Certification of Food and Animal Sectors

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The purpose of the Control and Certification of o.a. supply chains course is for students to develop knowledge and understanding of: European regulations and Italian legislation related to food safety, microbiological criteria, criteria, and significance of voluntary certifications, o.a. supply chains
Expected learning outcomes
1. Knowledge and understanding: the student, at the end of the course, will be expected to demonstrate knowledge of/about European regulations and Italian legislation related to food safety, microbiological criteria, criteria and significance of voluntary certifications, o.a. supply chains.
2. Ability to apply knowledge and understanding:
Will need to demonstrate the ability to make an exposition with evaluations of the topics
3. Critical skills and judgment: the student will have to demonstrate the ability to critically argue the information acquired.
Specific exercises and group work are addressed in this regard.
4. Ability to communicate what has been learned: the student will have to demonstrate the ability to express himself/herself with scientifically appropriate terminology particularly with regard to terminology referring to European regulations, technical language, correct Italian.
Exercises and group work are intended to stimulate the ability to express oneself correctly and the ability to discuss scientifically with peers.
5. Ability to pursue study independently throughout life: the student will have to demonstrate the ability to use the knowledge acquired to enter the world of work with the basis to be able to deal with the multiple activities in the agribusiness sector also helping himself/herself with available sources of knowledge and good mental organization.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
Evolution of food legislation (3 hours)
The White Paper on Food Safety (1 hour)
The European Food Regulations (8 hours)
Food security: basic concepts (3 hours)
Supply chain control (6 hours)
System and product certifications (5 hours)
Lab Accreditation based on ISO 17025 (2 hours)
The official food check (3 hours)
OSA and OSM obligations (3 hours)
Prerequisites for workplaces and workers in the food industry (3 hours)
Drinking water (3 hours)
Drafting of a Quality Manual and management procedures (10 hours)
Mass and commercial catering (6 hours)
Prerequisites for admission
Basic knowledge of italian and europea regulations on food safety
Teaching methods
Lessons and group works.
Teaching Resources
The referee documents are released on the Ariel platform.
Assessment methods and Criteria
Verbal examination at at the end of the course. The judgment 'criteria are: knowledge of all the teaching arguments , personal elaboration skills, fluent Italian and English language.
Practicals: 16 hours
Lessons: 40 hours
by appointment
Lab. Food Inspection