Biotechnologies Applied to Reproduction, Development and Regenerative Medicine

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
VET/01 VET/10
Learning objectives
The objective of this course is to provide scientific knowledge on in vitro embryo production, micromanipulation of gametes and embryos, molecular and cellular mechanisms driving embryo development. This knowledge will be applied to stem cell biology, both adult and tissue-specific, as well as embryo-derived. Further knowhow will cover the cutting age technologies such as cell conversion and reprogramming. Information about clinical applications of these techniques for the treatment of infertility and for the improvement of reproductive performances of domestic animals as well as the therapeutic use of stem cells will be critically evaluated. At the end students will be informed about sustainability issues indicating what strategies can be applied in the laboratory to limit environmental impact.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course students will demonstrate their knowledge on the main requirements of an in vitro embryo production system as well as the meaning and the potential application of micromanipulation techniques applied to gametes and embryos. In addition, students will show a good understanding of the main molecular and cellular mechanisms driving embryo development, stem cell biology and cell reprogramming technologies. Student independent judgment will be demonstrated by the ability to critically read the specific literature. It is also expected that their communication skills using scientific terminology will be improved by this practice. In parallel, an environmentally aware laboratory attitude will be acquired.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
Unit 1: Biotechnology of Reproduction
Lectures and Practicals:
- in vitro systems of embryo production
- in vitro capacitation and selection of spermatozoa
- equipment for micromanipulation of gametes and embryos
- micromanipulation of gametes
- micromanipulation of embryos
- principles of cryoconservation of gametes and embryos
- superovulation and estrus synchronization
- embryo transfer
- application of micromanipulation in infertility treatment and for the improvement of reproductive performances in domestic animals
- colture of stem cells of extra-fetal origin
- cloning
- strategies for environmental sustainability in the Biotecnology of Reproduction Lab.

Unit 2: Molecular Embryology
Lectures and Practicals:
- Key molecules in early embryo development
- Trofectoderm and inner cell mass. Transcription factors controlling cell plasticity
- Imprinting and epigenetic regulation
- Maternal and paternal contribution to the mitotic spindle, centromere, and centrioles
- Cytoplasm compartimentalization
- Telomerase and cell death
- Epigenetics and cell fate definition
- Developmental cues, gradients, morphogenesis
- Genome editing (siRNA, ZFN, Talens, Crispr/Cas)
- Strategies for environmental sustainability in the Molecular Embryology Lab.

Unit 3: Regenerative medicine, biological principles and laboratory procedures
- Stem cells: biological principles
- Embryonic stem cells (ESC): origins and biological characteristics
- The molecular mechanisms that regulate pluripotency of ESCs
- Cellular reprogramming and iPS cells
- Cellular chemical reprogramming
- Mesenchymal stem cells
- Stem cells and global sustainability (development of meat and fish products, animal and species conservation).
Prerequisites for admission
It is advisable to know Histology, Anatomy, Physiology and Embryology.
Teaching methods
Attendance is strongly recommended for lectures and exercises.
Frontal lessons and laboratory exercises in small groups are given.
In the lectures, students are involved by stimulating their interest and encouraging them to participate by asking questions and asking to summarize parts already covered in the previous lessons.
In small group practical exercises, the student is guided to achieve autonomy in the manual skills necessary for the evaluation and treatment of gametes and cells in vitro.
Teaching Resources
- Gordon I., Laboratory production of cattle embryos, CAB International, 1994, University Press, Cambridge. ISBN 0 85198 928 4.
- Palermo, G. D., & Sills, E. S. (Eds.). (2018). Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection: Indications, Techniques and Applications. Springer. ISBN 978-3-319-70496-8
- Fleming, S. D., & King, R. S. (Eds.) (2003). Micromanipulation in Assisted Conception: A Users' Manual and Troubleshooting Guide. Cambridge University Press. ISBN-13 978-0-521-64847-9
- Biologia e tecniche della riproduzione / a cura di Lucia Rocco (2021). Edi.Ermes. ISBN : 9788870517477
- Scientific Papers
- Slides of the Lectures in Ariel
Assessment methods and Criteria
The written exam consist in open and multiple choice questions aimed at ascertaining the acquisition of knowledge during the course both during the theoretical lessons and during the practical exercises. Minimum approval grade is 18 and the maximum grade is 30 "cum laude" (with honors).
VET/01 - VETERINARY ANATOMY - University credits: 6
Practicals: 48 hours
Lessons: 48 hours
1 Esercitazioni per tutti gli studenti
Professor: Lange Consiglio Anna
2 Esercitazioni per tutti gli studenti
Professor: Lange Consiglio Anna
3 - Esercitazion e ripetuta per un gruppo di studenti
Professor: Colombo Martina
4- Esercitazione ripetuta per un gruppo di studenti
Professor: Colombo Martina
5 - Esercitazioni per tuti gli studenti
Professor: Pennarossa Georgia