Celtic Archaeology

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course aims to provide a broad framework of knowledge relating to peoples archaeologically connotable as Celtic who lived during the Ist millennium BC in continental Europe and south of the Alps, with particular regard to the complexes referable to the Golasecca Celts (I Iron Age) and to the La Tène Celts that from the 4th century BC onward spread in the so-called Gallia Cisalpina.
Pratically, the aim is to achieve the capacity to recognize and interpretate the sources, that in addition to the archaeological record from inhabited, funerary and cultural sites, include epigraphic documents and classical texts as well, and to examinate the relationship between material culture and cultural identity.
Furthermore, taking into account that during the Iron Age the region covered by the topic assumes the structure that still characterizes it and its main cities arose, the course can represent a reflection on how the protohistoric archaeology can contribute to the interpretation of the current landscape in its diachronic stratification and to the debate relating to ethnicity and cultural identity, also referred to the contemporary.
Expected learning outcomes
Knowledge of archaeological sources, with particular regard to material culture and productions, artistic expressions, settlement dynamics, funerary documentation, economics and exchanges.
Ability to use archaeological sources in order to read and interpret the ideological aspects and the social and economic structures that characterize the ancient societies under the topic .
Knowledge of literature, seminal sources and interpretations that have most significantly contributed to the understanding of the contexts and critical ability to evaluate open problems and possible divergent interpretations of phenomena.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
L-ANT/01 - PREHISTORY AND EARLY HISTORY - University credits: 6
Lessons: 40 hours