Directives on continuity care between hospital, community and home care
- Law 328/2000 Realization of the integrated system of interventions and social services.
- National Health Plan and Essential Levels of Care (LEA)
- Law n. 38 of 15th March 2010, Provisions to ensure access to palliative care and pain therapy.
c) Actors and recipients of nursing care:
- Family nurse, case manager
- Family, person, group, community
- The multi-professional team
- The role of the caregiver in different care settings
· Preventive nursing care
Methods and tools for nursing care:
Therapeutic education for individuals, families and particular groups, with interventions on the environment, nutrition, relationships, adherence to therapy, to guarantee a good quality of life for people with chronic degenerative diseases: AIDS, tuberculosis , oncological and/or hematological diseases, aged people, with cognitive problems
Use of IADL (Instrumental Activities of Daily Living) assessment scales in the aged people at intra and extra-hospital care services
Diagnostic and therapeutic paths at home
Integrated home documentation
· Nursing care for people:
In the end of life and accompaniment to death; support to family members in the choices at the end of life and during the mourning phases
In oncological and non-oncological palliative care and pain treatment
In a condition of chronic and chronic degenerative conditions (eg. aged people, disabled, severe psycho-physical frailties
In people with oncological and / or hematological pathology (eg. immunodepressed people, oral anticoagulants therapy)
a) The network of social-health services: continuity between care settings, protected discharge project, health care services, primary care, intermediate care, home care, hospice, integrated care models, chronic care model, CreG (CronicRelated Group) , regional networks, the relationship between nurses and patient's relatives in hospital and at home, the meaning of continuity of care, the concept of hospital discharge process and feasibility / acceptability at home.
b) Reference legislation:
- Law 833/1978 "Establishment of the National Health System"
- Legislative Decree 502/1992 and Law n. 724 of 23rd December 1994
- The Regional Health System: regional legislation (Operating rules)
- European Directives on continuity care between hospital, community and home care
- Law 328/2000 Realization of the integrated system of interventions and social services.
- National Health Plan and Essential Levels of Care (LEA)
- Law n. 38 of 15th March 2010, Provisions to ensure access to palliative care and pain therapy.
c) Actors and recipients of nursing care:
- Family nurse, case manager
- Family, person, group, community
- The multi-professional team
- The role of the caregiver in different care settings
· Preventive nursing care
Methods and tools for nursing care:
Therapeutic education for individuals, families and particular groups, with interventions on the environment, nutrition, relationships, adherence to therapy, to guarantee a good quality of life for people with chronic degenerative diseases: AIDS, tuberculosis , oncological and/or hematological diseases, aged people, with cognitive problems
Use of IADL (Instrumental Activities of Daily Living) assessment scales in the aged people at intra and extra-hospital care services
Diagnostic and therapeutic paths at home
Integrated home documentation
· Nursing care for people:
In the end of life and accompaniment to death; support to family members in the choices at the end of life and during the mourning phases
In oncological and non-oncological palliative care and pain treatment
In a condition of chronic and chronic degenerative conditions (eg. aged people, disabled, severe psycho-physical frailties
In people with oncological and / or hematological pathology (eg. immunodepressed people, oral anticoagulants therapy)
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons, exercises.
Teaching Resources
· Scalorbi S. Infermieristica preventiva e di comunità. Milano: McGraw-Hill; 2022
· Beghelli A, Ferraresi A, Manfredini M. Educazione Terapeutica - Metodologia e Applicazioni, Roma: Carrocci Faber; 2015
· Prandi C, Obbia P, Marcadelli S. Assistenza domiciliare e cure primarie. Il nuovo orizzonte della professione infermieristica. Editore Edra 2018
· Shajani Z, Snell D. Infermieristica di famiglia. Una guida per prendersi
cura del sistema famiglia. Roma: Il pensiero
scientifico editore, 2021.
· Prandi C, Badon P. Assistenza infermieristica di famiglia e comunità. Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, 2024.
· Zannini L. L'educazione del paziente. Milano: Raffaello Cortina, 2023
· Beghelli A, Ferraresi A, Manfredini M. Educazione Terapeutica - Metodologia e Applicazioni, Roma: Carrocci Faber; 2015
· Prandi C, Obbia P, Marcadelli S. Assistenza domiciliare e cure primarie. Il nuovo orizzonte della professione infermieristica. Editore Edra 2018
· Shajani Z, Snell D. Infermieristica di famiglia. Una guida per prendersi
cura del sistema famiglia. Roma: Il pensiero
scientifico editore, 2021.
· Prandi C, Badon P. Assistenza infermieristica di famiglia e comunità. Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, 2024.
· Zannini L. L'educazione del paziente. Milano: Raffaello Cortina, 2023
Lab 3
Course syllabus
Therapeutic education project for people in chronic-degenerative conditions, family, caregivers, community in extra-hospital contexts, with particular attention to ethical implications.
Exercise (through role play or video projection) for the development of communication skills to expand palliative and end of life care
Exercise (through role play or video projection) for the development of communication skills to expand palliative and end of life care
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons, exercises.
Teaching Resources
· Scalorbi S. Infermieristica preventiva e di comunità. Milano: McGraw-Hill; 2022
· Beghelli A, Ferraresi A, Manfredini M. Educazione Terapeutica - Metodologia e Applicazioni, Roma: Carrocci Faber; 2015
· Prandi C, Obbia P, Marcadelli S. Assistenza domiciliare e cure primarie. Il nuovo orizzonte della professione infermieristica. Editore Edra 2018
· Shajani Z, Snell D. Infermieristica di famiglia. Una guida per prendersi
cura del sistema famiglia. Roma: Il pensiero
scientifico editore, 2021.
· Prandi C, Badon P. Assistenza infermieristica di famiglia e comunità. Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, 2024.
· Zannini L. L'educazione del paziente. Milano: Raffaello Cortina, 2023
· Beghelli A, Ferraresi A, Manfredini M. Educazione Terapeutica - Metodologia e Applicazioni, Roma: Carrocci Faber; 2015
· Prandi C, Obbia P, Marcadelli S. Assistenza domiciliare e cure primarie. Il nuovo orizzonte della professione infermieristica. Editore Edra 2018
· Shajani Z, Snell D. Infermieristica di famiglia. Una guida per prendersi
cura del sistema famiglia. Roma: Il pensiero
scientifico editore, 2021.
· Prandi C, Badon P. Assistenza infermieristica di famiglia e comunità. Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, 2024.
· Zannini L. L'educazione del paziente. Milano: Raffaello Cortina, 2023
Lab 3
MED/45 - NURSING - University credits: 1
Practicals: 18 hours
Falcone Graziella
Nursing sciences: general, clinical and paediatric
MED/45 - NURSING - University credits: 3
Lessons: 45 hours
Alberti Annalisa, Tinti Stefania
Sezione:Ospedale Fatebenefratelli
Prerequisites for admission
The student must have passed the exams of: Basic Sciences, Clinical nursing sciences 2, Medicine and pharmacology and internship 2.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The written test includes closed and / or open-ended questions.
The evaluation of the written barrier test DOES NOT give rise to a mark, but only to admission to the oral test.
The oral exam includes questions whose assessment relates to the following parameters: content, logic, language properties.
The evaluation of the oral test is out of thirty.
The evaluation of the written barrier test DOES NOT give rise to a mark, but only to admission to the oral test.
The oral exam includes questions whose assessment relates to the following parameters: content, logic, language properties.
The evaluation of the oral test is out of thirty.
Nursing sciences: general, clinical and paediatric
Course syllabus
· Contest analysis and Community nursing care models
a) The network of social-health services: continuity between care settings, protected discharge project, health care services, primary care, intermediate care, home care, hospice, integrated care models, chronic care model, CreG (CronicRelated Group) , regional networks, the relationship between nurses and patient's relatives in hospital and at home, the meaning of continuity of care, the concept of hospital discharge process and feasibility / acceptability at home.
b) Reference legislation:
- Law 833/1978 "Establishment of the National Health System"
- Legislative Decree 502/1992 and Law n. 724 of 23rd December 1994
- The Regional Health System: regional legislation (Operating rules)
- European Directives on continuity care between hospital, community and home care
- Law 328/2000 Realization of the integrated system of interventions and social services.
- National Health Plan and Essential Levels of Care (LEA)
- Law n. 38 of 15th March 2010, Provisions to ensure access to palliative care and pain therapy.
c) Actors and recipients of nursing care:
- Family nurse, case manager
- Family, person, group, community
- The multi-professional team
- The role of the caregiver in different care settings
· Preventive nursing care
Methods and tools for nursing care:
Therapeutic education for individuals, families and particular groups, with interventions on the environment, nutrition, relationships, adherence to therapy, to guarantee a good quality of life for people with chronic degenerative diseases: AIDS, tuberculosis , oncological and/or hematological diseases, aged people, with cognitive problems
Use of IADL (Instrumental Activities of Daily Living) assessment scales in the aged people at intra and extra-hospital care services
Diagnostic and therapeutic paths at home
Integrated home documentation
· Nursing care for people:
In the end of life and accompaniment to death; support to family members in the choices at the end of life and during the mourning phases
In oncological and non-oncological palliative care and pain treatment
In a condition of chronic and chronic degenerative conditions (eg. aged people, disabled, severe psycho-physical frailties
In people with oncological and / or hematological pathology (eg. immunodepressed people, oral anticoagulants therapy)
a) The network of social-health services: continuity between care settings, protected discharge project, health care services, primary care, intermediate care, home care, hospice, integrated care models, chronic care model, CreG (CronicRelated Group) , regional networks, the relationship between nurses and patient's relatives in hospital and at home, the meaning of continuity of care, the concept of hospital discharge process and feasibility / acceptability at home.
b) Reference legislation:
- Law 833/1978 "Establishment of the National Health System"
- Legislative Decree 502/1992 and Law n. 724 of 23rd December 1994
- The Regional Health System: regional legislation (Operating rules)
- European Directives on continuity care between hospital, community and home care
- Law 328/2000 Realization of the integrated system of interventions and social services.
- National Health Plan and Essential Levels of Care (LEA)
- Law n. 38 of 15th March 2010, Provisions to ensure access to palliative care and pain therapy.
c) Actors and recipients of nursing care:
- Family nurse, case manager
- Family, person, group, community
- The multi-professional team
- The role of the caregiver in different care settings
· Preventive nursing care
Methods and tools for nursing care:
Therapeutic education for individuals, families and particular groups, with interventions on the environment, nutrition, relationships, adherence to therapy, to guarantee a good quality of life for people with chronic degenerative diseases: AIDS, tuberculosis , oncological and/or hematological diseases, aged people, with cognitive problems
Use of IADL (Instrumental Activities of Daily Living) assessment scales in the aged people at intra and extra-hospital care services
Diagnostic and therapeutic paths at home
Integrated home documentation
· Nursing care for people:
In the end of life and accompaniment to death; support to family members in the choices at the end of life and during the mourning phases
In oncological and non-oncological palliative care and pain treatment
In a condition of chronic and chronic degenerative conditions (eg. aged people, disabled, severe psycho-physical frailties
In people with oncological and / or hematological pathology (eg. immunodepressed people, oral anticoagulants therapy)
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons, exercises.
Teaching Resources
· Scalorbi S. Infermieristica preventiva e di comunità. Milano: McGraw-Hill; 2022
· Beghelli A, Ferraresi A, Manfredini M. Educazione Terapeutica - Metodologia e Applicazioni, Roma: Carrocci Faber; 2015
· Prandi C, Obbia P, Marcadelli S. Assistenza domiciliare e cure primarie. Il nuovo orizzonte della professione infermieristica. Editore Edra 2018
· Shajani Z, Snell D. Infermieristica di famiglia. Una guida per prendersi
cura del sistema famiglia. Roma: Il pensiero
scientifico editore, 2021.
· Prandi C, Badon P. Assistenza infermieristica di famiglia e comunità. Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, 2024.
· Zannini L. L'educazione del paziente. Milano: Raffaello Cortina, 2023
· Beghelli A, Ferraresi A, Manfredini M. Educazione Terapeutica - Metodologia e Applicazioni, Roma: Carrocci Faber; 2015
· Prandi C, Obbia P, Marcadelli S. Assistenza domiciliare e cure primarie. Il nuovo orizzonte della professione infermieristica. Editore Edra 2018
· Shajani Z, Snell D. Infermieristica di famiglia. Una guida per prendersi
cura del sistema famiglia. Roma: Il pensiero
scientifico editore, 2021.
· Prandi C, Badon P. Assistenza infermieristica di famiglia e comunità. Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, 2024.
· Zannini L. L'educazione del paziente. Milano: Raffaello Cortina, 2023
Lab 3
Course syllabus
Therapeutic education project for people in chronic-degenerative conditions, family, caregivers, community in extra-hospital contexts, with particular attention to ethical implications.
Exercise (through role play or video projection) for the development of communication skills to expand palliative and end of life care
Exercise (through role play or video projection) for the development of communication skills to expand palliative and end of life care
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons, exercises.
Teaching Resources
· Scalorbi S. Infermieristica preventiva e di comunità. Milano: McGraw-Hill; 2022
· Beghelli A, Ferraresi A, Manfredini M. Educazione Terapeutica - Metodologia e Applicazioni, Roma: Carrocci Faber; 2015
· Prandi C, Obbia P, Marcadelli S. Assistenza domiciliare e cure primarie. Il nuovo orizzonte della professione infermieristica. Editore Edra 2018
· Shajani Z, Snell D. Infermieristica di famiglia. Una guida per prendersi
cura del sistema famiglia. Roma: Il pensiero
scientifico editore, 2021.
· Prandi C, Badon P. Assistenza infermieristica di famiglia e comunità. Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, 2024.
· Zannini L. L'educazione del paziente. Milano: Raffaello Cortina, 2023
· Beghelli A, Ferraresi A, Manfredini M. Educazione Terapeutica - Metodologia e Applicazioni, Roma: Carrocci Faber; 2015
· Prandi C, Obbia P, Marcadelli S. Assistenza domiciliare e cure primarie. Il nuovo orizzonte della professione infermieristica. Editore Edra 2018
· Shajani Z, Snell D. Infermieristica di famiglia. Una guida per prendersi
cura del sistema famiglia. Roma: Il pensiero
scientifico editore, 2021.
· Prandi C, Badon P. Assistenza infermieristica di famiglia e comunità. Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, 2024.
· Zannini L. L'educazione del paziente. Milano: Raffaello Cortina, 2023
Lab 3
MED/45 - NURSING - University credits: 1
Practicals: 18 hours
Fanari Francesco, Turchet Elisa
Gruppo 1
Turchet ElisaGruppo II
Fanari Francesco
Nursing sciences: general, clinical and paediatric
MED/45 - NURSING - University credits: 3
Lessons: 45 hours
Sezione:Ospedale Luigi Sacco
Prerequisites for admission
The student must have passed the exams of: Basic Sciences, Clinical nursing sciences 2, Medicine and pharmacology and internship 2.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The written test includes closed and / or open-ended questions.
The evaluation of the written barrier test DOES NOT give rise to a mark, but only to admission to the oral test.
The oral exam includes questions whose assessment relates to the following parameters: content, logic, language properties.
The evaluation of the oral test is out of thirty.
The evaluation of the written barrier test DOES NOT give rise to a mark, but only to admission to the oral test.
The oral exam includes questions whose assessment relates to the following parameters: content, logic, language properties.
The evaluation of the oral test is out of thirty.
Nursing sciences: general, clinical and paediatric
Course syllabus
· Contest analysis and Community nursing care models
a) The network of social-health services: continuity between care settings, protected discharge project, health care services, primary care, intermediate care, home care, hospice, integrated care models, chronic care model, CreG (CronicRelated Group) , regional networks, the relationship between nurses and patient's relatives in hospital and at home, the meaning of continuity of care, the concept of hospital discharge process and feasibility / acceptability at home.
b) Reference legislation:
- Law 833/1978 "Establishment of the National Health System"
- Legislative Decree 502/1992 and Law n. 724 of 23rd December 1994
- The Regional Health System: regional legislation (Operating rules)
- European Directives on continuity care between hospital, community and home care
- Law 328/2000 Realization of the integrated system of interventions and social services.
- National Health Plan and Essential Levels of Care (LEA)
- Law n. 38 of 15th March 2010, Provisions to ensure access to palliative care and pain therapy.
c) Actors and recipients of nursing care:
- Family nurse, case manager
- Family, person, group, community
- The multi-professional team
- The role of the caregiver in different care settings
· Preventive nursing care
Methods and tools for nursing care:
Therapeutic education for individuals, families and particular groups, with interventions on the environment, nutrition, relationships, adherence to therapy, to guarantee a good quality of life for people with chronic degenerative diseases: AIDS, tuberculosis , oncological and/or hematological diseases, aged people, with cognitive problems
Use of IADL (Instrumental Activities of Daily Living) assessment scales in the aged people at intra and extra-hospital care services
Diagnostic and therapeutic paths at home
Integrated home documentation
· Nursing care for people:
In the end of life and accompaniment to death; support to family members in the choices at the end of life and during the mourning phases
In oncological and non-oncological palliative care and pain treatment
In a condition of chronic and chronic degenerative conditions (eg. aged people, disabled, severe psycho-physical frailties
In people with oncological and / or hematological pathology (eg. immunodepressed people, oral anticoagulants therapy)
a) The network of social-health services: continuity between care settings, protected discharge project, health care services, primary care, intermediate care, home care, hospice, integrated care models, chronic care model, CreG (CronicRelated Group) , regional networks, the relationship between nurses and patient's relatives in hospital and at home, the meaning of continuity of care, the concept of hospital discharge process and feasibility / acceptability at home.
b) Reference legislation:
- Law 833/1978 "Establishment of the National Health System"
- Legislative Decree 502/1992 and Law n. 724 of 23rd December 1994
- The Regional Health System: regional legislation (Operating rules)
- European Directives on continuity care between hospital, community and home care
- Law 328/2000 Realization of the integrated system of interventions and social services.
- National Health Plan and Essential Levels of Care (LEA)
- Law n. 38 of 15th March 2010, Provisions to ensure access to palliative care and pain therapy.
c) Actors and recipients of nursing care:
- Family nurse, case manager
- Family, person, group, community
- The multi-professional team
- The role of the caregiver in different care settings
· Preventive nursing care
Methods and tools for nursing care:
Therapeutic education for individuals, families and particular groups, with interventions on the environment, nutrition, relationships, adherence to therapy, to guarantee a good quality of life for people with chronic degenerative diseases: AIDS, tuberculosis , oncological and/or hematological diseases, aged people, with cognitive problems
Use of IADL (Instrumental Activities of Daily Living) assessment scales in the aged people at intra and extra-hospital care services
Diagnostic and therapeutic paths at home
Integrated home documentation
· Nursing care for people:
In the end of life and accompaniment to death; support to family members in the choices at the end of life and during the mourning phases
In oncological and non-oncological palliative care and pain treatment
In a condition of chronic and chronic degenerative conditions (eg. aged people, disabled, severe psycho-physical frailties
In people with oncological and / or hematological pathology (eg. immunodepressed people, oral anticoagulants therapy)
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons, exercises.
Teaching Resources
· Scalorbi S. Infermieristica preventiva e di comunità. Milano: McGraw-Hill; 2022
· Beghelli A, Ferraresi A, Manfredini M. Educazione Terapeutica - Metodologia e Applicazioni, Roma: Carrocci Faber; 2015
· Prandi C, Obbia P, Marcadelli S. Assistenza domiciliare e cure primarie. Il nuovo orizzonte della professione infermieristica. Editore Edra 2018
· Shajani Z, Snell D. Infermieristica di famiglia. Una guida per prendersi
cura del sistema famiglia. Roma: Il pensiero
scientifico editore, 2021.
· Prandi C, Badon P. Assistenza infermieristica di famiglia e comunità. Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, 2024.
· Zannini L. L'educazione del paziente. Milano: Raffaello Cortina, 2023
· Beghelli A, Ferraresi A, Manfredini M. Educazione Terapeutica - Metodologia e Applicazioni, Roma: Carrocci Faber; 2015
· Prandi C, Obbia P, Marcadelli S. Assistenza domiciliare e cure primarie. Il nuovo orizzonte della professione infermieristica. Editore Edra 2018
· Shajani Z, Snell D. Infermieristica di famiglia. Una guida per prendersi
cura del sistema famiglia. Roma: Il pensiero
scientifico editore, 2021.
· Prandi C, Badon P. Assistenza infermieristica di famiglia e comunità. Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, 2024.
· Zannini L. L'educazione del paziente. Milano: Raffaello Cortina, 2023
Lab 3
Course syllabus
Therapeutic education project for people in chronic-degenerative conditions, family, caregivers, community in extra-hospital contexts, with particular attention to ethical implications.
Exercise (through role play or video projection) for the development of communication skills to expand palliative and end of life care
Exercise (through role play or video projection) for the development of communication skills to expand palliative and end of life care
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons, exercises.
Teaching Resources
· Scalorbi S. Infermieristica preventiva e di comunità. Milano: McGraw-Hill; 2022
· Beghelli A, Ferraresi A, Manfredini M. Educazione Terapeutica - Metodologia e Applicazioni, Roma: Carrocci Faber; 2015
· Prandi C, Obbia P, Marcadelli S. Assistenza domiciliare e cure primarie. Il nuovo orizzonte della professione infermieristica. Editore Edra 2018
· Shajani Z, Snell D. Infermieristica di famiglia. Una guida per prendersi
cura del sistema famiglia. Roma: Il pensiero
scientifico editore, 2021.
· Prandi C, Badon P. Assistenza infermieristica di famiglia e comunità. Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, 2024.
· Zannini L. L'educazione del paziente. Milano: Raffaello Cortina, 2023
· Beghelli A, Ferraresi A, Manfredini M. Educazione Terapeutica - Metodologia e Applicazioni, Roma: Carrocci Faber; 2015
· Prandi C, Obbia P, Marcadelli S. Assistenza domiciliare e cure primarie. Il nuovo orizzonte della professione infermieristica. Editore Edra 2018
· Shajani Z, Snell D. Infermieristica di famiglia. Una guida per prendersi
cura del sistema famiglia. Roma: Il pensiero
scientifico editore, 2021.
· Prandi C, Badon P. Assistenza infermieristica di famiglia e comunità. Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, 2024.
· Zannini L. L'educazione del paziente. Milano: Raffaello Cortina, 2023
Lab 3
MED/45 - NURSING - University credits: 1
Practicals: 18 hours
Marchese Cecilia, Vaghi Marta
Gruppo 1
Vaghi MartaGruppo 2
Marchese Cecilia
Nursing sciences: general, clinical and paediatric
MED/45 - NURSING - University credits: 3
Lessons: 45 hours
Biagetti Lia, Chiaramonte Raimondo
Sezione:Ospedale Niguarda Ca Granda
Prerequisites for admission
The student must have passed the exams of: Basic Sciences, Clinical nursing sciences 2, Medicine and pharmacology and internship 2.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The written test includes closed and / or open-ended questions.
The evaluation of the written barrier test DOES NOT give rise to a mark, but only to admission to the oral test.
The oral exam includes questions whose assessment relates to the following parameters: content, logic, language properties.
The evaluation of the oral test is out of thirty.
The evaluation of the written barrier test DOES NOT give rise to a mark, but only to admission to the oral test.
The oral exam includes questions whose assessment relates to the following parameters: content, logic, language properties.
The evaluation of the oral test is out of thirty.
Nursing sciences: general, clinical and paediatric
Course syllabus
· Contest analysis and Community nursing care models
a) The network of social-health services: continuity between care settings, protected discharge project, health care services, primary care, intermediate care, home care, hospice, integrated care models, chronic care model, CreG (CronicRelated Group) , regional networks, the relationship between nurses and patient's relatives in hospital and at home, the meaning of continuity of care, the concept of hospital discharge process and feasibility / acceptability at home.
b) Reference legislation:
- Law 833/1978 "Establishment of the National Health System"
- Legislative Decree 502/1992 and Law n. 724 of 23rd December 1994
- The Regional Health System: regional legislation (Operating rules)
- European Directives on continuity care between hospital, community and home care
- Law 328/2000 Realization of the integrated system of interventions and social services.
- National Health Plan and Essential Levels of Care (LEA)
- Law n. 38 of 15th March 2010, Provisions to ensure access to palliative care and pain therapy.
c) Actors and recipients of nursing care:
- Family nurse, case manager
- Family, person, group, community
- The multi-professional team
- The role of the caregiver in different care settings
· Preventive nursing care
Methods and tools for nursing care:
Therapeutic education for individuals, families and particular groups, with interventions on the environment, nutrition, relationships, adherence to therapy, to guarantee a good quality of life for people with chronic degenerative diseases: AIDS, tuberculosis , oncological and/or hematological diseases, aged people, with cognitive problems
Use of IADL (Instrumental Activities of Daily Living) assessment scales in the aged people at intra and extra-hospital care services
Diagnostic and therapeutic paths at home
Integrated home documentation
· Nursing care for people:
In the end of life and accompaniment to death; support to family members in the choices at the end of life and during the mourning phases
In oncological and non-oncological palliative care and pain treatment
In a condition of chronic and chronic degenerative conditions (eg. aged people, disabled, severe psycho-physical frailties
In people with oncological and / or hematological pathology (eg. immunodepressed people, oral anticoagulants therapy)
a) The network of social-health services: continuity between care settings, protected discharge project, health care services, primary care, intermediate care, home care, hospice, integrated care models, chronic care model, CreG (CronicRelated Group) , regional networks, the relationship between nurses and patient's relatives in hospital and at home, the meaning of continuity of care, the concept of hospital discharge process and feasibility / acceptability at home.
b) Reference legislation:
- Law 833/1978 "Establishment of the National Health System"
- Legislative Decree 502/1992 and Law n. 724 of 23rd December 1994
- The Regional Health System: regional legislation (Operating rules)
- European Directives on continuity care between hospital, community and home care
- Law 328/2000 Realization of the integrated system of interventions and social services.
- National Health Plan and Essential Levels of Care (LEA)
- Law n. 38 of 15th March 2010, Provisions to ensure access to palliative care and pain therapy.
c) Actors and recipients of nursing care:
- Family nurse, case manager
- Family, person, group, community
- The multi-professional team
- The role of the caregiver in different care settings
· Preventive nursing care
Methods and tools for nursing care:
Therapeutic education for individuals, families and particular groups, with interventions on the environment, nutrition, relationships, adherence to therapy, to guarantee a good quality of life for people with chronic degenerative diseases: AIDS, tuberculosis , oncological and/or hematological diseases, aged people, with cognitive problems
Use of IADL (Instrumental Activities of Daily Living) assessment scales in the aged people at intra and extra-hospital care services
Diagnostic and therapeutic paths at home
Integrated home documentation
· Nursing care for people:
In the end of life and accompaniment to death; support to family members in the choices at the end of life and during the mourning phases
In oncological and non-oncological palliative care and pain treatment
In a condition of chronic and chronic degenerative conditions (eg. aged people, disabled, severe psycho-physical frailties
In people with oncological and / or hematological pathology (eg. immunodepressed people, oral anticoagulants therapy)
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons, exercises.
Teaching Resources
· Scalorbi S. Infermieristica preventiva e di comunità. Milano: McGraw-Hill; 2022
· Beghelli A, Ferraresi A, Manfredini M. Educazione Terapeutica - Metodologia e Applicazioni, Roma: Carrocci Faber; 2015
· Prandi C, Obbia P, Marcadelli S. Assistenza domiciliare e cure primarie. Il nuovo orizzonte della professione infermieristica. Editore Edra 2018
· Shajani Z, Snell D. Infermieristica di famiglia. Una guida per prendersi
cura del sistema famiglia. Roma: Il pensiero
scientifico editore, 2021.
· Prandi C, Badon P. Assistenza infermieristica di famiglia e comunità. Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, 2024.
· Zannini L. L'educazione del paziente. Milano: Raffaello Cortina, 2023
· Beghelli A, Ferraresi A, Manfredini M. Educazione Terapeutica - Metodologia e Applicazioni, Roma: Carrocci Faber; 2015
· Prandi C, Obbia P, Marcadelli S. Assistenza domiciliare e cure primarie. Il nuovo orizzonte della professione infermieristica. Editore Edra 2018
· Shajani Z, Snell D. Infermieristica di famiglia. Una guida per prendersi
cura del sistema famiglia. Roma: Il pensiero
scientifico editore, 2021.
· Prandi C, Badon P. Assistenza infermieristica di famiglia e comunità. Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, 2024.
· Zannini L. L'educazione del paziente. Milano: Raffaello Cortina, 2023
Lab 3
Course syllabus
Therapeutic education project for people in chronic-degenerative conditions, family, caregivers, community in extra-hospital contexts, with particular attention to ethical implications.
Exercise (through role play or video projection) for the development of communication skills to expand palliative and end of life care
Exercise (through role play or video projection) for the development of communication skills to expand palliative and end of life care
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons, exercises.
Teaching Resources
· Scalorbi S. Infermieristica preventiva e di comunità. Milano: McGraw-Hill; 2022
· Beghelli A, Ferraresi A, Manfredini M. Educazione Terapeutica - Metodologia e Applicazioni, Roma: Carrocci Faber; 2015
· Prandi C, Obbia P, Marcadelli S. Assistenza domiciliare e cure primarie. Il nuovo orizzonte della professione infermieristica. Editore Edra 2018
· Shajani Z, Snell D. Infermieristica di famiglia. Una guida per prendersi
cura del sistema famiglia. Roma: Il pensiero
scientifico editore, 2021.
· Prandi C, Badon P. Assistenza infermieristica di famiglia e comunità. Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, 2024.
· Zannini L. L'educazione del paziente. Milano: Raffaello Cortina, 2023
· Beghelli A, Ferraresi A, Manfredini M. Educazione Terapeutica - Metodologia e Applicazioni, Roma: Carrocci Faber; 2015
· Prandi C, Obbia P, Marcadelli S. Assistenza domiciliare e cure primarie. Il nuovo orizzonte della professione infermieristica. Editore Edra 2018
· Shajani Z, Snell D. Infermieristica di famiglia. Una guida per prendersi
cura del sistema famiglia. Roma: Il pensiero
scientifico editore, 2021.
· Prandi C, Badon P. Assistenza infermieristica di famiglia e comunità. Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, 2024.
· Zannini L. L'educazione del paziente. Milano: Raffaello Cortina, 2023
Lab 3
MED/45 - NURSING - University credits: 1
Practicals: 18 hours
I gruppo
Roberto PasqualeII gruppo
La Torre Anna RitaIII gruppo
Ongari Eleonora
Nursing sciences: general, clinical and paediatric
MED/45 - NURSING - University credits: 3
Lessons: 45 hours
Sezione:Ospedale San Carlo
Prerequisites for admission
The student must have passed the exams of: Basic Sciences, Clinical nursing sciences 2, Medicine and pharmacology and internship 2.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The written test includes closed and / or open-ended questions.
The evaluation of the written barrier test DOES NOT give rise to a mark, but only to admission to the oral test.
The oral exam includes questions whose assessment relates to the following parameters: content, logic, language properties.
The evaluation of the oral test is out of thirty.
The evaluation of the written barrier test DOES NOT give rise to a mark, but only to admission to the oral test.
The oral exam includes questions whose assessment relates to the following parameters: content, logic, language properties.
The evaluation of the oral test is out of thirty.
Nursing sciences: general, clinical and paediatric
Course syllabus
· Contest analysis and Community nursing care models
a) The network of social-health services: continuity between care settings, protected discharge project, health care services, primary care, intermediate care, home care, hospice, integrated care models, chronic care model, CreG (CronicRelated Group) , regional networks, the relationship between nurses and patient's relatives in hospital and at home, the meaning of continuity of care, the concept of hospital discharge process and feasibility / acceptability at home.
b) Reference legislation:
- Law 833/1978 "Establishment of the National Health System"
- Legislative Decree 502/1992 and Law n. 724 of 23rd December 1994
- The Regional Health System: regional legislation (Operating rules)
- European Directives on continuity care between hospital, community and home care
- Law 328/2000 Realization of the integrated system of interventions and social services.
- National Health Plan and Essential Levels of Care (LEA)
- Law n. 38 of 15th March 2010, Provisions to ensure access to palliative care and pain therapy.
c) Actors and recipients of nursing care:
- Family nurse, case manager
- Family, person, group, community
- The multi-professional team
- The role of the caregiver in different care settings
· Preventive nursing care
Methods and tools for nursing care:
Therapeutic education for individuals, families and particular groups, with interventions on the environment, nutrition, relationships, adherence to therapy, to guarantee a good quality of life for people with chronic degenerative diseases: AIDS, tuberculosis , oncological and/or hematological diseases, aged people, with cognitive problems
Use of IADL (Instrumental Activities of Daily Living) assessment scales in the aged people at intra and extra-hospital care services
Diagnostic and therapeutic paths at home
Integrated home documentation
· Nursing care for people:
In the end of life and accompaniment to death; support to family members in the choices at the end of life and during the mourning phases
In oncological and non-oncological palliative care and pain treatment
In a condition of chronic and chronic degenerative conditions (eg. aged people, disabled, severe psycho-physical frailties
In people with oncological and / or hematological pathology (eg. immunodepressed people, oral anticoagulants therapy)
a) The network of social-health services: continuity between care settings, protected discharge project, health care services, primary care, intermediate care, home care, hospice, integrated care models, chronic care model, CreG (CronicRelated Group) , regional networks, the relationship between nurses and patient's relatives in hospital and at home, the meaning of continuity of care, the concept of hospital discharge process and feasibility / acceptability at home.
b) Reference legislation:
- Law 833/1978 "Establishment of the National Health System"
- Legislative Decree 502/1992 and Law n. 724 of 23rd December 1994
- The Regional Health System: regional legislation (Operating rules)
- European Directives on continuity care between hospital, community and home care
- Law 328/2000 Realization of the integrated system of interventions and social services.
- National Health Plan and Essential Levels of Care (LEA)
- Law n. 38 of 15th March 2010, Provisions to ensure access to palliative care and pain therapy.
c) Actors and recipients of nursing care:
- Family nurse, case manager
- Family, person, group, community
- The multi-professional team
- The role of the caregiver in different care settings
· Preventive nursing care
Methods and tools for nursing care:
Therapeutic education for individuals, families and particular groups, with interventions on the environment, nutrition, relationships, adherence to therapy, to guarantee a good quality of life for people with chronic degenerative diseases: AIDS, tuberculosis , oncological and/or hematological diseases, aged people, with cognitive problems
Use of IADL (Instrumental Activities of Daily Living) assessment scales in the aged people at intra and extra-hospital care services
Diagnostic and therapeutic paths at home
Integrated home documentation
· Nursing care for people:
In the end of life and accompaniment to death; support to family members in the choices at the end of life and during the mourning phases
In oncological and non-oncological palliative care and pain treatment
In a condition of chronic and chronic degenerative conditions (eg. aged people, disabled, severe psycho-physical frailties
In people with oncological and / or hematological pathology (eg. immunodepressed people, oral anticoagulants therapy)
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons, exercises.
Teaching Resources
· Scalorbi S. Infermieristica preventiva e di comunità. Milano: McGraw-Hill; 2022
· Beghelli A, Ferraresi A, Manfredini M. Educazione Terapeutica - Metodologia e Applicazioni, Roma: Carrocci Faber; 2015
· Prandi C, Obbia P, Marcadelli S. Assistenza domiciliare e cure primarie. Il nuovo orizzonte della professione infermieristica. Editore Edra 2018
· Shajani Z, Snell D. Infermieristica di famiglia. Una guida per prendersi
cura del sistema famiglia. Roma: Il pensiero
scientifico editore, 2021.
· Prandi C, Badon P. Assistenza infermieristica di famiglia e comunità. Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, 2024.
· Zannini L. L'educazione del paziente. Milano: Raffaello Cortina, 2023
· Beghelli A, Ferraresi A, Manfredini M. Educazione Terapeutica - Metodologia e Applicazioni, Roma: Carrocci Faber; 2015
· Prandi C, Obbia P, Marcadelli S. Assistenza domiciliare e cure primarie. Il nuovo orizzonte della professione infermieristica. Editore Edra 2018
· Shajani Z, Snell D. Infermieristica di famiglia. Una guida per prendersi
cura del sistema famiglia. Roma: Il pensiero
scientifico editore, 2021.
· Prandi C, Badon P. Assistenza infermieristica di famiglia e comunità. Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, 2024.
· Zannini L. L'educazione del paziente. Milano: Raffaello Cortina, 2023
Lab 3
Course syllabus
Therapeutic education project for people in chronic-degenerative conditions, family, caregivers, community in extra-hospital contexts, with particular attention to ethical implications.
Exercise (through role play or video projection) for the development of communication skills to expand palliative and end of life care
Exercise (through role play or video projection) for the development of communication skills to expand palliative and end of life care
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons, exercises.
Teaching Resources
· Scalorbi S. Infermieristica preventiva e di comunità. Milano: McGraw-Hill; 2022
· Beghelli A, Ferraresi A, Manfredini M. Educazione Terapeutica - Metodologia e Applicazioni, Roma: Carrocci Faber; 2015
· Prandi C, Obbia P, Marcadelli S. Assistenza domiciliare e cure primarie. Il nuovo orizzonte della professione infermieristica. Editore Edra 2018
· Shajani Z, Snell D. Infermieristica di famiglia. Una guida per prendersi
cura del sistema famiglia. Roma: Il pensiero
scientifico editore, 2021.
· Prandi C, Badon P. Assistenza infermieristica di famiglia e comunità. Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, 2024.
· Beghelli A, Ferraresi A, Manfredini M. Educazione Terapeutica - Metodologia e Applicazioni, Roma: Carrocci Faber; 2015
· Prandi C, Obbia P, Marcadelli S. Assistenza domiciliare e cure primarie. Il nuovo orizzonte della professione infermieristica. Editore Edra 2018
· Shajani Z, Snell D. Infermieristica di famiglia. Una guida per prendersi
cura del sistema famiglia. Roma: Il pensiero
scientifico editore, 2021.
· Prandi C, Badon P. Assistenza infermieristica di famiglia e comunità. Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, 2024.
Lab 3
MED/45 - NURSING - University credits: 1
Practicals: 18 hours
Marzano Virna
Nursing sciences: general, clinical and paediatric
MED/45 - NURSING - University credits: 3
Lessons: 45 hours
Sezione:Ospedale San Paolo
Prerequisites for admission
The student must have passed the exams of: Basic Sciences, Clinical nursing sciences 2, Medicine and pharmacology and internship 2.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The written test includes closed and / or open-ended questions.
The evaluation of the written barrier test DOES NOT give rise to a mark, but only to admission to the oral test.
The oral exam includes questions whose assessment relates to the following parameters: content, logic, language properties.
The evaluation of the oral test is out of thirty.
The evaluation of the written barrier test DOES NOT give rise to a mark, but only to admission to the oral test.
The oral exam includes questions whose assessment relates to the following parameters: content, logic, language properties.
The evaluation of the oral test is out of thirty.
Nursing sciences: general, clinical and paediatric
Course syllabus
· Contest analysis and Community nursing care models
a) The network of social-health services: continuity between care settings, protected discharge project, health care services, primary care, intermediate care, home care, hospice, integrated care models, chronic care model, CreG (CronicRelated Group) , regional networks, the relationship between nurses and patient's relatives in hospital and at home, the meaning of continuity of care, the concept of hospital discharge process and feasibility / acceptability at home.
b) Reference legislation:
- Law 833/1978 "Establishment of the National Health System"
- Legislative Decree 502/1992 and Law n. 724 of 23rd December 1994
- The Regional Health System: regional legislation (Operating rules)
- European Directives on continuity care between hospital, community and home care
- Law 328/2000 Realization of the integrated system of interventions and social services.
- National Health Plan and Essential Levels of Care (LEA)
- Law n. 38 of 15th March 2010, Provisions to ensure access to palliative care and pain therapy.
c) Actors and recipients of nursing care:
- Family nurse, case manager
- Family, person, group, community
- The multi-professional team
- The role of the caregiver in different care settings
· Preventive nursing care
Methods and tools for nursing care:
Therapeutic education for individuals, families and particular groups, with interventions on the environment, nutrition, relationships, adherence to therapy, to guarantee a good quality of life for people with chronic degenerative diseases: AIDS, tuberculosis , oncological and/or hematological diseases, aged people, with cognitive problems
Use of IADL (Instrumental Activities of Daily Living) assessment scales in the aged people at intra and extra-hospital care services
Diagnostic and therapeutic paths at home
Integrated home documentation
· Nursing care for people:
In the end of life and accompaniment to death; support to family members in the choices at the end of life and during the mourning phases
In oncological and non-oncological palliative care and pain treatment
In a condition of chronic and chronic degenerative conditions (eg. aged people, disabled, severe psycho-physical frailties
In people with oncological and / or hematological pathology (eg. immunodepressed people, oral anticoagulants therapy)
a) The network of social-health services: continuity between care settings, protected discharge project, health care services, primary care, intermediate care, home care, hospice, integrated care models, chronic care model, CreG (CronicRelated Group) , regional networks, the relationship between nurses and patient's relatives in hospital and at home, the meaning of continuity of care, the concept of hospital discharge process and feasibility / acceptability at home.
b) Reference legislation:
- Law 833/1978 "Establishment of the National Health System"
- Legislative Decree 502/1992 and Law n. 724 of 23rd December 1994
- The Regional Health System: regional legislation (Operating rules)
- European Directives on continuity care between hospital, community and home care
- Law 328/2000 Realization of the integrated system of interventions and social services.
- National Health Plan and Essential Levels of Care (LEA)
- Law n. 38 of 15th March 2010, Provisions to ensure access to palliative care and pain therapy.
c) Actors and recipients of nursing care:
- Family nurse, case manager
- Family, person, group, community
- The multi-professional team
- The role of the caregiver in different care settings
· Preventive nursing care
Methods and tools for nursing care:
Therapeutic education for individuals, families and particular groups, with interventions on the environment, nutrition, relationships, adherence to therapy, to guarantee a good quality of life for people with chronic degenerative diseases: AIDS, tuberculosis , oncological and/or hematological diseases, aged people, with cognitive problems
Use of IADL (Instrumental Activities of Daily Living) assessment scales in the aged people at intra and extra-hospital care services
Diagnostic and therapeutic paths at home
Integrated home documentation
· Nursing care for people:
In the end of life and accompaniment to death; support to family members in the choices at the end of life and during the mourning phases
In oncological and non-oncological palliative care and pain treatment
In a condition of chronic and chronic degenerative conditions (eg. aged people, disabled, severe psycho-physical frailties
In people with oncological and / or hematological pathology (eg. immunodepressed people, oral anticoagulants therapy)
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons, exercises.
Teaching Resources
· Scalorbi S. Infermieristica preventiva e di comunità. Milano: McGraw-Hill; 2022
· Beghelli A, Ferraresi A, Manfredini M. Educazione Terapeutica - Metodologia e Applicazioni, Roma: Carrocci Faber; 2015
· Prandi C, Obbia P, Marcadelli S. Assistenza domiciliare e cure primarie. Il nuovo orizzonte della professione infermieristica. Editore Edra 2018
· Shajani Z, Snell D. Infermieristica di famiglia. Una guida per prendersi
cura del sistema famiglia. Roma: Il pensiero
scientifico editore, 2021.
· Prandi C, Badon P. Assistenza infermieristica di famiglia e comunità. Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, 2024.
· Zannini L. L'educazione del paziente. Milano: Raffaello Cortina, 2023
· Beghelli A, Ferraresi A, Manfredini M. Educazione Terapeutica - Metodologia e Applicazioni, Roma: Carrocci Faber; 2015
· Prandi C, Obbia P, Marcadelli S. Assistenza domiciliare e cure primarie. Il nuovo orizzonte della professione infermieristica. Editore Edra 2018
· Shajani Z, Snell D. Infermieristica di famiglia. Una guida per prendersi
cura del sistema famiglia. Roma: Il pensiero
scientifico editore, 2021.
· Prandi C, Badon P. Assistenza infermieristica di famiglia e comunità. Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, 2024.
· Zannini L. L'educazione del paziente. Milano: Raffaello Cortina, 2023
Lab 3
Course syllabus
Therapeutic education project for people in chronic-degenerative conditions, family, caregivers, community in extra-hospital contexts, with particular attention to ethical implications.
Exercise (through role play or video projection) for the development of communication skills to expand palliative and end of life care
Exercise (through role play or video projection) for the development of communication skills to expand palliative and end of life care
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons, exercises.
Teaching Resources
· Scalorbi S. Infermieristica preventiva e di comunità. Milano: McGraw-Hill; 2022
· Beghelli A, Ferraresi A, Manfredini M. Educazione Terapeutica - Metodologia e Applicazioni, Roma: Carrocci Faber; 2015
· Prandi C, Obbia P, Marcadelli S. Assistenza domiciliare e cure primarie. Il nuovo orizzonte della professione infermieristica. Editore Edra 2018
· Shajani Z, Snell D. Infermieristica di famiglia. Una guida per prendersi
cura del sistema famiglia. Roma: Il pensiero
scientifico editore, 2021.
· Prandi C, Badon P. Assistenza infermieristica di famiglia e comunità. Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, 2024.
· Zannini L. L'educazione del paziente. Milano: Raffaello Cortina, 2023
· Beghelli A, Ferraresi A, Manfredini M. Educazione Terapeutica - Metodologia e Applicazioni, Roma: Carrocci Faber; 2015
· Prandi C, Obbia P, Marcadelli S. Assistenza domiciliare e cure primarie. Il nuovo orizzonte della professione infermieristica. Editore Edra 2018
· Shajani Z, Snell D. Infermieristica di famiglia. Una guida per prendersi
cura del sistema famiglia. Roma: Il pensiero
scientifico editore, 2021.
· Prandi C, Badon P. Assistenza infermieristica di famiglia e comunità. Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, 2024.
· Zannini L. L'educazione del paziente. Milano: Raffaello Cortina, 2023
Lab 3
MED/45 - NURSING - University credits: 1
Practicals: 18 hours
Pezzoli Emanuel
Nursing sciences: general, clinical and paediatric
MED/45 - NURSING - University credits: 3
Lessons: 45 hours
Biagetti Lia, Obino Loredana
Sezione:Ospedale Uboldo di Cernusco sul Naviglio
Prerequisites for admission
The student must have passed the exams of: Basic Sciences, Clinical nursing sciences 2, Medicine and pharmacology and internship 2.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The written test includes closed and / or open-ended questions.
The evaluation of the written barrier test DOES NOT give rise to a mark, but only to admission to the oral test.
The oral exam includes questions whose assessment relates to the following parameters: content, logic, language properties.
The evaluation of the oral test is out of thirty.
The evaluation of the written barrier test DOES NOT give rise to a mark, but only to admission to the oral test.
The oral exam includes questions whose assessment relates to the following parameters: content, logic, language properties.
The evaluation of the oral test is out of thirty.
Nursing sciences: general, clinical and paediatric
Course syllabus
· Contest analysis and Community nursing care models
a) The network of social-health services: continuity between care settings, protected discharge project, health care services, primary care, intermediate care, home care, hospice, integrated care models, chronic care model, CreG (CronicRelated Group) , regional networks, the relationship between nurses and patient's relatives in hospital and at home, the meaning of continuity of care, the concept of hospital discharge process and feasibility / acceptability at home.
b) Reference legislation:
- Law 833/1978 "Establishment of the National Health System"
- Legislative Decree 502/1992 and Law n. 724 of 23rd December 1994
- The Regional Health System: regional legislation (Operating rules)
- European Directives on continuity care between hospital, community and home care
- Law 328/2000 Realization of the integrated system of interventions and social services.
- National Health Plan and Essential Levels of Care (LEA)
- Law n. 38 of 15th March 2010, Provisions to ensure access to palliative care and pain therapy.
c) Actors and recipients of nursing care:
- Family nurse, case manager
- Family, person, group, community
- The multi-professional team
- The role of the caregiver in different care settings
· Preventive nursing care
Methods and tools for nursing care:
Therapeutic education for individuals, families and particular groups, with interventions on the environment, nutrition, relationships, adherence to therapy, to guarantee a good quality of life for people with chronic degenerative diseases: AIDS, tuberculosis , oncological and/or hematological diseases, aged people, with cognitive problems
Use of IADL (Instrumental Activities of Daily Living) assessment scales in the aged people at intra and extra-hospital care services
Diagnostic and therapeutic paths at home
Integrated home documentation
· Nursing care for people:
In the end of life and accompaniment to death; support to family members in the choices at the end of life and during the mourning phases
In oncological and non-oncological palliative care and pain treatment
In a condition of chronic and chronic degenerative conditions (eg. aged people, disabled, severe psycho-physical frailties
In people with oncological and / or hematological pathology (eg. immunodepressed people, oral anticoagulants therapy)
a) The network of social-health services: continuity between care settings, protected discharge project, health care services, primary care, intermediate care, home care, hospice, integrated care models, chronic care model, CreG (CronicRelated Group) , regional networks, the relationship between nurses and patient's relatives in hospital and at home, the meaning of continuity of care, the concept of hospital discharge process and feasibility / acceptability at home.
b) Reference legislation:
- Law 833/1978 "Establishment of the National Health System"
- Legislative Decree 502/1992 and Law n. 724 of 23rd December 1994
- The Regional Health System: regional legislation (Operating rules)
- European Directives on continuity care between hospital, community and home care
- Law 328/2000 Realization of the integrated system of interventions and social services.
- National Health Plan and Essential Levels of Care (LEA)
- Law n. 38 of 15th March 2010, Provisions to ensure access to palliative care and pain therapy.
c) Actors and recipients of nursing care:
- Family nurse, case manager
- Family, person, group, community
- The multi-professional team
- The role of the caregiver in different care settings
· Preventive nursing care
Methods and tools for nursing care:
Therapeutic education for individuals, families and particular groups, with interventions on the environment, nutrition, relationships, adherence to therapy, to guarantee a good quality of life for people with chronic degenerative diseases: AIDS, tuberculosis , oncological and/or hematological diseases, aged people, with cognitive problems
Use of IADL (Instrumental Activities of Daily Living) assessment scales in the aged people at intra and extra-hospital care services
Diagnostic and therapeutic paths at home
Integrated home documentation
· Nursing care for people:
In the end of life and accompaniment to death; support to family members in the choices at the end of life and during the mourning phases
In oncological and non-oncological palliative care and pain treatment
In a condition of chronic and chronic degenerative conditions (eg. aged people, disabled, severe psycho-physical frailties
In people with oncological and / or hematological pathology (eg. immunodepressed people, oral anticoagulants therapy)
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons, exercises.
Teaching Resources
· Scalorbi S. Infermieristica preventiva e di comunità. Milano: McGraw-Hill; 2022
· Beghelli A, Ferraresi A, Manfredini M. Educazione Terapeutica - Metodologia e Applicazioni, Roma: Carrocci Faber; 2015
· Prandi C, Obbia P, Marcadelli S. Assistenza domiciliare e cure primarie. Il nuovo orizzonte della professione infermieristica. Editore Edra 2018
· Shajani Z, Snell D. Infermieristica di famiglia. Una guida per prendersi
cura del sistema famiglia. Roma: Il pensiero
scientifico editore, 2021.
· Prandi C, Badon P. Assistenza infermieristica di famiglia e comunità. Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, 2024.
· Beghelli A, Ferraresi A, Manfredini M. Educazione Terapeutica - Metodologia e Applicazioni, Roma: Carrocci Faber; 2015
· Prandi C, Obbia P, Marcadelli S. Assistenza domiciliare e cure primarie. Il nuovo orizzonte della professione infermieristica. Editore Edra 2018
· Shajani Z, Snell D. Infermieristica di famiglia. Una guida per prendersi
cura del sistema famiglia. Roma: Il pensiero
scientifico editore, 2021.
· Prandi C, Badon P. Assistenza infermieristica di famiglia e comunità. Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, 2024.
Lab 3
Course syllabus
Therapeutic education project for people in chronic-degenerative conditions, family, caregivers, community in extra-hospital contexts, with particular attention to ethical implications.
Exercise (through role play or video projection) for the development of communication skills to expand palliative and end of life care
Exercise (through role play or video projection) for the development of communication skills to expand palliative and end of life care
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons, exercises.
Teaching Resources
· Scalorbi S. Infermieristica preventiva e di comunità. Milano: McGraw-Hill; 2022
· Beghelli A, Ferraresi A, Manfredini M. Educazione Terapeutica - Metodologia e Applicazioni, Roma: Carrocci Faber; 2015
· Prandi C, Obbia P, Marcadelli S. Assistenza domiciliare e cure primarie. Il nuovo orizzonte della professione infermieristica. Editore Edra 2018
· Shajani Z, Snell D. Infermieristica di famiglia. Una guida per prendersi
cura del sistema famiglia. Roma: Il pensiero
scientifico editore, 2021.
· Prandi C, Badon P. Assistenza infermieristica di famiglia e comunità. Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, 2024.
· Zannini L. L'educazione del paziente. Milano: Raffaello Cortina, 2023
· Beghelli A, Ferraresi A, Manfredini M. Educazione Terapeutica - Metodologia e Applicazioni, Roma: Carrocci Faber; 2015
· Prandi C, Obbia P, Marcadelli S. Assistenza domiciliare e cure primarie. Il nuovo orizzonte della professione infermieristica. Editore Edra 2018
· Shajani Z, Snell D. Infermieristica di famiglia. Una guida per prendersi
cura del sistema famiglia. Roma: Il pensiero
scientifico editore, 2021.
· Prandi C, Badon P. Assistenza infermieristica di famiglia e comunità. Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, 2024.
· Zannini L. L'educazione del paziente. Milano: Raffaello Cortina, 2023
Lab 3
MED/45 - NURSING - University credits: 1
Practicals: 18 hours
Arcadi Paola
Nursing sciences: general, clinical and paediatric
MED/45 - NURSING - University credits: 3
Lessons: 45 hours
Marelli Federica, Zanella Eleonora
Educational website(s)
Scienze infermieristiche cliniche 3 - Cernusco (a.a. 2024/25)
Scienze infermieristiche cliniche 3 - Fatebenefratelli (a.a. 2024/25)
Scienze infermieristiche cliniche 3 - IEO (a.a. 2024/25)
Scienze infermieristiche cliniche 3 - Magenta (a.a. 2024/25)
Scienze infermieristiche cliniche 3 - Niguarda (a.a. 2024/25)
Scienze infermieristiche cliniche 3 – Sacco (a.a. 2024/25)
Scienze infermieristiche cliniche 3 - Sacra Famiglia (a.a. 2024/25)
Scienze infermieristiche cliniche 3 - Tumori (a.a. 2024/25)
Scienze infermieristiche cliniche 3 - Fatebenefratelli (a.a. 2024/25)
Scienze infermieristiche cliniche 3 - IEO (a.a. 2024/25)
Scienze infermieristiche cliniche 3 - Magenta (a.a. 2024/25)
Scienze infermieristiche cliniche 3 - Niguarda (a.a. 2024/25)
Scienze infermieristiche cliniche 3 – Sacco (a.a. 2024/25)
Scienze infermieristiche cliniche 3 - Sacra Famiglia (a.a. 2024/25)
Scienze infermieristiche cliniche 3 - Tumori (a.a. 2024/25)