Biomolecular Experiment Planning
A.Y. 2024/2025
Learning objectives
The aim of the course is to provide knowledge for the practical setting and organization of biomolecular experimental approaches by focusing mainly on the bottom-up experimental planning, the criteria for the choice of the methodologies, the critic point assessment, and the experiment tracking documentation.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to critically plan biomolecular experimental projects for the resolution of biotechnological problems.
Lesson period: Second semester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course can be attended as a single course.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
Student can choose to attend this course at the first or at the second year (II semester).
As the skills acquired with this course are useful for the experimental degree internship activities, students are warmly recommended to attend the course in the first year.
Lesson attendance is really strongly encouraged since the single lessons are strictly connected with the previous ones.
It should be noted that the learning objectives, the expected learning outcomes and the program of this course ("Biomolecular experiment planning") are different from those described for "Biostatistics and design of experiments in biotechnology".
Analytical and preparative methodologies. Differences between analytical and preparative modes of a methodology and their role in an experimental approach. [0.2 CFU]
Experimental approach as a proper and sequential combination of different methodologies. [0.2 CFU]
Identification of the experimental aim and the effect on the plan. The search of most informative experimental aims. [0.5 CFU]
Qualitative and quantitative data. [0.2 CFU]
The importance of control samples in the application of a methodology. [0.1 CFU]
Bottom-up experimental planning. [0.2 CFU]
The experimental aim as starting point in building up an experimental approach. Choice of the methodologies and the assessment of the critic points. The importance of the sample material. [0.35 CFU]
Experimental documentation. The tracking of the experiment data. Image densitometry analysis to generate qualitative and semi-quantitative data from electrophoretic and blotting analyses. Simple data elaboration and presentation (e.g. reiterated calculations, standard curve, inhibition curve). [0.25 CFU]
The above-mentioned points will be limited to the experimental approaches based on biomolecular methodologies (e.g.: chromatography methods, enzyme methods, immunochemical assays, colorimetric assays, inhibition assays, electrophoretic methods, blotting analyses, DNA manipulation methods, etc.), and most part of the program will be exposed with the help of real case studies.
As the skills acquired with this course are useful for the experimental degree internship activities, students are warmly recommended to attend the course in the first year.
Lesson attendance is really strongly encouraged since the single lessons are strictly connected with the previous ones.
It should be noted that the learning objectives, the expected learning outcomes and the program of this course ("Biomolecular experiment planning") are different from those described for "Biostatistics and design of experiments in biotechnology".
Analytical and preparative methodologies. Differences between analytical and preparative modes of a methodology and their role in an experimental approach. [0.2 CFU]
Experimental approach as a proper and sequential combination of different methodologies. [0.2 CFU]
Identification of the experimental aim and the effect on the plan. The search of most informative experimental aims. [0.5 CFU]
Qualitative and quantitative data. [0.2 CFU]
The importance of control samples in the application of a methodology. [0.1 CFU]
Bottom-up experimental planning. [0.2 CFU]
The experimental aim as starting point in building up an experimental approach. Choice of the methodologies and the assessment of the critic points. The importance of the sample material. [0.35 CFU]
Experimental documentation. The tracking of the experiment data. Image densitometry analysis to generate qualitative and semi-quantitative data from electrophoretic and blotting analyses. Simple data elaboration and presentation (e.g. reiterated calculations, standard curve, inhibition curve). [0.25 CFU]
The above-mentioned points will be limited to the experimental approaches based on biomolecular methodologies (e.g.: chromatography methods, enzyme methods, immunochemical assays, colorimetric assays, inhibition assays, electrophoretic methods, blotting analyses, DNA manipulation methods, etc.), and most part of the program will be exposed with the help of real case studies.
Prerequisites for admission
General knowledge of the principles of biochemistry and molecular biology methodologies.
Teaching methods
Frontal lectures
Teaching Resources
Slides of any single lecture, unit handouts and bibliographic material will be provided by the teacher through the Ariel online platform ( ). The "forum" tool of the Ariel online platform will be used to collectively discuss questions/problems that will arise during the lessons.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam consists of an oral interview. The interview will be primed by 1 or 2 questions using as insight a figure reporting some of the results of a sampled paper, and will assess the ability to organize, to choose the appropriate experimental methodologies, to understand, planning and comment an experimental approach. Sampled paper can be selected among those proposed in Ariel site, or can be proposed by the student. In last case it must be agreed with the teacher.
Specific procedures for exams to students with disabilities or specific learning disabilities (DSA) will be applied. Here the complete information:
In case you need specific procedures, please inform the teacher by mail at least 10 days before the exam, including in the addresses [email protected] or [email protected]
Specific procedures for exams to students with disabilities or specific learning disabilities (DSA) will be applied. Here the complete information:
In case you need specific procedures, please inform the teacher by mail at least 10 days before the exam, including in the addresses [email protected] or [email protected]
BIO/10 - BIOCHEMISTRY - University credits: 2
Lessons: 16 hours
Forlani Fabio
Forlani FabioEducational website(s)
By appointment (request by email)
DeFENS - Sezione di Scienze Chimiche e Biomolecolari (ex DISMA; bldg 21040 Facoltà di Scienze Agrarie e Alimentari)