Biosecurity and Management

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
AGR/18 VET/05 VET/06
Learning objectives
Provide knowledge on all the measures, policies and procedures useful for minimizing potential health risks in livestock farming. Provide knowledge on the main procedures for the prevention, control and eradication of infectious and parasitic diseases in animal husbandry. Provide the main individual biosecurity procedures. Provide knowledge to prevent the entry of pathogens and their spread in the farm. Provide knowledge on vaccine, antimicrobial, antiparasitic, diagnostic and nutritional approaches for the prevention and control of infections and infestations. Provide skills in the implementation and management of biosecurity plans for livestock farms; evaluation of farm biosecurity plans and implementation of preventive and corrective protocols of infectious and parasitic diseases including nutritional and immune aspects.
Expected learning outcomes
1. Knowledge and understanding: the student, at the end of the course, will have to demonstrate knowledge and ability to apply the main personal and company biosecurity procedures to be applied in farms.
2. Applying knowledge and understanding: the student will have to demonstrate that he/she possesses the knowledge and concepts useful to propose and apply the main biosecurity procedures. The student will have to demonstrate the ability to propose biosecurity plans and apply preventive and corrective protocols in different types of farms.
3. Critical and judgment skills: the student will be expected to demonstrate the ability to critically argue the information acquired. Specific exercises, group work and specific educational outings are aimed to evaluate and propose changes to existing field realities.
4. Communication: the student will have to demonstrate the ability to use scientifically appropriate terminology, in particular concerning the terminology referring to biosafety procedures. The exercises are intended to stimulate the ability to express oneself correctly and the ability to discuss scientifically with peers.
5. Lifelong learning skills: the student will have to demonstrate the ability to use the knowledge acquired to interpret any new hygienic-sanitary situations that require changes/implementation of corporate biosecurity, with the help of available sources of knowledge and a good mental organization.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
First semester
Prerequisites for admission
No prior knowledge required
Assessment methods and Criteria
The examination consists of an oral test on the topics discussed during the course. The candidate will be judged on the basis of knowledge of the topics, ability to critically reason about the study carried out; quality of exposition, competence in the use of specialist vocabulary, etc. . The collegia judgment will be expressed in thirtieths.
Course syllabus
Frontal lessons
Immunonutrition: basics and general aspects (1 hour)
Prohibition of antimicrobials for auxinic use: causes, effects and possibilities of substitution (1 hour)
Immune system recalls (2 hours)
Linoleic Acid Conjugates (CLA) (2 hours)
Fatty acids series ω-3 (2 hours)
Amino Acids and Nucleotides (2 hours)
Fiber, prebiotics and probiotics (2 hours)
Natural Extracts - Vitamins and Microelements (2 hours)
Applications in human nutrition (2 hours)

Practical training
Identification of specific products on the market - Internet search, Trade journals (4 hours)
Visit to sector events (4 hours)
Individual analysis of the characteristics of a commercial product and drawing up a report on a specific product in a species of the student's choice (8 hours).
Teaching methods
Frontal Lessons
Educational visits to industry events
Exercise activity in the computer room
Teaching Resources
Didactic material on myAriel's website
Biosecurity of poultry and rabbit farms
Course syllabus
Basic knowledge of Biosafety
- general biosecurity concepts and risk factors - 2 hours
- main diseases of poultry species - 8 hours
-main diseases of rabbits - 4 hours
- personal protective equipment and the biological risk - 2 hours
- biosecurity in poultry farming - 6 hours
- biosecurity in rabbit husbandry - 4 hours
- cleaning and disinfection of farms and means of transport - 2 hours
- official controls and prevention plans in biosecurity - 2 hours
Microorganisms as pathogens
- pathogenicity factors - 2 hours
- parasite-host interaction - 2 hours
- general concepts of infection prevention and control - 2 hours
- factors influencing the transmission and spread of infection - 2 hours
- vaccines and vaccination in poultry farming - 2 hours
- Vaccines and vaccination in rabbit farms - 2 hours
¬- antimicrobials and chemotherapeutics management and use - 2 hours
- antimicrobial resistance - 2 hours
Practice activities: realisation of a company biosafety plan; attendance of microbiology and pathological anatomy laboratories with reminders of biology, physiology and diagnostics; participation in scientific conferences, round tables and industry events - 32 hours
Teaching methods
Frontal lectures . Seminars and round tables; participation in workshops. Training in laboratories; visits to the farms; participation in events and conferences in the sector.
Teaching Resources
Material (publications, presentations, diagrams and protocols) provided and present on the myAriel website..
Recommended book: Dewulf J., Van Immerseel F., "Biosecurity in animal production and veterinary medicine. From principle to practice". Acco ed., 2018.
Parasitology and biosafety
Course syllabus
The lectures will focus on:
General aspects of parasite-host interaction (2 hours)
Main parasitic diseases of animals of zootechnical interest (ruminants and pigs): aetiology, biological cycle, epidemiology, effects on production and welfare (8 hours)
Control measures common to prevention (2 hours)
Main parasitic zoonoses: aetiology, biological cycle, epidemiology, prophylaxis (4 hours)
The laboratory exercises will focus on the recognition of the main parasites that cause parasitic diseases in animals of zootechnical interest (4 hours) and the practical application of the main techniques for diagnosing them (8). Example case studies for the application of biosecurity measures useful for the prevention of parasitic diseases will be proposed in seminars (4 hours).
Teaching methods
The teaching will be provided through lectures, laboratory exercises and seminars
Teaching Resources
Files distributed and updated annually by the teacher.
Reference books: Taylor M.A., Coop R.L, Wall R.L. "Parassitologia e Malattie parassitarie degli Animali", I Ediz Italiana, 2010, EMSI ROMA, ediz italiana a cura di Garippa G, Manfredi MT, Otranto D.
Biosecurity of poultry and rabbit farms
Practicals: 32 hours
Lessons: 48 hours
Professor: Grilli Guido
AGR/18 - ANIMAL NUTRITION AND FEEDING - University credits: 3
Practicals: 16 hours
Lessons: 16 hours
Professor: Rossi Raffaella
Professor: Rossi Raffaella
Parasitology and biosafety
Practicals: 16 hours
Lessons: 16 hours
Professor: Manfredi Maria Teresa