Chemical Safety
A.Y. 2024/2025
Learning objectives
The main goal of the course is to provide students with awareness of the legal framework concerning use of chemicals in an working environment.
Expected learning outcomes
Students will reach an extensive knowledge of the legislation on health and safety on the workplace, with a special emphasis on the risks related to chemicals. They will become able to answer questions related to the legislative framework and how to minimize health risks. In addition to this, classes will gain a clear understanding or the law of chemicals in the workplace, with an aim at delivering a real competence and understanding, trying to avoid useless memorizing just a set of procedures and rules.
Lesson period: Second semester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course can be attended as a single course.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
Class is organized into three big areas:
1) causation in the law: if and when an illness is actually related to a chemical production, both for compensation purposes and in relation to criminal liability of the employer and any other person involved in production; this knowledge is essential in order to assess liability and defend, when an health problem arises in the context of a production that involves usage of either dangerous or carcinogen chemicals.
2) Within a chemical production setting it is of utmost importance being aware of the big principles stated in EU legislation on protection of health of employees. We will look into risk assessment principles (exam of the working process, identification of risks and hazards) and criteria to choose preventive measures, with a special emphasis on chemical production.
3) a final small part of class will teach what are European rules and procedure to classify as dangerous or carcinogen a substance (CLP and REACH regulation). This is essential both to detect if dangerous substance are being used at the workplace so to use proper prevention, but also in production, so to be aware of the legal framework concerning how to classify and label a substance being produced or imported, and placed in the market.
1) causation in the law: if and when an illness is actually related to a chemical production, both for compensation purposes and in relation to criminal liability of the employer and any other person involved in production; this knowledge is essential in order to assess liability and defend, when an health problem arises in the context of a production that involves usage of either dangerous or carcinogen chemicals.
2) Within a chemical production setting it is of utmost importance being aware of the big principles stated in EU legislation on protection of health of employees. We will look into risk assessment principles (exam of the working process, identification of risks and hazards) and criteria to choose preventive measures, with a special emphasis on chemical production.
3) a final small part of class will teach what are European rules and procedure to classify as dangerous or carcinogen a substance (CLP and REACH regulation). This is essential both to detect if dangerous substance are being used at the workplace so to use proper prevention, but also in production, so to be aware of the legal framework concerning how to classify and label a substance being produced or imported, and placed in the market.
Prerequisites for admission
No previous knowledge or class is requested to attend class.
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons during which contents of class are being explained and, just after explanations, real cases are being discussed with students so that understanding is verified and clarifications are made. Cases, for example, include deciding how to write a chemical risk assessment or whether a disease is caused by a substance used in the process or not. Anything explained is supported by slides previously published in MyAriel/Moodle platform. Accordingly, attendance is strongly encouraged.
Teaching Resources
Study is supported by slides, that include both the theorical part and summary of cases; only for carcinogen risk EU directive and for dangerous chemical directive direct study of the EU legislation is requested. Reference books are not available since class teaches parts of employment, public and criminal law and corresponding law school books would be excessively long and complicated for non-law students: their content has therefore been simplified in published slides.
Assessment methods and Criteria
Multiple choice written exam, involving both testing of information being learnt and its actual understanding through reasoning and examples. Intermediate exams will be available for attending students. If passed, exam grade will be scored from 18/30 (lowest) to 30/30 (best). Grade system also includes 30/30 with honors.
IUS/07 - LABOUR LAW - University credits: 6
Lessons: 48 hours
Mautone Giuseppe
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