Chemistry of Natural Processes and Technologies for the Environment
A.Y. 2024/2025
Learning objectives
The course will provide students with a basic understanding of the chemical fundamentals of the organic natural products and of their role as biologically active compounds in the interrelationship among living organisms to facilitate their communication in and with the environment.
This multidisciplinary course is focused on the impact of natural products and xenobiotics in the context of human and animal health, nutrition and agroecology.
This multidisciplinary course is focused on the impact of natural products and xenobiotics in the context of human and animal health, nutrition and agroecology.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course, the student will acquire a broad knowledge of the chemistry of life in terms of species adaptation to the environment. He/she will also acquire the basis of the application of technologies for the environment and the impact they have on health, nutrition and agroecology.
Lesson period: Second semester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course can be attended as a single course.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
The chemistry of life.
The plant and its biochemical adaptation to the environment.
Primary metabolism. Secondary metabolism and functional compounds (isoprenoid, phenolics, alkaloids)
The co-evolutionary arms race: plant defense and animal response.
Plant toxins and their effects on animals. Insect feeding preferences.
Animal pheromones and defense substances.
Biochemical interactions between higher plants.
Higher plants-lower plant interactions: phytoalexins and phytotoxins.
Flavors and natural dyes. Conversion and transformations in the environment.
Green analytical chemistry with special emphasis on environmentally friendly sample preparation techniques; biotransformation.
Principles, instrumentations and analytical applications of techniques for environment monitoring. Spectroscopy: the electromagnetic spectrum, interaction between radiation and matter, chemical structure and absorption of radiation. Lambert-Beer's law. Spectroscopy methods: UV and IR, atomic absorption and ICP-MS. Basics of electrochemical and electroanalytical techniques. Chromatography (gas-solid, liquid-solid, liquid-liquid).
Basics of remediation technologies for cleaning up contaminated sites. Introductory aspects, Generalities of the main organic and inorganic contaminants of concern. VOCs and SVOCs, aromatics and chlorinated solvents, pesticides, PCBs, dioxins, PFOS, PFOA, fuels, main toxic heavy metals. Bioelectrochemical systems. Soil amendments and their chemistry. Soil injection techniques. Anaerobic oxidation, anaerobic bioreactors, biowalls, in-situ chemical reduction, permeable reactive barrier. Phytoremediation.
The plant and its biochemical adaptation to the environment.
Primary metabolism. Secondary metabolism and functional compounds (isoprenoid, phenolics, alkaloids)
The co-evolutionary arms race: plant defense and animal response.
Plant toxins and their effects on animals. Insect feeding preferences.
Animal pheromones and defense substances.
Biochemical interactions between higher plants.
Higher plants-lower plant interactions: phytoalexins and phytotoxins.
Flavors and natural dyes. Conversion and transformations in the environment.
Green analytical chemistry with special emphasis on environmentally friendly sample preparation techniques; biotransformation.
Principles, instrumentations and analytical applications of techniques for environment monitoring. Spectroscopy: the electromagnetic spectrum, interaction between radiation and matter, chemical structure and absorption of radiation. Lambert-Beer's law. Spectroscopy methods: UV and IR, atomic absorption and ICP-MS. Basics of electrochemical and electroanalytical techniques. Chromatography (gas-solid, liquid-solid, liquid-liquid).
Basics of remediation technologies for cleaning up contaminated sites. Introductory aspects, Generalities of the main organic and inorganic contaminants of concern. VOCs and SVOCs, aromatics and chlorinated solvents, pesticides, PCBs, dioxins, PFOS, PFOA, fuels, main toxic heavy metals. Bioelectrochemical systems. Soil amendments and their chemistry. Soil injection techniques. Anaerobic oxidation, anaerobic bioreactors, biowalls, in-situ chemical reduction, permeable reactive barrier. Phytoremediation.
Prerequisites for admission
No specific prior knowledge additional to that required to register to the graduation course is needed (beyond basic chemical courses).
Teaching methods
Classroom lessons.
Teaching Resources
J.B. Harborne. Introduction to ecological biochemistry, 2014 Elsevier
Gerd‐Joachim Krauss, Dietrich H. Nies Ecological Biochemistry: Environmental and Interspecies Interactions, 2014 Wiley
O. Sterner Chemistry, Health and Environment, 2nd edition, 2010 Wiley.
James R. Hanson. Natural Products. The secondary metabolites. The Royal Society of Chemistry 2003
Environmental site assessment and remediation. CRC Press. Edited by Yue Rong. 2018 Taylor and Francis Group (available for download at the online UniMI Library System)
Literature and didactical material provided during classrooms are available in the Ariel webpage.
Gerd‐Joachim Krauss, Dietrich H. Nies Ecological Biochemistry: Environmental and Interspecies Interactions, 2014 Wiley
O. Sterner Chemistry, Health and Environment, 2nd edition, 2010 Wiley.
James R. Hanson. Natural Products. The secondary metabolites. The Royal Society of Chemistry 2003
Environmental site assessment and remediation. CRC Press. Edited by Yue Rong. 2018 Taylor and Francis Group (available for download at the online UniMI Library System)
Literature and didactical material provided during classrooms are available in the Ariel webpage.
Assessment methods and Criteria
Preliminary short test (n=10 multiple choice quizzes, minimum correct answers to be admitted to the oral session: n=6 out of 10).
Oral exam (20 min approximately).
Students will be asked to discuss a personal written report on the analysis of two case-studies taken from the scientific literature and based on the topics discussed during the classroom lessons. Subsequently, the student will be asked to respond to questions from the assessment commission, questions that can be related to the report/presentation content, to specific topics included in the course program, of combinations of the two.
The report must be sent by a single e-mail addressed to the Profs Verotta, Marzorati and Beretta (a single e-mail, not individual separate e-mails) no later than one one week before the exam date.
The final mark is represented by the sum of n=10 points earned by the student for each section (written report: 10 points; report presentation: 10 points; questions on course sub-sections: 10 points).
Presentation files can be uploaded during the assessment session.
Oral exam (20 min approximately).
Students will be asked to discuss a personal written report on the analysis of two case-studies taken from the scientific literature and based on the topics discussed during the classroom lessons. Subsequently, the student will be asked to respond to questions from the assessment commission, questions that can be related to the report/presentation content, to specific topics included in the course program, of combinations of the two.
The report must be sent by a single e-mail addressed to the Profs Verotta, Marzorati and Beretta (a single e-mail, not individual separate e-mails) no later than one one week before the exam date.
The final mark is represented by the sum of n=10 points earned by the student for each section (written report: 10 points; report presentation: 10 points; questions on course sub-sections: 10 points).
Presentation files can be uploaded during the assessment session.
CHIM/06 - ORGANIC CHEMISTRY - University credits: 1
Lessons: 64 hours
Beretta Giangiacomo, Verotta Luisella
on appointment