Biotechnology of Food Fermentation
A.Y. 2024/2025
Learning objectives
The course aims to provide students with adequate cultural and operational tools necessary for the management of microbiological resources and the innovation of food processes in which micro-organisms are involved also through the use of supplementary educational tools and laboratory activities.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the teachinh course the students will learn about the biology of microorganisms of food interest with particular reference to the industrial applications in which these microorganisms are used. Students will have acquired theoretical and practical competence in the design / management of food fermentations for the production of microbial biomass or food.
Lesson period: First semester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course can be attended as a single course.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
Programme: Lactic acid synthesis, analysis of metabolic steps influencing acidification time course; proteolytic systems of lactic acid bacteria, effects on cell metabolism and cheese ripening; autolysis in food related bacteria, molecular description and biotechnological role; production of microbial flavours; bacteriocins , description, classification, mechanism of action and their application in food preservation; Yeast killer toxins, genetic characterization, biosynthesis and biotechnological role; food-related microbial genomic, how to read a genome; genetic improvement of food related bacteria through food-grade procedures; metabolomic ingeneering of food related microrganisms to improve their technological attitudes.
Students will be involved in tne development of a research project for a total of 2 CFU. The project will be developed experimentally in the laboratory of the Department of Food Environmental and Nutritional Sciences. Research groups will be organized to have a maximum of 5-7 students that will identify "project leader" for each group. A final scientific report written in English language will be produced by each group.
Students will be involved in tne development of a research project for a total of 2 CFU. The project will be developed experimentally in the laboratory of the Department of Food Environmental and Nutritional Sciences. Research groups will be organized to have a maximum of 5-7 students that will identify "project leader" for each group. A final scientific report written in English language will be produced by each group.
Prerequisites for admission
Knowledge of general microbiology, industrial microbiology and biochemistry.
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons and remote lectures as indicated in the "Didactic emergency phase" section.
Teaching Resources
Lecture slides and reference textbooks are available on the web site MyAriel of the course. The teachers are available for further clarification by appointment. During the emergency teaching phase, the recordings of the lectures will also be available on ARIEL.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam will take place through an oral interview. The final mark will be expressed as the average of the mark assigned after the oral interview and that obtained from the evaluation of the report related to the applied research project assigned.
Students with DSA and with disabilities, the teacher at least15 days before the exam date scheduled to agree on any individualized measures are pregat* by email. In the email addressed to the teacher it is necessary to put the respective university services in CC: [email protected] (for students with DSA) and [email protected] (for students with disabilities).
The examination method described is considered effective to achieve an assessment of the skills acquired by the student in the biotechnology of food fermentations, which examines in their entirety and complexity, the topics covered in class and during laboratory activities.
Registration for the exam will take place through the SIFA system.
Students with DSA and with disabilities, the teacher at least15 days before the exam date scheduled to agree on any individualized measures are pregat* by email. In the email addressed to the teacher it is necessary to put the respective university services in CC: [email protected] (for students with DSA) and [email protected] (for students with disabilities).
The examination method described is considered effective to achieve an assessment of the skills acquired by the student in the biotechnology of food fermentations, which examines in their entirety and complexity, the topics covered in class and during laboratory activities.
Registration for the exam will take place through the SIFA system.
AGR/16 - AGRICULTURAL MICROBIOLOGY - University credits: 6
Laboratories: 32 hours
Lessons: 32 hours
Lessons: 32 hours
Arioli Stefania, Mora Diego
Educational website(s)