Catering Technology

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course provides the description of physical phenomena and transformations occurring in food products during typical operations of foodservice, with solution of quantitative mass and energy balance in the case of some operations. Principles of organization and management of the main flow sheets of foodservice are described, with lay out of foodservice plants and operational schemes of main plants. The EU regulations about food safety, principles and structure of Food safety management systems and HACCP methodology are examined.
Expected learning outcomes
Students will acquire knowledge to evaluate physical phenomena and transformations that occur in food during foodservice operations and ability to solve simple mass and energy balances. They will be able to apply dimensioning and optimization criteria to food plants and appliances. Students will be able to comprehend and analyze typical flow sheets and lay outs of foodservice processes and plants, in terms of quality and effectiveness. Students will be able to apply, evaluate and design food safety management systems in catering activities.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
Food technology and food catering technology: definitions, schematization and classification of operations and processes. Physical magnitudes and units, unit systems and unit conversion. Mass balances (with numerical exercises). Heat transfer: conduction and convection (with numerical exercises). Energy balances, physical properties of saturated steam (with numerical exercises). Food deterioration: main phenomena and determinants. Food preservation principles and techniques: physical methods (pasteurization and sterilization, refrigeration and freezing, control of the atmosphere, reduction of water content and water activity), chemical and biological methods. Kinetic relations and models applied to shelf-life studies and microbial growth and thermal inactivation. Principles of food catering organization and management: description of production and distribution processes, flow-sheets, design and lay-out of production plants, procedures and operational control systems. Schemes and features of machines and appliances typical of catering technology (cooking, refrigeration and freezing, storage, transport) and characteristics of constructing materials. Cooking of food: effects of cooking on food matrices and food quality; cooking systems and appliances. Food hygiene control in foodservice: regulatory framework and voluntary standards; the HACCP method and prerequisite procedures; organization and implementation of food safety control systems. Lectures by profesisonals and experts, and a technical visit to a company in the sector will be organized during the course.
Prerequisites for admission
Knowledge of basic disciplines (mathematics, physics, biology) are necessary to comprehend the topics treated in the course. It is highly recommended to have passed the exams of mathematics, elements of physics, and elements of general biology.
Teaching methods
The main teaching form will be classroom lectures and classroom calculation exercises held by the teacher. Lectures by professionals and experts in the sector and a technical visit to a foodservice organisation will be organised during the course.
Teaching Resources
Slides and ohter materials (excercises, regulatory texts, guidelines, other texts) provided by the teachers, available in the ARIEL platform (;
recommended text: S. Ciappellano. Manuale della Ristorazione, Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, 2009.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam consists of a written test (duration 2 hours), which includes the solution of exercises related to material and energy balances and heat transfer, similar to those faced during course practice, and the answer to open questions on issues and concepts discussed in the course. The exam will assess the ability to solve numerical problems through the application of appropriate mathematical and physical relationships; the ability to describe physical and biological phenomena, principles of organization and management of production systems, with analytical and synthesis skills. An intermediate written test (duration 1 hour) concerning the calculation exercises and the related topics will be scheduled. Passing the intermediate test allows to take a final exam that excludes that part of the program; the vote of the intermediate test contributes to the final vote coherently to the respective CFU. Registration for the exam is through Unimia. The final grade is expressed by a mark out of thirty and communicated through Unimia.
Students with specific learning disabilities or other disabilities are requested to contact the Professor via email at least 10 days before the exam session to agree on any individualized measure. In the email addressed to the teacher, the respective University services must be registered in CC: [email protected] (for students with LD) and [email protected] (for students with disabilities).
AGR/15 - FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY - University credits: 8
Practicals: 8 hours
Lessons: 60 hours
upon appointment
Settore Didattico Colombo, Via Mangiagalli, 25; IV floor, room n. 4058