Clinical and Medical Therapy

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
BIO/14 MED/05 MED/26
Learning objectives
The course educational target is to develop knowledge about:
· general pathology and pathophysiology in order to analyse causes (etiology) and mechanisms (pathogenesis) responsible for to the establishment of the disease state
· drugs mechanism of action and their effects
· anatomy and physiology of the nervous system as well as the pathological bases of the most frequent neurological diseases
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course the student must know:
· the action of drugs and their effects
· the specific terminology to dialogue with other health professionals
· elements of general pathology and general pathophysiology
· how to analyse causes (etiology) and mechanisms (pathogenesis) that contribute to the establishment of the disease state
· elements of diagnostic-clinical pathology and laboratory methodology in cytology, cytopathology, immunohematology and genetic pathology
· the laboratory diagnostic approach to the main pathological conditions
· the anatomy and physiology of the nervous system as well as the pathological bases of the most frequent neurological diseases
· manifestations and symptoms of neurological disorder
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Sezione: Bosisio Parini

Prerequisites for admission
There are no prerequisites
Assessment methods and Criteria
Written test
Oral exam
Course syllabus
Learning the general principles of pharmacology, through theoretical concepts and examples of therapeutic activity, kinetics, and toxic side effects of some important categories of drugs in clinical practice.
In detail:
1. Drug development processes
2. Pharmacovigilance activities
3. Pharmacodynamics
4. Basic characteristics of receptors
5. Pharmacokinetics
6. Pharmacogenetics
7. Drugs acting on central nervous system
8. Drugs used to treat dysmetabolic diseases
9. Antibiotics
10. Complementary medicine and clinical implications
Teaching methods
Frontal Teaching
Teaching Resources
AA VV Farmacologia generale e molecolare a cura di F. Clementi e G Fumagalli, editore Edra SpA
Course syllabus
Neuroanatomy microscopy
Macroscopic neuroanatomy
Functional neuroanatomy
Vascular anatomy of the central nervous system
Cerebrovascular pathology
Extrapyramidal diseases
Inflammatory diseases
Teaching methods
The theoretical lessons are frontal and are accompanied by the analysis of practical cases carried out with the participation of students. To support the lectures the teacher will use the PowerPoint program.
Teaching Resources
The teaching material is the one provided in class.
Patologia clinica
Course syllabus
- Biomarkers in Medicine
- Hemochromocytometric examination with leukocyte formula
- Hemostasis and haemostatic function assessment test
- Transfusion medicine and blood groups
- Autoimmune diseases and associated diagnostic tests
- Diagnostic tests for pregnancy monitoring
- Pediatric Clinical Pathology
Teaching methods
The course is disseminated through lectures and use of power point slides. At the end of the lesson, students have the lesson material in digital format. It was not possible to activate the Ariel website in time as it was not yet accredited in V4 of the teacher. The lessons include different moments of interaction with the teacher so as not to leave unclear topics. The lecturer has left every type of work contact to allow the exchange of information or doubts about the teaching material of the course.
Teaching Resources
- Medicina di Laboratorio- logica& Patologia Clinica - autori Italo Antonozzi e Elio Gulletta (terza edizione)
- Slides
BIO/14 - PHARMACOLOGY - University credits: 2
Lessons: 20 hours
MED/26 - NEUROLOGY - University credits: 2
Lessons: 20 hours
Patologia clinica
MED/05 - CLINICAL PATHOLOGY - University credits: 2
Lessons: 20 hours

Sezione: Don Gnocchi

Prerequisites for admission
There are no prerequisites
Assessment methods and Criteria
Oral exam
Written exam
Course syllabus
Frontal Teaching
Teaching methods
Learning the general principles of pharmacology, through theoretical concepts and examples of therapeutic activity, kinetics, and toxic side effects of some important categories of drugs in clinical practice.
In detail:
1. Drug development processes
2. Pharmacovigilance activities
3. Pharmacodynamics
4. Basic characteristics of receptors
5. Pharmacokinetics
6. Pharmacogenetics
7. Drugs acting on central nervous system
8. Drugs used to treat dysmetabolic diseases
9. Antibiotics
10. Complementary medicine and clinical implications
Teaching Resources
AA VV Farmacologia generale e molecolare a cura di F. Clementi e G Fumagalli, editore Edra SpA
Course syllabus
Neuroanatomy microscopy
Macroscopic neuroanatomy
Functional neuroanatomy
Vascular anatomy of the central nervous system
Cerebrovascular pathology
Extrapyramidal diseases
Inflammatory diseases
Teaching methods
The theoretical lessons are frontal and are accompanied by the analysis of practical cases carried out with the participation of students. To support the lectures the teacher will use the PowerPoint program.
Teaching Resources
The teaching material is the one provided in class.
Patologia clinica
Course syllabus
- Biomarkers in Medicine
- Hemochromocytometric examination with leukocyte formula
- Hemostasis and haemostatic function assessment test
- Transfusion medicine and blood groups
- Autoimmune diseases and associated diagnostic tests
- Diagnostic tests for pregnancy monitoring
- Pediatric Clinical Pathology
Teaching methods
The course is disseminated through lectures and use of power point slides. At the end of the lesson, students have the lesson material in digital format. It was not possible to activate the Ariel website in time as it was not yet accredited in V4 of the teacher. The lessons include different moments of interaction with the teacher so as not to leave unclear topics. The lecturer has left every type of work contact to allow the exchange of information or doubts about the teaching material of the course.
Teaching Resources
- Medicina di Laboratorio- logica& Patologia Clinica - autori Italo Antonozzi e Elio Gulletta (terza edizione)
- Slides
BIO/14 - PHARMACOLOGY - University credits: 2
Lessons: 20 hours
Professor: Carnovale Carla
Professor: Carnovale Carla
MED/26 - NEUROLOGY - University credits: 2
Lessons: 20 hours
Patologia clinica
MED/05 - CLINICAL PATHOLOGY - University credits: 2
Lessons: 20 hours
Professor: Vianello Elena
Professor: Vianello Elena
after fixing an appointment by e-mail.
31 Luigi Mangiagalli street, Milan, Italy, 20133