Chemical Technologies for the Energy Transition with Lab

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course deals with the advanced methods and the most innovative technologies for the exploitation of energy sources, their conversion and storage, with particular reference to renewables, together with market trends, with the aim of allowing a critical evaluation and comparison of performance of different methods/devices.
Expected learning outcomes
The students will learn how to conjugate the scientific and technical approach for the exploitation of energy sources with the environmental and economic/industrial issues. Students will be able to discuss pros and cons of different processes aimed at the same final product (e.g. hydrogen production and storage, electricity production, distribution and storage).
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
Advanced and applied aspects of the exploitation of energy sources, their conversion and storage, with special focus on renewables. Traditional (e.g. thermoelectric power station) and innovative technologies (e.g. exploitation of biomasses) are discussed in depth. Besides introducing the general principles and market trends, a laboratory practice will focus on the experimental preparation and characterization of energy conversion devices (fuel cells, batteries, photovoltaic cells). Critical evaluation and comparison of the performances of different methods/devices taking into consideration the scientific and technical requirements for the exploitation of energy sources and the relevant industrial applications, as well as the environmental and economic issues. Pros and cons of different processes aimed at the same final product (e.g. hydrogen production and storage, electricity production, distribution and storage).
Prerequisites for admission
Elements of thermodynamics and chemical kinetics; electrochemistry; fundamentals of chemical processes and plants; basic physics (mechanics, optics and electromagnetism), as covered in the courses of physical chemistry (I and II), general physics, industrial physical chemistry and chemical processes and plants
Teaching methods
Frontal teaching, exercises and simulations. Laboratory practice: preparation and characterization of energy conversion devices
Teaching Resources
Slides and other supporting material are provided by the teachers at the MyARIEL 2024/25 website
Suggested books:
- Peter Atkins, Julio De Paula, Atkins' Physical Chemistry
- Rudiger Memming, Semiconductor Electrochemistry, Wiley (available in the UniMI online library)
- Handbook of Power Systems, Springer (available in the UniMI online library)
Vol. 3 The World Scientific Handbook of Energy", edited by Gerard M. Crawley, World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., 2013 (available in the UniMI online library)

Reference websites for updated data on energy shares and statistics: International Energy Agency "Key World energy and statistic" Eurostat European Commission: ―Europe in figures Eurostat yearbook", European Communities. Enea Rapporto energia e ambiente
Assessment methods and Criteria
Oral: critical discussion of the nature, geographical distribution, abundance, transmission and storage of the energy sources and of conversion and storage technologies. The student should also prepare a short experimental report regarding the laboratory activities.
CHIM/02 - PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY - University credits: 9
Laboratories: 48 hours
Lessons: 48 hours
By appointment via email
Monday to Friday
Teacher's office
Everytime upon appointment by mail
Office of the teacher or MS Teams