Child Psychiatry and Neuropsychiatry

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
MED/25 MED/39
Learning objectives
- Recognizing and define the main psychic functions and identifying the physiological and pathological forms typical of early developmental stages, highlighting differences and similarities with disorders of adulthood
- T the main categories of psychiatric nosography, highlighting the most frequent syndromic manifestations.
- Distinguishing the psychological distress resulting from organic pathologies from actual psychiatric disorders.
- Knowing the general lines of possible psychotherapeutic interventions and some notions of psychiatric legislation.
- Knowing the clinical pictures of some most common forms of desablement: psychic functions and their psychopathological alterations; main categories of psychiatric pathology; psychotic disorders; mood disorders; anxiety disorders; notes on somatoform disorders and dissociative disorders; eating disorders; personality disorders; syndromes and organic mental disorders.
- Knowing the different types of psychotherapy and their indications.
- Being able to obtain the main information on psychiatric clinical conditions from the hospital medical records
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course the student must be able to know the main pathologies of childhood neuropsychiatry, in particular the psychiatric pathologies that manifest themselves in children and adolescents and be able to draw the main information on the conditions from the hospital medical records to obtain useful information in the rehabilitation treatment of patients.
Furthermore, the student must have a basic knowledge of therapeutic possibilities in this area especially with regard to the psychotherapeutic area.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Sezione: Bosisio Parini

Prerequisites for admission
Students must have basic anatomical and physiological notions of the central nervous system.
Assessment methods and Criteria
Oral exam.
Each of the questions posed contributes to the final evaluation.
No intermediate tests are scheduled.
Course syllabus
-knowledge of the basic elements of psychopathology
-recognition of the main clinical pictures
-knowledge of the territorial structure of the assistance
Part one:
-psychic functions and psychopathology
-Introduction to general psychopathology
Second part:
-Psychic disorders
-Anxiety disorders
-Mood disorders
-Schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders
-Personality disorders
Part three:
-Therapy of mental disorders
-Autism rehabilitation treatment
-Psychotherapeutic treatments
Teaching methods
Teaching Resources
-Introduzione alla psichiatria, Burton N.L., Il Mulino Editore, 2009.
To further information:
-I disturbi alimentari nei bambini e negli adolescenti, Jaffa T., McDermott B. (a cura di), Raffaello Cortina Editore, 2009.
Child neuropsychiatry
Course syllabus
Neurodevelopmental disorders
Autism Spectrum Disorder
-Introduction -Description and Classification -Diagnosis (ICD 10 / ICD 11 DSM5) -Epidemiological data -Comorbidity -Differential diagnosis -Clinical Evolution (Prognosis, Outcomes) -Environmental interactions (Family Social Environment School) -Rehabilitation aspects (targets, rehabilitation project) -Clinical cases
- Description - frequent associations with neurodevelopmental disorders
-Introduction -Description and Classification -Diagnosis (ICD 10 / ICD 11 DSM5) -Epidemiological data -Comorbidity -Differential diagnosis -Clinical Evolution (Prognosis, Outcomes) -Environmental interactions (Family Social Environment School) -Rehabilitation aspects (targets, rehabilitation project) -Clinical cases
Motor disorders
-Introduction -Description and Classification -Diagnosis (ICD 10 / ICD 11 DSM5) -Epidemiological data -Comorbidity -Differential diagnosis -Clinical Evolution (Prognosis, Outcomes) -Environmental interactions (Family Social Environment School) -Rehabilitation aspects (targets, rehabilitation project) -Clinical cases
Intellectual disability
-ID and psychopathology -ID in Down and X Fragile syndromes
Depressive disorders
-Introduction -Description and Classification -Diagnosis (ICD 10 / ICD 11 DSM5) -Epidemiological data -Comorbidity -Differential diagnosis
Anxiety disorders
-Introduction -Description and Classification -Diagnosis (ICD 10 / ICD 11 DSM5) -Epidemiological data -Comorbidity -Differential diagnosis
Conduct disorders
-Introduction -Description and Classification -Diagnosis (ICD 10 / ICD 11 DSM5) -Epidemiological data -Comorbidity -Differential diagnosis
Teaching methods
Lectures, analysis and commentary on multimedia material
Teaching Resources
-Slide e materiale integrativo utilizzato nel corso delle lezioni (Slide and supplementary material used during the lessons)
To further information):
-Manuale diagnostico e statistico dei disturbi mentali DSM-5 Raffaello Cortina Editore, 2014; ICD 10 OMS.
Child neuropsychiatry
MED/39 - CHILD NEUROPSYCHIATRY - University credits: 6
Lessons: 60 hours
Professor: Sovera Vanni Maria
Professor: Sovera Vanni Maria
MED/25 - PSYCHIATRY - University credits: 1
Lessons: 10 hours
Professor: Nobile Maria
Professor: Nobile Maria

Sezione: Don Gnocchi

Prerequisites for admission
Students must have basic anatomical and physiological notions of of the central nervous system.
Assessment methods and Criteria
Written exam with open questions and multiple choice questions and oral exam.
Each of the questions posed contributes to the final evaluation.
No intermediate tests are scheduled.
Course syllabus
-History of psychiatry
-Psychiatric semiotics
-Anxiety disorders
-Mood disorders
-Pharmacological treatments and not in psychiatry
Teaching methods
Teaching Resources
-Franco Fabbro Manuale di Neuropsichiatria infantile Una prospettiva psicoeducativa Carrocci editore
-Marcelli D., Braconnier A. "Adolescenza e psicopatologia" Masson, 2006
-Marcelli D. "Psicopatologia del bambino" Elsevier, 2009
-Lanzi G., Balottin U. "Argomenti di neuropsichiatria infantile" IIIa ed. La Goliardica Pavese, 2006
-American Psychiatric Association "Criteri Diagnostici DSM-5" Cortina editore Milano 2014
-M. Biondi e altri "Manuale di Psichiatria" Edra Masson 2016
-Ballestrieri M. e altri "Manuale di Psichiatria" Pensiero Scientifico Editore, 2014
-Militerni Roberto " Neuropsichiatria infantile" Ed.IDELSON, GNOCCHI (2009)
-E. Fedrizzi " I disordini dello sviluppo motorio" ed Piccin
-A.Ferrari e G.Cioni " le forme spastiche delle PCI , guida all'esplorazione delle funzioni adattive" Springer 2005
-Linee guida del Ministero della Sanità per le attività di riabilitazione 6/10/2010
ONU (1989) Convenzione sui diritti dell'infanzia
-Organizzazione mondiale della sanità (2002) ICF Clasificazione Internazionale del funzionamento della Disabilità e della Salute. Erikson. Trento
-GIPCI 2000 La valutazione delle funzioni adattive nel bambino con PCI. E. Fedrizzi ed.Fondazione P.e L. Mariani. Franco Angeli, Milano
-Bruner J (1971)Prime fasi dello sviluppo cognitivo ed. Armando
-Ferrari A. Cioni G. Paralisi Cerebrali Infantili: storia Naturale ed orientamenti riabilitativi. Tirrenia ed. Del Cerro
-Sarti P. Le prime facilitazioni al bambino con difficoltà di comunicazione. ed Auxilia 2002
Child neuropsychiatry
Course syllabus
-Paroxysmal non-epileptic manifestations
-Sleep disorders in children
-Genetic syndromes with neuropsychic involvement
-Genetic syndromes with intellectual disability
-Neurological lesions acquired in developmental age
-Congenital metabolic diseases
-Specific developmental disorders (learning, language, motor coordination)
-Organizational principles of early affective development
-Childhood Cerebral Palsies (Definition, Classification, Epidemiology, Etiopathogenesis, Clinic and Rehabilitation Approach)
- The polihandicap (serious and very serious motor disability, clinical and rehabilitation approach)
Teaching methods
Teaching Resources
-Franco Fabbro Manuale di Neuropsichiatria infantile Una prospettiva psicoeducativa Carrocci editore
-Marcelli D., Braconnier A. "Adolescenza e psicopatologia" Masson, 2006
-Marcelli D. "Psicopatologia del bambino" Elsevier, 2009
-Lanzi G., Balottin U. "Argomenti di neuropsichiatria infantile" IIIa ed. La Goliardica Pavese, 2006
-American Psychiatric Association "Criteri Diagnostici DSM-5" Cortina editore Milano 2014
-M. Biondi e altri "Manuale di Psichiatria" Edra Masson 2016
-Ballestrieri M. e altri "Manuale di Psichiatria" Pensiero Scientifico Editore, 2014
-Militerni Roberto " Neuropsichiatria infantile" Ed.IDELSON, GNOCCHI (2009)
-E. Fedrizzi " I disordini dello sviluppo motorio" ed Piccin
-A.Ferrari e G.Cioni " le forme spastiche delle PCI , guida all'esplorazione delle funzioni adattive" Springer 2005
-Linee guida del Ministero della Sanità per le attività di riabilitazione 6/10/2010
ONU (1989) Convenzione sui diritti dell'infanzia
-Organizzazione mondiale della sanità (2002) ICF Clasificazione Internazionale del funzionamento della Disabilità e della Salute. Erikson. Trento
-GIPCI 2000 La valutazione delle funzioni adattive nel bambino con PCI. E. Fedrizzi ed.Fondazione P.e L. Mariani. Franco Angeli, Milano
-Bruner J (1971)Prime fasi dello sviluppo cognitivo ed. Armando
-Ferrari A. Cioni G. Paralisi Cerebrali Infantili: storia Naturale ed orientamenti riabilitativi. Tirrenia ed. Del Cerro
-Sarti P. Le prime facilitazioni al bambino con difficoltà di comunicazione. ed Auxilia 2002
Child neuropsychiatry
MED/39 - CHILD NEUROPSYCHIATRY - University credits: 6
Lessons: 60 hours
Professors: Bonaventura Eleonora, Ricci Emilia, Veggiotti Pierangelo, Vignoli Aglaia
MED/25 - PSYCHIATRY - University credits: 1
Lessons: 10 hours
Professor: Benatti Beatrice
Professor: Benatti Beatrice