Chemical Plants with Lab

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The students address the basic issues related to the main plant technologies, both from a theoretical and experimental point of view. In particular, they will learn: 1) the classification of unit operations; 2) the basic principles for their sizing; 3) the criteria for the choice of reactors and unit operations; 4) the management of chemical plants in laboratory scale and their interpretation also using process simulation tools.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course, the student must be able to carry out quantitative calculations for the sizing of individual unit operations, material and energy balances, make a rational choice on the type of equipment necessary in a chemical plant to perform various functions. In particular:
- Define correctly the different unit operations of a chemical plant
- Describe the operation of a unit operation with the correct technical terms
- Calculate mass and energy balances related to different parts of the plant
- Correctly size the different unit operations based on the available data (with particular reference to distillation/rectification, absorption, extraction, fluidization, filtration, compression, and pumping)
- Correctly select the different unit operations based on plant requirements
- Interpret a technical document (Process Flow Diagram) of the plant and be able to describe it
- Draw a technical document (Process Flow Diagram) of the plant
- Interpret an instrumental technical document (Piping and Instrumentation Diagram) of the plant and be able to describe it
- Describe the experimental equipment used in the laboratory
- Describe the experimental procedures used in the laboratory
- Describe the calculations for interpreting the data collected in the laboratory
- Illustrate the principles on which process simulation is based
- Use process simulation software to calculate vapor pressures, fluid phase equilibria, and to represent distillation and absorption columns
- Describe the structure and units present in the virtual Crude Distillation Unit plant
- Describe the working procedures to be used in the virtual Crude Distillation Unit plant
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Prerequisites for admission
The student must know stoichiometry, the fundamentals of mathematics and physics covered in the basic courses, and must have at least a qualitatively understanding of the concepts of transport phenomena (of heat, mass and momentum), covered for example in the industrial physical chemistry course. Furthermore, the symbols and structure of a flowsheet must have been assimilated, as presented for example in the Industrial Chemistry course.
Assessment methods and Criteria
Module Chemical Plants

The exam consists of a written and an oral test. For the written test, the resolution of a problem similar to the exercises carried out in class is required. A large number of cases are reported both on the course's Ariel website and in the textbooks used. Students can consult all the material they deem appropriate during the test, including texts, handouts, etc. They must have sheets of graph paper for any graphic constructions. Obviously, communication between students and with the outside world is not permitted, therefore PCs, smartwatches, smartphones or tablets are not allowed. The duration is 2 hours. If the test is sufficient (score >15/30), the student is admitted to the oral exam.
The oral test consists of two questions on two topics covered during the course. Furthermore, during the oral test a process flowsheet will be discussed.
During the evaluation of the written test, in addition to the ability to set the solution, the ability to recognize the reasonableness of a result is ascertained. During the evaluation of the oral exam, the student must first demonstrate to have understood the physical foundation of the topic covered, the assumptions and its importance in the application field. At the same time, you must demonstrate that you are able to (correctly) quantify the phenomenon under examination using the models seen during the course.

Module Lab

Practical experiments will be carried out in groups of 3/4 students. The Group will lay down a report that will be discussed with the teacher.
Overall the exams will aim to:
1) check the ability to size a unit operation
2) check the ability to choose the most appropriate thermodynamic package to describe the system
3) understanding the principles and experiments deepened in the lab.
Module: Chemical plants
Course syllabus
Finding thermodynamic data and mention to group contribution methods.

Applied thermodynamics: models for activity and fugacity coefficients.

Vapor-liquid equilibrium (VLE) in ideal and non-ideal cases; thermodynamic consistency of VLE. VLE diagrams.

Liquid-liquid Equilibrium (LLE): diagrams for binary and ternary mixtures.

Classification of unit Operations by logic function, criteria for sizing and costing.
Classification of ideal reactors, basics of ideal reactor sizing.

Distillation, sizing and rating: flash, stage and packed columns, binary and multi-component mixtures. Discontinuous operations. Theoretical stages and efficiency models.

Absorption: unit operations for absorption and stripping. Columns and packings, sizing and rating of columns, pressure drop assessment. Absorption with stage columns, sizing.

Liquid-liquid extraction: sizing and rating, partition and selectivity coefficients, choice of the solvent.

Equipment to supply energy to fluids (e.g. pumps, compressors).

Fluidised beds.


Fundamentals of process simulation software.

Exercises on each topic.
Teaching methods
Lectures and exercises will be mixed, to fix the main concepts. Exercises will be planned on licenced software for process simulation. This module is strictly correlated to the lab.
Teaching Resources
- F. Cavani, G. Centi, M. Di Serio, I. Rossetti, A. Salvini, G. Strukul, "Fondamenti di chimica industriale. Materie prime, prodotti, processi, sostenibilità", Zanichelli, 2022.
- B.E.Poling, J.M.Prausnitz, J.P. O'Connell, " The Properties of Gases and Liquids" McGraw-Hill, 2001.
- W.L. Mc Cabe, J.C. Smith, P. Harriot, "Unit operations of chemical
engineering", Mc Graw Hill, 2001.
- J.M. Douglas, "Conceptual design of chemical processes", Mc Graw Hill, 1988.
- V. Ragaini, C. Pirola, "Processi di Separazione nell'Industria Chimica", Hoepli

Didactic material provided by the teacher through the myAriel platform (pay attention to consider the active academic year).
Module: Lab chemical plants
Course syllabus
The following experiences will be carried out in the laboratory:
Exercise 1: Measure the vapor pressure of a liquid at different temperatures
Exercise 2: Collection of liquid / vapor equilibrium data of a binary mixture in an isobaric condition
Exercise 3: Conducting continuous multi-trays distillation column
Exercise 4: Conduction of an absorption column with different ratios of liquid / gas flow rates
Exercise 5: Visit and exercise on a virtual plant of Crude Distillation Unit by a ITS (Immersive Training System)
Exercise 6: Introduction to the ARDUINO system to create and programme process instrumentation. Basic theory, basic programming, assembly and testing of a temperature measurement system
Data processing and process simulation will also be carried out for all experiences.
Teaching methods
Students will carry out practical exercises in groups of 3-4 people. At the end of the laboratory, each group will have to prepare a written report, with the collected results and numerical and simulation elaborations explained in class. Each student will then have to have an oral examination. In this exam, the knowledge of the experimental plants and procedures, of the numerical elaborations and of the process simulation will be verified.
Teaching Resources
- V. Ragaini, C. Pirola, "Processi di Separazione nell'Industria Chimica", Hoepli
- Slides discussed and explained during lessons
- Laboratory notes (available)
Module: Chemical plants
ING-IND/25 - CHEMICAL PLANTS - University credits: 6
Practicals: 16 hours
Lessons: 40 hours
Professor: Rossetti Ilenia Giuseppina
Module: Lab chemical plants
ING-IND/25 - CHEMICAL PLANTS - University credits: 6
Laboratories: 64 hours
Lessons: 16 hours
Professor: Pirola Carlo
Professor: Pirola Carlo
Educational website(s)
Monday: 9:30-13:30 am
Pilot Plants Laboratory (Build # 7 of the Chemistry Departement)
Everytime upon appointment by mail
Office of the teacher or MS Teams